This tutorial introduces the Associative Memory (AM) module in the SPA.
An associative memory is a neural network used to store and recall patterns. When the network receives a partial or noisy pattern at the input, it can either recover the same pattern or recall another stored pattern. If the recovered pattern is the same as the input pattern, the memory is said to be autoassociative or a clean-up memory. Otherwise, if the recovered pattern is different from the presented one, the network is heteroassociative.
Patterns stored by the AM module in the SPA are semantic pointers organised in a SPA vocabulary. The examples in this tutorial demonstrate how to use the AM module to store and recall patterns. Advanced functionality of the module, such as the recall of multiple memories similar to the input, is also presented.
A theoretical explanation on how the associative memory is implemented in NEF is available in Stewart et al. 2010.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import nengo
from nengo import spa
We start by creating a set of patterns the AM will store. The vocabulary
in this example contains five words:
. Each word is
represented as a semantic pointer, an \(n\)-dimensional vector. When
creating a vocabulary, we specify the number of dimensions for all
semantic pointers. Then, we add the words to the vocabulary with
In [2]:
dim = 32
vocab = spa.Vocabulary(dimensions=dim)
for word in words:
Next, we create an autoassociative memory with a corresponding set of stored patterns. To check the functionality of the memory module, we want to test whether the pattern at the input has been successfully retrieved at the output.
The memory is created within a spa.SPA
module. Using the
module we set the name of the semantic pointer APPLE
as the input to the associative memory. nengo.Probe
s have been
added to record inputs and outputs of the module, which we plot for
visual inspection. Finally, we run the simulation for the 0.2 seconds
simulation time.
In [3]:
with spa.SPA('AssociativeMemory', seed=1) as model_1:
# create the AM module
model_1.assoc_mem = spa.AssociativeMemory(input_vocab=vocab)
# present input to the AM
model_1.am_input = spa.Input(assoc_mem='APPLE')
# record the inputs and outputs during the simulation
input_probe = nengo.Probe(model_1.assoc_mem.input)
output_probe = nengo.Probe(model_1.assoc_mem.output, synapse=0.03)
with nengo.Simulator(model_1) as sim:
t = sim.trange()
We gather the simulation data:
In [4]:
input_data =[input_probe]
output_data =[output_probe]
print("Input dimensions: (%d, %d)" % input_data.shape)
print("Output dimensions: (%d, %d)" % output_data.shape)
Input dimensions: (200, 32)
Output dimensions: (200, 32)
We use a dot product (implemented in
) to
compare the similarity of inputs and outputs to all patterns in the
vocabulary at every time step. Recall that the first dimension
corresponds to the number of time steps and the second dimension to the
32-dimensional pattern represented in the associative memory. If the
similarity between the output vector and the input vector is close to
one, we can say that the associative memory successfully retrieved the
pattern (or cleaned up the input).
In [5]:
def plot_similarities(input_data,
if vocab2 is None:
vocab2 = vocab1
ymin, ymax = -1.2, 1.2
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)
if autoscale:
plt.autoscale(autoscale, axis='y')
plt.plot(t, spa.similarity(input_data, vocab1))
plt.title("Input similarity")
vocab1.keys, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.13), ncol=3)
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.plot(t, spa.similarity(output_data, vocab2))
plt.title("Output similarity")
plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)
if autoscale:
plt.autoscale(autoscale, axis='y')
vocab2.keys, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.13), ncol=3)
In [6]:
plot_similarities(input_data, output_data, vocab)
We see that the network input has been constant throughout the
simulation (APPLE=1
). Notice that there might be some small
similarity between the pattern APPLE
and some other patterns. This
is because the semantic pointers are not perfectly orthogonal and the
dot product will amount to some value different from zero. This can be
improved by increasing the dimensionality of vectors, yielding more
orthogonal representations. At the output, the similarity of the
represented semantic pointer with the semantic pointer APPLE
increases until it reaches the maximal value (=1
). This means that
the associative memory successfully retrieved the input pattern. The
exponential increase is due to the synaptic filtering in
. This is used to show how the input to another group of
neurons connected to the output of this particular AM module would look
In the next example, we show the ability of the associative memory to retrieve a clean pattern from a noisy input. This is a very common use of autoassociative memories, also called clean-up as the AM removes the noise in the input.
Now, we construct a noisy semantic pointer using a combination of
several semantic pointers. This is done by passing the expression
as the input to the the network.
The resulting input vector will still be mostly similar to one semantic
pointer (APPLE
) but is also somewhat similar to other semantic
pointers in the vocabulary. Therefore, the task of the network will be
to clean up the vector APPLE
. One way to achieve this in SPA is by
using the thresholding mechanism in the AM module. By default, the
threshold in spa.AssociativeMemory
is set to 0.3, assuming that
random noise fluctuations in the input should not be contained at the
output of the network. By specifying the threshold, the output will be
similar only to those inputs whose similarity with a vocabulary item is
above a certain value. In this example we will increase the selectivity
of the AM by setting the threshold to to a higher value:
In [7]:
with spa.SPA('CleanupThreshold', seed=1) as model_3:
model_3.assoc_mem = spa.AssociativeMemory(input_vocab=vocab, threshold=0.7)
input_expr = '0.9*APPLE + 0.5*CHERRY + 0.4*APRICOT'
model_3.am_input = spa.Input(assoc_mem=input_expr)
input_probe = nengo.Probe(model_3.assoc_mem.input)
output_probe = nengo.Probe(model_3.assoc_mem.output, synapse=0.03)
with nengo.Simulator(model_3) as sim:
t = sim.trange()
input_data =[input_probe]
output_data =[output_probe]
plot_similarities(input_data, output_data, vocab)
We see that the vector at the input is mostly similar to the semantic
pointer APPLE
and somewhat similar to the semantic pointer
. The vector at the output is very similar to the APPLE
indicating that the memory successfully cleaned up the noisy pattern. We
can indicate that we want to completely recover the pattern at the
output by setting the parameter threshold_output
to True
. This
will produce a vector at the output which has similarity one with the
semantic pointer APPLE
In some modelling scenarios we might have an input vector which is very similar to several other vectors in the vocabulary:
In [8]:
with spa.SPA('Cleanup', seed=1) as model_2:
model_2.assoc_mem = spa.AssociativeMemory(input_vocab=vocab)
# noisy input
input_expr = '0.9*APPLE + 0.85*CHERRY + 0.7*APRICOT'
model_2.am_input = spa.Input(assoc_mem=input_expr)
input_probe = nengo.Probe(model_2.assoc_mem.input)
output_probe = nengo.Probe(model_2.assoc_mem.output, synapse=0.03)
In [9]:
with nengo.Simulator(model_2) as sim:
t = sim.trange()
input_data =[input_probe]
output_data =[output_probe]
plot_similarities(input_data, output_data, vocab)
We see that the input is very similar to semantic pointers APPLE
and somewhat similar to APRICOT
. In this situation, it
might be difficult to determine a fixed threshold which will clean up
the input and differentiate between the vectors APPLE
. To ensure that only one vector at the output is similar to
the strongest input, we can set the parameter wta_output
is a computational principle called winner-take-all,
stating that one, mostly active element should be regarded as the winner
among possible, less similar alternatives. Again, we set
to True
to fully recover the pattern:
In [10]:
with spa.SPA('CleanupThreshold', seed=1) as model_3:
model_3.assoc_mem = spa.AssociativeMemory(
input_vocab=vocab, wta_output=True, threshold_output=True)
input_expr = '0.9*APPLE + 0.85*CHERRY + 0.7*APRICOT'
model_3.am_input = spa.Input(assoc_mem=input_expr)
input_probe = nengo.Probe(model_3.assoc_mem.input)
output_probe = nengo.Probe(model_3.assoc_mem.output, synapse=0.03)
with nengo.Simulator(model_3) as sim:
t = sim.trange()
input_data =[input_probe]
output_data =[output_probe]
plot_similarities(input_data, output_data, vocab)
Although the input vector is very similar to both APPLE
, the memory manages to recover the APPLE
at the output.
To model a variety of interesting memory phenomena, it is often useful to store relationships between different sets of patterns. For example, to simulate number counting from 1 to 5, the memory needs to store the relationships between patterns representing numbers: \(1\rightarrow2,\ 2\rightarrow3,\ 3\rightarrow4,\ 4\rightarrow5\)
In this example we show how to use spa.AssociativeMemory
to this
task. In order to achieve the number counting, we will split the task
into two parts:
recall 2
, for 2
recall 3
etc.)As in the previous example, we start by defining a vocabulary that stores semantic pointes representing five numbers. This will be used as the input and as the output vocabulary. In case of hetero-associative memories the input and the output vocabulary can differ.
In [11]:
dim = 16
vocab_numbers = spa.Vocabulary(dimensions=dim)
# a quicker way to add words to a vocabulary
vocab_numbers.parse('ONE + TWO + THREE + FOUR + FIVE')
< at 0x260a7985be0>
Now, in function input_fun
we define which semantic pointer is going
to be present at the input at certain simulation time. Because we want
to achieve a heteroassociative mapping, we need to specify which input
patterns map to which output patterns. The desired mapping in specified
by providing input_keys
and output_keys
arguments when creating
the AM module:
In [12]:
def input_fun(t):
if t < 0.2:
return 'ONE'
elif t < 0.4:
return 'TWO'
elif t < 0.6:
return 'THREE'
elif t < 0.8:
return 'FOUR'
return '0'
# from patterns
input_keys = ['ONE', 'TWO', 'THREE', 'FOUR']
# to patterns
output_keys = ['TWO', 'THREE', 'FOUR', 'FIVE']
with spa.SPA('Counting', seed=1) as model_4:
model_4.assoc_mem = spa.AssociativeMemory(
model_4.am_input = spa.Input(assoc_mem=input_fun)
input_probe = nengo.Probe(model_4.assoc_mem.input)
output_probe = nengo.Probe(model_4.assoc_mem.output, synapse=0.03)
In [13]:
with nengo.Simulator(model_4) as sim:
t = sim.trange()
input_data =[input_probe]
output_data =[output_probe]
plot_similarities(input_data, output_data, vocab_numbers, autoscale=True)
So far we have created a model which realises increments by one. The
next step is to automatise this, so that when the model sees ONE
will produce TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE
. To achieve counting, we need to
introduce a feedback connection. That is, the network output needs to be
fed into its input at the next time step. This can be easily done in
Nengo by adding just one additional connection. Now, we initialise the
simulation by presenting the semantic pointer ONE
at the input for
the duration of 0.2 simulation time.
In [14]:
def input_fun(t):
if 0 < t < 0.2:
return 'ONE'
return '0'
with spa.SPA('Counting', seed=1) as model_5:
model_5.assoc_mem = spa.AssociativeMemory(
model_5.am_input = spa.Input(assoc_mem=input_fun)
# added feedback connection
input_probe = nengo.Probe(model_5.assoc_mem.input)
output_probe = nengo.Probe(model_5.assoc_mem.output, synapse=0.03)
In [15]:
with nengo.Simulator(model_5) as sim:
t = sim.trange()
input_data =[input_probe]
output_data =[output_probe]
plot_similarities(input_data, output_data, vocab_numbers, autoscale=True)
The only input our model receives is ONE
at the beginning of the
simulation. After that, it produces a sequence of consecutive numbers up
to five. If the sequence of numbers at the output decays too quickly,
try re-running all the cells in Step 3. The connection parameters
and transform
have been set to arbitrary values which
produce the desired sequence. Try modifying them to see how they affect
the behaviour.