Processes in Nengo can be used to describe general functions or
dynamical systems, including those with randomness. They can be useful
if you want a Node
output that has a state (like a dynamical
system), and they’re also used for things like injecting noise into
Ensembles so that you can not only have “white” noise that samples from
a distribution, but can also have “colored” noise where subsequent
samples are correlated with past samples.
This notebook will first present the basic process interface, then demonstrate some of the built-in Nengo processes and how they can be used in your code. It will also describe how to create your own custom process.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import nengo
We will begin by looking at how to run an existing process instance.
The key functions for running processes are run
, run_steps
, and
. The first two are for running without an input, and the third
is for applying the process to an input.
There are also two helper functions, trange
and ntrange
, which
return the time points corresponding to a process output, given either a
length of time or a number of steps, respectively.
: running a process for a length of time¶The run
function runs a process for a given length of time, without
any input. Many of the random processes in nengo.processes
will be
run this way, since they do not require an input signal.
In [2]:
# Create a process (details on the FilteredNoise process below)
process = nengo.processes.FilteredNoise(
synapse=nengo.synapses.Alpha(0.1), seed=0)
# run the process for two seconds
y =
# get a corresponding two-second time range
t = process.trange(2.0)
plt.plot(t, y)
plt.xlabel('time [s]')
plt.ylabel('process output');
: running a process for a number of steps¶To run the process for a number of steps, use the run_steps
function. The length of the generated signal will depend on the
process’s default_dt
In [3]:
process = nengo.processes.FilteredNoise(
synapse=nengo.synapses.Alpha(0.1), seed=0)
# run the process for 1000 steps
y = process.run_steps(1000)
# get a corresponding 1000-step time range
t = process.ntrange(1000)
plt.plot(t, y)
plt.xlabel('time [s]')
plt.ylabel('process output');
: running a process with an input¶To run a process with an input, use the apply
In [4]:
process = nengo.synapses.Lowpass(0.2)
t = process.trange(5)
x = np.minimum(t % 2, 2 - (t % 2)) # sawtooth wave
y = process.apply(x) # general to all Processes
z = process.filtfilt(x) # specific to Synapses
plt.plot(t, x, label='input')
plt.plot(t, y, label='output')
plt.plot(t, z, label='filtfilt')
plt.xlabel('time [s]')
Note that Synapses are a special kind of process, and have the
additional functions filt
and filtfilt
. filt
works mostly
the same as apply
, but with some additional functionality such as
the ability to filter along any axis. filtfilt
provides zero-phase
and default_dt
)¶To run a process with a different time-step, you can either pass the new
time step (dt
) when calling the functions, or change the
property of the process.
In [5]:
process = nengo.processes.FilteredNoise(
synapse=nengo.synapses.Alpha(0.1), seed=0)
y1 =, dt=0.05)
t1 = process.trange(2.0, dt=0.05)
process = nengo.processes.FilteredNoise(
synapse=nengo.synapses.Alpha(0.1), default_dt=0.1, seed=0)
y2 =
t2 = process.trange(2.0)
plt.plot(t1, y1, label='dt = %s' % 0.05)
plt.plot(t2, y2, label='dt = %s' % 0.1)
plt.xlabel('time [s]')
¶The WhiteSignal
process is used to generate band-limited white
noise, with only frequencies below a given cutoff frequency.
In [6]:
with nengo.Network() as model:
a = nengo.Node(nengo.processes.WhiteSignal(1.0, high=5, seed=0))
b = nengo.Node(nengo.processes.WhiteSignal(1.0, high=10, seed=0))
c = nengo.Node(nengo.processes.WhiteSignal(1.0, high=5, rms=0.3, seed=0))
d = nengo.Node(nengo.processes.WhiteSignal(0.5, high=5, seed=0))
ap = nengo.Probe(a)
bp = nengo.Probe(b)
cp = nengo.Probe(c)
dp = nengo.Probe(d)
with nengo.Simulator(model) as sim:
plt.plot(sim.trange(),[ap], label='5 Hz cutoff')
plt.plot(sim.trange(),[bp], label='10 Hz cutoff')
plt.plot(sim.trange(),[cp], label='5 Hz cutoff, 0.3 RMS amplitude')
plt.plot(sim.trange(),[dp], label='5 Hz cutoff, 0.5 s period')
plt.xlabel("time [s]")
Note that the 10 Hz signal (green) has similar low frequency characteristics as the 5 Hz signal (blue), but with additional higher-frequency components. The 0.3 RMS amplitude 5 Hz signal (red) is the same as the original 5 Hz signal (blue), but scaled down (the default RMS amplitude is 0.5). Finally, the signal with a 0.5 s period (instead of a 1 s period like the others) is completely different, because changing the period changes the spacing of the random frequency components and thus creates a completely different signal. Note how the signal with the 0.5 s period repeats itself; for example, the value at \(t = 0\) is the same as the value at \(t = 0.5\), and the value at \(t = 0.4\) is the same as the value at \(t = 0.9\).
¶The WhiteNoise
process generates white noise, with equal power
across all frequencies. By default, it is scaled so that the integral
process (Brownian noise) will have the same standard deviation
regardless of dt
In [7]:
process = nengo.processes.WhiteNoise(dist=nengo.dists.Gaussian(0, 1))
t = process.trange(0.5)
y =
plt.plot(t, y);
One use of the WhiteNoise
process is to inject noise into neural
populations. Here, we create two identical ensembles, but add a bit of
noise to one and no noise to the other. We plot the membrane voltages of
In [8]:
process = nengo.processes.WhiteNoise(
dist=nengo.dists.Gaussian(0, 0.01), seed=1)
with nengo.Network() as model:
ens_args = dict(encoders=[[1]], intercepts=[0.01], max_rates=[100])
a = nengo.Ensemble(1, 1, **ens_args)
b = nengo.Ensemble(1, 1, noise=process, **ens_args)
a_voltage = nengo.Probe(a.neurons, 'voltage')
b_voltage = nengo.Probe(b.neurons, 'voltage')
with nengo.Simulator(model) as sim:
plt.plot(sim.trange(),[a_voltage], label="deterministic")
plt.plot(sim.trange(),[b_voltage], label="noisy")
plt.xlabel('time [s]')
We see that the neuron without noise (blue) approaches its firing threshold, but never quite gets there. Adding a bit of noise (green) causes the neuron to occasionally jitter above the threshold, resulting in two spikes (where the voltage suddenly drops to zero).
¶The FilteredNoise
process takes a white noise signal and passes it
through a filter. Using any type of lowpass filter (e.g. Lowpass
) will result in a signal similar to WhiteSignal
, but
rather than being ideally filtered (i.e. no frequency content above the
cutoff), the FilteredNoise
signal will have some frequency content
above the cutoff, with the amount depending on the filter used. Here, we
can see how an Alpha
filter (a second-order lowpass filter) is much
better than the Lowpass
filter (a first-order lowpass filter) at
removing the high-frequency content.
In [9]:
process1 = nengo.processes.FilteredNoise(
dist=nengo.dists.Gaussian(0, 0.01), synapse=nengo.Alpha(0.005), seed=0)
process2 = nengo.processes.FilteredNoise(
dist=nengo.dists.Gaussian(0, 0.01), synapse=nengo.Lowpass(0.005), seed=0)
tlen = 0.5
The FilteredNoise
process with an Alpha
synapse (blue) has
significantly lower high-frequency components than a similar process
with a Lowpass
synapse (green).
¶The PresentInput
process is useful for presenting a series of static
inputs to a network, where each input is shown for the same length of
time. Once all the images have been shown, they repeat from the
beginning. One application is presenting a series of images to a
classification network.
In [10]:
inputs = [[0, 0.5], [0.3, 0.2], [-0.1, -0.7], [-0.8, 0.6]]
process = nengo.processes.PresentInput(inputs, presentation_time=0.1)
tlen = 0.8
plt.xlim([0, tlen])
plt.ylim([-1, 1]);
You can create custom processes by inheriting from the nengo.Process
class and overloading the make_step
First, we’ll make a simple custom process that implements a
two-dimensional oscillator dynamical system. The make_step
defines a state
variable to store the state, and a fixed A
matrix that determines how the state changes over time.
One advantage to using a process over a simple function is that if we
reset our simulator, make_step
will be called again and the process
state will be restored to the initial state.
In [11]:
class SimpleOscillator(nengo.Process):
def make_step(self, shape_in, shape_out, dt, rng):
A = np.array([[-0.1, -1.], [1., -0.1]])
state = np.array([1., 0.])
# define the step function, which will be called
# by the node every time step
def step(t):
state[:] += dt *, state)
return state
return step # return the step function
with nengo.Network() as model:
a = nengo.Node(SimpleOscillator(), size_in=0, size_out=2)
a_p = nengo.Probe(a)
with nengo.Simulator(model) as sim:
plt.xlabel('time [s]');
We can generalize this process to one that can implement arbitrary
linear dynamical systems, given A
and B
matrices. We will
overload the __init__
method to take and store these matrices, as
well as check the matrix shapes and set the default size in and out. The
advantage of using the default sizes is that when we then create a node
using the process, or run the process using apply
, we do not need to
specify the sizes.
In [12]:
class LTIProcess(nengo.Process):
def __init__(self, A, B, **kwargs):
A, B = np.asarray(A), np.asarray(B)
# check that the matrix shapes are compatible
assert A.ndim == 2 and A.shape[0] == A.shape[1]
assert B.ndim == 2 and B.shape[0] == A.shape[0]
# store the matrices for `make_step`
self.A = A
self.B = B
# pass the default sizes to the Process constructor
super(LTIProcess, self).__init__(
default_size_in=B.shape[1], default_size_out=A.shape[0], **kwargs)
def make_step(self, shape_in, shape_out, dt, rng):
assert shape_in == (self.B.shape[1], )
assert shape_out == (self.A.shape[0], )
A, B = self.A, self.B
state = np.zeros(self.A.shape[0])
def step(t, x):
state[:] += dt * (, state) +, x))
return state
return step
# demonstrate the LTIProcess in action
A = [[-0.1, -1], [1, -0.1]]
B = [[10], [-10]]
with nengo.Network() as model:
u = nengo.Node(lambda t: 1 if t < 0.1 else 0)
a = nengo.Node(LTIProcess(
A, B)) # we don't need to specify size_in and size_out!
nengo.Connection(u, a)
a_p = nengo.Probe(a)
with nengo.Simulator(model) as sim:
plt.xlabel('time [s]');