Source code for nengo_sphinx_theme.ext.autoautosummary

This extension automatically generates AutoSummaries for modules/classes.

This extension can be enabled by adding ``"nengo_sphinx_theme.ext.autoautosummary"``
to the ``extensions`` list in ````.

import inspect

from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
import sphinx.ext.autodoc as autodoc
import sphinx.ext.autosummary as autosummary

# We import nengo_sphinx_theme here to test the issue that
# `patch_autosummary_import_by_name` fixes.

import nengo_sphinx_theme  # pylint: disable=unused-import

# should be ignored
a_test_attribute = None

def a_test_function():
    """This is a test function."""

class TestClass:
    """This is a test class."""

    # should be ignored
    an_attribute = None

    def __init__(self):
        """This is the init method."""

    def a_method(self):
        """This is a method."""

    def a_static_method():
        """This is a static method."""

    def _a_private_method(self):
        """A private method."""

    def _another_private_method(self):
        """This method will be manually added."""

[docs]class AutoAutoSummary(autosummary.Autosummary): """ Automatically generates a summary for a class or module. For classes this adds a summary for all methods. For modules this adds a summary for all classes/functions. """ option_spec = { **autosummary.Autosummary.option_spec, "exclude-members": directives.unchanged, } required_arguments = 1 def get_members(self, obj): if inspect.isclass(obj): module_name = obj.__module__ def filter(x): return inspect.isroutine(x) elif inspect.ismodule(obj): module_name = obj.__name__ def filter(x): return inspect.isclass(x) or inspect.isfunction(x) else: raise TypeError( "AutoAutoSummary only works with classes or modules (got %s)" % type(obj) ) excluded = [ x.strip() for x in self.options.get("exclude-members", "").split(",") ] items = [] # note: we use __dict__ because it preserves the order of attribute definitions # (in python >= 3.6) for name in obj.__dict__: if not (name.startswith("_") or name in excluded): attr = getattr(obj, name) if filter(attr) and attr.__module__ == module_name: items.append(name) return items def run(self): fullname = str(self.arguments[0]) (module_name, obj_name) = fullname.rsplit(".", 1) mod = __import__(module_name, globals(), locals(), [obj_name]) obj = getattr(mod, obj_name) # cast from "ViewList" to regular list self.content = list(self.content) # add all members of object to the autosummary (with renaming) for item in self.get_members(obj): if inspect.ismodule(obj): # the renaming is on the level of module objects (e.g., classes), # so add the object name before doing the name lookup item_name = "%s.%s" % (fullname, item) # look up any renaming, defaulting to the current module name renamed_module = self.env.config["autoautosummary_change_modules"].get( item_name, fullname ) # add the item name to the (renamed) module member_name = "%s.%s" % (renamed_module, item) else: # obj is already a renameable object (e.g. a class), so we're just # looking up based on fullname item_name = fullname # default to module_name (since the output of rename lookup should be # a module, whereas fullname would be a class) renamed_module = self.env.config["autoautosummary_change_modules"].get( item_name, module_name ) # add class and member name to renamed module member_name = "%s.%s.%s" % (renamed_module, obj_name, item) self.content.append(member_name) return super(AutoAutoSummary, self).run()
[docs]def patch_autosummary_import_by_name(): """Monkeypatch a function in autosummary to disallow module cycles""" orig_f = autosummary.import_by_name def import_by_name(name, prefixes): # We currently do not support prefixes, because they can cause cycles. If we # need this in the future, we can go back to filtering problematic prefixes. prefixes = [None] return orig_f(name, prefixes) autosummary.import_by_name = import_by_name
[docs]class RenameMixin: """Mixin for adding renaming functionality to autodocumenters."""
[docs] def add_directive_header(self, sig): """ Change the modname so that ``:module: renamed_module`` is added in the header. """ modname = self.modname if self.objtype == "method": # drop method name (since renames are by class) lookup_name = ".".join(self.fullname.split(".")[:-1]) else: lookup_name = self.fullname self.modname = self.env.config["autoautosummary_change_modules"].get( lookup_name, modname ) super().add_directive_header(sig) # set the modname back to the "true" modname, since other parts of the # rendering process may depend on that self.modname = modname
[docs]class RenameClassDocumenter(RenameMixin, autodoc.ClassDocumenter): """Class autodocumenter with optional renaming."""
[docs]class RenameFunctionDocumenter(RenameMixin, autodoc.FunctionDocumenter): """Function autodocumenter with optional renaming."""
[docs]class RenameExceptionDocumenter(RenameMixin, autodoc.ExceptionDocumenter): """Exception autodocumenter with optional renaming."""
[docs]class RenameDecoratorDocumenter(RenameMixin, autodoc.DecoratorDocumenter): """Decorator autodocumenter with optional renaming."""
[docs]class RenameMethodDocumenter(RenameMixin, autodoc.MethodDocumenter): """Method autodocumenter with optional renaming."""
def setup(app): patch_autosummary_import_by_name() app.add_directive("autoautosummary", AutoAutoSummary) app.add_config_value("autoautosummary_change_modules", {}, "") def swap_config(app, config): # change from mod: items to {item: mod, item: mod, ...} swapped = {} for mod, items in config["autoautosummary_change_modules"].items(): swapped.update((x, mod) for x in items) config["autoautosummary_change_modules"] = swapped app.connect("config-inited", swap_config) app.add_autodocumenter(RenameClassDocumenter, override=True) app.add_autodocumenter(RenameFunctionDocumenter, override=True) app.add_autodocumenter(RenameExceptionDocumenter, override=True) app.add_autodocumenter(RenameDecoratorDocumenter, override=True) app.add_autodocumenter(RenameMethodDocumenter, override=True)