Deep learning¶
Classes and utilities for doing deep learning with Nengo.
These utilities were created before Nengo DL, which provides tighter integration between Nengo and TensorFlow. If you are new to Nengo or new to doing deep learning in Nengo, we recommend that you first check out Nengo DL to see if it fits your use case.
The following functions make use of Nengo’s RC file to set the location for data downloads. See the Nengo configuration documentation for instructions of editing RC files. Configuration settings are listed below.
# directory to store downloaded datasets
data_dir = ~/data
Load the CIFAR-10 dataset. |
Load the CIFAR-100 dataset. |
Load part of the ILSVRC 2012 (ImageNet) dataset. |
Load the MNIST dataset. |
Load the SVHN dataset. |
Make a name safe to use as a SPA semantic pointer name. |
Make names safe to use as SPA semantic pointer names. |
Turn integer labels into a one-hot encoding. |
ZCA Whitening |
(filepath=None, n_train=5, n_test=1, label_names=False)[source]¶ Load the CIFAR-10 dataset.
- Parameters
- filepathstr (optional, Default: None)
Path to the previously downloaded ‘cifar-10-python.tar.gz’ file. If
, the file will be downloaded to the current directory.- n_trainint (optional, Default: 6)
The number of training batches to load (max: 6).
- n_testint (optional, Default: 6)
The number of testing batches to load (max: 1).
- label_namesboolean (optional, Default: False)
Whether to provide the category label names.
- Returns
- train_set(n_train, n_pixels) ndarray, (n_train,) ndarray
A tuple of the training image array and label array.
- test_set(n_test, n_pixels) ndarray, (n_test,) ndarray
A tuple of the testing image array and label array.
- label_nameslist
A list of the label names.
(filepath=None, fine_labels=True, label_names=False)[source]¶ Load the CIFAR-100 dataset.
- Parameters
- filepathstr (optional, Default: None)
Path to the previously downloaded ‘cifar-100-python.tar.gz’ file. If
, the file will be downloaded to the current directory.- fine_labelsboolean (optional, Default: True)
Whether to provide the fine labels or coarse labels.
- label_namesboolean (optional, Default: False)
Whether to provide the category label names.
- Returns
- train_set(n_train, n_pixels) ndarray, (n_train,) ndarray
A tuple of the training image array and label array.
- test_set(n_test, n_pixels) ndarray, (n_test,) ndarray
A tuple of the testing image array and label array.
- label_nameslist
A list of the label names.
(filepath=None, n_files=None)[source]¶ Load part of the ILSVRC 2012 (ImageNet) dataset.
This loads a small section of the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) 2012 dataset. The images are from the test portion of the dataset, and can be used to test pretrained classifiers.
- Parameters
- filepathstr (optional, Default: None)
Path to the previously downloaded ‘ilsvrc-2012-batches-test3.tar.gz’. If
, the file will be downloaded to the current directory.- n_filesint (optional, Default: None)
Number of files (batches) to load from the archive. Defaults to all.
- Returns
- images(n_images, nc, ny, nx) ndarray
The loaded images. nc = number of channels, ny = height, nx = width
- labels(n_images,) ndarray
The labels of the images.
- data_mean(nc, ny, nx) ndarray
The mean of the images in the whole of the training set.
- label_nameslist
A list of the label names.
(filepath=None, validation=False)[source]¶ Load the MNIST dataset.
- Parameters
- filepathstr (optional, Default: None)
Path to the previously downloaded ‘mnist.pkl.gz’ file. If
, the file will be downloaded to the current directory.- validationboolean (optional, Default: False)
Whether to provide the validation data as a separate set (True), or combine it into the training data (False).
- Returns
- train_set(n_train, n_pixels) ndarray, (n_train,) ndarray
A tuple of the training image array and label array.
- validation_set(n_valid, n_pixels) ndarray, (n_valid,) ndarray
A tuple of the validation image array and label array (if
)- test_set(n_test, n_pixels) ndarray, (n_test,) ndarray
A tuple of the testing image array and label array.
(filepath=None, n_train=9, n_test=3, data_mean=False, label_names=False)[source]¶ Load the SVHN dataset.
- Parameters
- filepathstr (optional, Default: None)
Path to the previously downloaded ‘svhn-py-colmajor.tar.gz’ file. If
, the file will be downloaded to the current directory.- n_trainint (optional, Default: 6)
The number of training batches to load (max: 6).
- n_testint (optional, Default: 6)
The number of testing batches to load (max: 1).
- label_namesboolean (optional, Default: False)
Whether to provide the category label names.
- Returns
- train_set(n_train, n_pixels) ndarray, (n_train,) ndarray
A tuple of the training image array and label array.
- test_set(n_test, n_pixels) ndarray, (n_test,) ndarray
A tuple of the testing image array and label array.
- label_nameslist
A list of the label names.
(name, pre_comma_only=True)[source]¶ Make a name safe to use as a SPA semantic pointer name.
Ensure a name conforms with SPA name standards. Replaces hyphens and spaces with underscores, removes all other characters, and makes the first letter uppercase.
- Parameters
- pre_comma_onlyboolean
Only use the part of a name before a/the first comma.
(label_names, pre_comma_only=True)[source]¶ Make names safe to use as SPA semantic pointer names.
Format a list of names to conform with SPA name standards. In addition to running each name through
, this function numbers duplicate names so they are unique.- Parameters
- pre_comma_onlyboolean
Only use the part of a name before a/the first comma.
(labels, classes=None, dtype=<class 'float'>)[source]¶ Turn integer labels into a one-hot encoding.
- Parameters
- labels(n,) array
Labels to turn into one-hot encoding.
- classesint or (n_classes,) array (optional)
Classes for encoding. If integer and
is integer, this is the number of classes in the encoding. If iterable, this is the list of classes to place in the one-hot (must be a superset of the unique elements inlabels
).- dtypedtype (optional)
Data type of returned one-hot encoding (defaults to
Layer-sequential unit-variance initialization. |
(n, neuron_type=Default, synapse=Default, gain=1.0, bias=0.0, amplitude=1.0, **kwargs)[source]¶
(input_shape, filters, biases, strides=1, padding=0, **kwargs)[source]¶
(input_shape, filters, biases, strides=1, padding=0, border='ceil', **kwargs)[source]¶
(shape_in, filters, biases=None, strides=1, padding=0, border='ceil')[source]¶ Perform 2-D (image) convolution on an input.
- Parameters
- shape_in3-tuple (n_channels, height, width)
Shape of the input images: channels, height, width.
- filtersarray_like (n_filters, n_channels, f_height, f_width)
Static filters to convolve with the input. Shape is number of filters, number of input channels, filter height, and filter width. Shape can also be (n_filters, height, width, n_channels, f_height, f_width) to apply different filters at each point in the image, where ‘height’ and ‘width’ are the input image height and width.
- biasesarray_like (1,) or (n_filters,) or (n_filters, height, width)
Biases to add to outputs. Can have one bias across the entire output space, one bias per filter, or a unique bias for each output pixel.
- strides2-tuple (vertical, horizontal) or int
Spacing between filter placements. If an integer is provided, the same spacing is used in both dimensions.
- padding2-tuple (vertical, horizontal) or int
Amount of zero-padding around the outside of the input image. Padding is applied to both sides, e.g.
padding=(1, 0)
will add one pixel of padding to the top and bottom, and none to the left and right.
(shape_in, pool_size, strides=None, kind='avg', mode='full')[source]¶ Perform 2-D (image) pooling on an input.
- Parameters
- shape_in3-tuple (channels, height, width)
Shape of the input image.
- pool_size2-tuple (vertical, horizontal) or int
Shape of the pooling region. If an integer is provided, the shape will be square with the given side length.
- strides2-tuple (vertical, horizontal) or int
Spacing between pooling placements. If
(default), will be equal topool_size
resulting in non-overlapping pooling.- kind“avg” or “max”
Type of pooling to perform: average pooling or max pooling.
- mode“full” or “valid”
If the input image does not divide into an integer number of pooling regions, whether to add partial pooling regions for the extra pixels (“full”), or discard extra input pixels (“valid”).
- Attributes
- shape_out3-tuple (channels, height, width)
Shape of the output image.