Source code for

import numpy as np

from nengo.dists import Choice, Uniform, DistributionParam
from nengo.params import FrozenObject, TupleParam
from nengo.utils.compat import range
import nengo.utils.numpy as npext

[docs]class Gabor(FrozenObject): """Describes a random generator for Gabor filters.""" theta = DistributionParam('theta') freq = DistributionParam('freq') phase = DistributionParam('phase') sigma_x = DistributionParam('sigma_x') sigma_y = DistributionParam('sigma_y') def __init__(self, theta=Uniform(-np.pi, np.pi), freq=Uniform(0.2, 2), phase=Uniform(-np.pi, np.pi), sigma_x=Choice([0.45]), sigma_y=Choice([0.45])): super(Gabor, self).__init__() self.theta = theta self.freq = freq self.phase = phase self.sigma_x = sigma_x self.sigma_y = sigma_y def generate(self, n, shape, rng=np.random, norm=1.): assert isinstance(shape, tuple) and len(shape) == 2 thetas = self.theta.sample(n, rng=rng)[:, None, None] freqs = self.freq.sample(n, rng=rng)[:, None, None] phases = self.phase.sample(n, rng=rng)[:, None, None] sigma_xs = self.sigma_x.sample(n, rng=rng)[:, None, None] sigma_ys = self.sigma_y.sample(n, rng=rng)[:, None, None] x, y = np.linspace(-1, 1, shape[1]), np.linspace(-1, 1, shape[0]) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) c, s = np.cos(thetas), np.sin(thetas) X1 = X * c + Y * s Y1 = -X * s + Y * c gabors = np.exp(-0.5 * ((X1 / sigma_xs)**2 + (Y1 / sigma_ys)**2)) gabors *= np.cos((2 * np.pi) * freqs * X1 + phases) if norm is not None: gabors *= norm / np.sqrt( (gabors**2).sum(axis=(1, 2), keepdims=True)).clip(1e-5, np.inf) return gabors
[docs]class Mask(FrozenObject): """Describes a sparse receptive-field mask for encoders. Parameters ---------- image_shape : 2- or 3-tuple Shape of the input image, either (height, witdh) or (channels, height, width). """ image_shape = TupleParam('image_shape', length=3) def __init__(self, image_shape): super(Mask, self).__init__() image_shape = ((1,) + tuple(image_shape) if len(image_shape) == 2 else image_shape) self.image_shape = image_shape def _positions(self, n, shape, rng): diff_shape = np.asarray(self.image_shape[1:]) - np.asarray(shape) + 1 # find random positions for top-left corner of each RF i = rng.randint(low=0, high=diff_shape[0], size=n) j = rng.randint(low=0, high=diff_shape[1], size=n) return i, j def generate(self, n, shape, rng=np.random, flatten=False): shape = np.asarray(shape) assert shape.ndim == 1 and shape.shape[0] == 2 i, j = self._positions(n, shape, rng) mask = np.zeros((n,) + self.image_shape, dtype='bool') for k in range(n): mask[k, :, i[k]:i[k]+shape[0], j[k]:j[k]+shape[1]] = True return mask.reshape(n, -1) if flatten else mask def populate(self, filters, rng=np.random, flatten=False): filters = np.asarray(filters) assert filters.ndim in [3, 4] n, shape = filters.shape[0], filters.shape[-2:] channels = 1 if filters.ndim == 3 else filters.shape[1] assert channels == self.image_shape[0] i, j = self._positions(n, shape, rng) output = np.zeros((n,) + self.image_shape, dtype=filters.dtype) for k in range(n): output[k, :, i[k]:i[k]+shape[0], j[k]:j[k]+shape[1]] = filters[k] return output.reshape(n, -1) if flatten else output
[docs]def ciw_encoders(n_encoders, trainX, trainY, rng=np.random, normalize_data=True, normalize_encoders=True): """Computed Input Weights (CIW) method for encoders from data. Parameters ---------- n_encoders : int Number of encoders to generate. trainX : (n_samples, n_dimensions) array-like Training features. trainY : (n_samples,) array-like Training labels. Returns ------- encoders : (n_encoders, n_dimensions) array Generated encoders. References ---------- .. [1] McDonnell, M. D., Tissera, M. D., Vladusich, T., Van Schaik, A., Tapson, J., & Schwenker, F. (2015). Fast, simple and accurate handwritten digit classification by training shallow neural network classifiers with the "Extreme learning machine" algorithm. PLoS ONE, 10(8), 1-20. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0134254 """ assert trainX.shape[0] == trainY.size trainX = trainX.reshape(trainX.shape[0], -1) trainY = trainY.ravel() classes = np.unique(trainY) assert n_encoders % len(classes) == 0 n_enc_per_class = n_encoders / len(classes) # normalize if normalize_data: trainX = (trainX - trainX.mean()) / trainX.std() # trainX = (trainX - trainX.mean(axis=0)) / trainX.std() # trainX = (trainX - trainX.mean(axis=0)) / (trainX.std(axis=0) + 1e-8) # generate encoders = [] for label in classes: X = trainX[trainY == label] plusminus = rng.choice([-1, 1], size=(X.shape[0], n_enc_per_class)) samples =, X) encoders.append(samples) encoders = np.vstack(encoders) if normalize_encoders: encoders /= npext.norm(encoders, axis=1, keepdims=True) return encoders
[docs]def cd_encoders_biases(n_encoders, trainX, trainY, rng=np.random, mask=None, norm_min=0.05, norm_tries=10): """Constrained difference (CD) method for encoders from data. Parameters ---------- n_encoders : int Number of encoders to generate. trainX : (n_samples, n_dimensions) array-like Training features. trainY : (n_samples,) array-like Training labels. Returns ------- encoders : (n_encoders, n_dimensions) array Generated encoders. biases : (n_encoders,) array Generated biases. These are biases assuming ``f = G[E * X + b]``, and are therefore more like Nengo's ``intercepts``. References ---------- .. [1] McDonnell, M. D., Tissera, M. D., Vladusich, T., Van Schaik, A., Tapson, J., & Schwenker, F. (2015). Fast, simple and accurate handwritten digit classification by training shallow neural network classifiers with the "Extreme learning machine" algorithm. PLoS ONE, 10(8), 1-20. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0134254 """ assert trainX.shape[0] == trainY.size trainX = trainX.reshape(trainX.shape[0], -1) trainY = trainY.ravel() d = trainX.shape[1] classes = np.unique(trainY) assert mask is None or mask.shape == (n_encoders, d) inds = [(trainY == label).nonzero()[0] for label in classes] train_norm = npext.norm(trainX, axis=1).mean() encoders = np.zeros((n_encoders, d)) biases = np.zeros(n_encoders) for k in range(n_encoders): for _ in range(norm_tries): i, j = rng.choice(len(classes), size=2, replace=False) a, b = trainX[rng.choice(inds[i])], trainX[rng.choice(inds[j])] dab = a - b if mask is not None: dab *= mask[k] ndab = npext.norm(dab)**2 if ndab >= norm_min * train_norm: break else: raise ValueError("Cannot find valid encoder") encoders[k] = (2. / ndab) * dab biases[k] = + b, dab) / ndab return encoders, biases
[docs]def percentile_biases(encoders, trainX, percentile=50): """Pick biases such that neurons are active for a percentile of inputs.""" trainX = trainX.reshape(trainX.shape[0], -1) H =, encoders.T) biases = np.percentile(H, percentile, axis=0) return biases