Source code for nengo_extras.neurons

import numpy as np

import nengo
import nengo.utils.numpy as npext
from nengo.exceptions import ValidationError
from nengo.params import NumberParam

def softplus(x, sigma=1.):
    x = np.asarray(x)
    y = x / sigma
    z = np.array(x)
    z[y < 34.0] = sigma * np.log1p(np.exp(y[y < 34.0]))
    return z
    # ^ 34.0 gives exact answer in 32 or 64 bit but doesn't overflow in 32 bit

def lif_j(j, tau_ref, tau_rc, amplitude=1.):
    return amplitude / (tau_ref + tau_rc * np.log1p(1. / j))

[docs]class SoftLIFRate(nengo.neurons.LIFRate): """LIF neuron with smoothing around the firing threshold. This is a rate version of the LIF neuron whose tuning curve has a continuous first derivative, due to the smoothing around the firing threshold. It can be used as a substitute for LIF neurons in deep networks during training, and then replaced with LIF neurons when running the network [1]_. Parameters ---------- sigma : float Amount of smoothing around the firing threshold. Larger values mean more smoothing. amplitude : float Scaling factor on the output. If 1 (default), output rates correspond to LIF neuron model rates. tau_rc : float Membrane RC time constant, in seconds. Affects how quickly the membrane voltage decays to zero in the absence of input (larger = slower decay). tau_ref : float Absolute refractory period, in seconds. This is how long the membrane voltage is held at zero after a spike. References ---------- .. [1] E. Hunsberger & C. Eliasmith (2015). Spiking Deep Networks with LIF Neurons. arXiv Preprint, 1510. """ sigma = NumberParam('sigma', low=0, low_open=True) def __init__(self, sigma=1., **lif_args): super(SoftLIFRate, self).__init__(**lif_args) self.sigma = sigma # smoothing around the threshold @property def _argreprs(self): args = super(SoftLIFRate, self)._argreprs if self.sigma != 1.: args.append("sigma=%s" % self.sigma) return args def rates(self, x, gain, bias): J = gain * x + bias out = np.zeros_like(J) SoftLIFRate.step_math(self, dt=1, J=J, output=out) return out
[docs] def step_math(self, dt, J, output): """Compute rates in Hz for input current (incl. bias)""" j = softplus(J - 1, sigma=self.sigma) output[:] = 0 # faster than output[j <= 0] = 0 output[j > 0] = lif_j(j[j > 0], self.tau_ref, self.tau_rc, amplitude=self.amplitude)
def derivative(self, x, gain, bias): y = gain * x + bias - 1 j = softplus(y, sigma=self.sigma) yy = y[j > 0] jj = j[j > 0] vv = lif_j(jj, self.tau_ref, self.tau_rc, amplitude=self.amplitude) d = np.zeros_like(j) d[j > 0] = (gain * self.tau_rc * vv * vv) / ( self.amplitude * jj * (jj + 1) * (1 + np.exp(-yy / self.sigma))) return d
[docs]class FastLIF(nengo.neurons.LIF): """Faster version of the leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) neuron model. This neuron model is faster than ``LIF`` but does not produce the ideal firing rate for larger ``dt`` due to linearization of the tuning curves. """ def step_math(self, dt, J, spiked, voltage, refractory_time): # update voltage using accurate exponential integration scheme dV = -np.expm1(-dt / self.tau_rc) * (J - voltage) voltage += dV voltage[voltage < self.min_voltage] = self.min_voltage # update refractory period assuming no spikes for now refractory_time -= dt # set voltages of neurons still in their refractory period to 0 # and linearly reduce voltage when partway out of ref. period voltage *= (1 - refractory_time / dt).clip(0, 1) # determine which neurons spike (if v > 1 set spiked = 1/dt, else 0) spiked[:] = (voltage > 1) / dt # linearly approximate time since neuron crossed spike threshold overshoot = (voltage[spiked > 0] - 1) / dV[spiked > 0] spiketime = dt * (1 - overshoot) # set spiking neurons' voltages to zero, and ref. time to tau_ref voltage[spiked > 0] = 0 refractory_time[spiked > 0] = self.tau_ref + spiketime
[docs]def spikes2events(t, spikes): """Return an event-based representation of spikes (i.e. spike times)""" spikes = npext.array(spikes, copy=False, min_dims=2) if spikes.ndim > 2: raise ValidationError("Cannot handle %d-dimensional arrays" % spikes.ndim, attr='spikes') if spikes.shape[-1] != len(t): raise ValidationError("Last dimension of 'spikes' must equal 'len(t)'", attr='spikes') # find nonzero elements (spikes) in each row, and translate to times return [t[spike != 0] for spike in spikes]
def _rates_isi_events(t, events, midpoint, interp): import scipy.interpolate if len(events) == 0: return np.zeros_like(t) isis = np.diff(events) rt = np.zeros(len(events) + (1 if midpoint else 2)) rt[1:-1] = 0.5*(events[:-1] + events[1:]) if midpoint else events rt[0], rt[-1] = t[0], t[-1] r = np.zeros_like(rt) r[1:len(isis) + 1] = 1. / isis f = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(rt, r, kind=interp, copy=False) return f(t)
[docs]def rates_isi(t, spikes, midpoint=False, interp='zero'): """Estimate firing rates from spikes using ISIs. Parameters ---------- t : (M,) array_like The times at which raw spike data (spikes) is defined. spikes : (M, N) array_like The raw spike data from N neurons. midpoint : bool, optional If true, place interpolation points at midpoints of ISIs. Otherwise, the points are placed at the beginning of ISIs. interp : string, optional Interpolation type, passed to `scipy.interpolate.interp1d` as the ``kind`` parameter. Returns ------- rates : (M, N) array_like The estimated neuron firing rates. """ spike_times = spikes2events(t, spikes.T) rates = np.zeros(spikes.shape) for i, st in enumerate(spike_times): rates[:, i] = _rates_isi_events(t, st, midpoint, interp) return rates
def lowpass_filter(x, tau, kind='expon'): nt = x.shape[-1] if kind == 'expon': t = np.arange(0, 5 * tau) kern = np.exp(-t / tau) / tau delay = tau elif kind == 'gauss': std = tau / 2. t = np.arange(-4 * std, 4 * std) kern = np.exp(-0.5 * (t / std)**2) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * std**2) delay = 4 * std elif kind == 'alpha': alpha = 1. / tau t = np.arange(0, 5 * tau) kern = alpha**2 * t * np.exp(-alpha * t) delay = tau else: raise ValidationError("Unrecognized filter kind '%s'" % kind, 'kind') delay = int(np.round(delay)) return np.array( [np.convolve(kern, xx, mode='full')[delay:nt + delay] for xx in x])
[docs]def rates_kernel(t, spikes, kind='gauss', tau=0.04): """Estimate firing rates from spikes using a kernel. Parameters ---------- t : (M,) array_like The times at which raw spike data (spikes) is defined. spikes : (M, N) array_like The raw spike data from N neurons. kind : str {'expon', 'gauss', 'expogauss', 'alpha'}, optional The type of kernel to use. 'expon' is an exponential kernel, 'gauss' is a Gaussian (normal) kernel, 'expogauss' is an exponential followed by a Gaussian, and 'alpha' is an alpha function kernel. tau : float The time constant for the kernel. The optimal value will depend on the firing rate of the neurons, with a longer tau preferred for lower firing rates. The default value of 0.04 works well across a wide range of firing rates. """ spikes = spikes.T spikes = npext.array(spikes, copy=False, min_dims=2) if spikes.ndim > 2: raise ValidationError("Cannot handle %d-dimensional arrays" % spikes.ndim, attr='spikes') if spikes.shape[-1] != len(t): raise ValidationError("Last dimension of 'spikes' must equal 'len(t)'", attr='spikes') n, nt = spikes.shape dt = t[1] - t[0] tau_i = tau / dt kind = kind.lower() if kind == 'expogauss': rates = lowpass_filter(spikes, tau_i, kind='expon') rates = lowpass_filter(rates, tau_i / 4, kind='gauss') else: rates = lowpass_filter(spikes, tau_i, kind=kind) return rates.T