Source code for nengo_extras.dists

from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np

from nengo.dists import Distribution
from nengo.params import NdarrayParam, NumberParam, TupleParam

[docs]def gaussian_icdf(mean, std): import scipy.stats as sps def icdf(p): return sps.norm.ppf(p, scale=std, loc=mean) return icdf
[docs]def loggaussian_icdf(log_mean, log_std, base=np.e): import scipy.stats as sps mean = base**log_mean log_std2 = log_std * np.log(base) def icdf(p): return sps.lognorm.ppf(p, log_std2, scale=mean) return icdf
[docs]def uniform_icdf(low, high): def icdf(p): return p * (high - low) + low return icdf
[docs]class Concatenate(Distribution): """Concatenate distributions to form an independent multivariate""" distributions = TupleParam('distributions', readonly=True) d = NumberParam('d', low=1, readonly=True) def __init__(self, distributions): super(Concatenate, self).__init__() self.distributions = distributions # --- determine dimensionality rng = np.random.RandomState(0) s = np.column_stack([d.sample(1, rng=rng) for d in self.distributions]) self.d = s.shape[1] def sample(self, n, d=None, rng=np.random): assert d is None or d == self.d return np.column_stack( [dist.sample(n, rng=rng) for dist in self.distributions])
[docs]class MultivariateCopula(Distribution): """Generalized multivariate distribution. Uses the copula method to sample from a general multivariate distribution, given marginal distributions and copula covariances [1]_. Parameters ---------- marginal_icdfs : iterable List of functions, each one being the inverse CDF of the marginal distribution across that dimension. rho : array_like (optional) Array of copula covariances [1]_ between parameters. Defaults to the identity matrix (independent parameters). See also -------- gaussian_icdf, loggaussian_icdf, uniform_icdf References ---------- .. [1] Copula (probability theory). Wikipedia. """ marginal_icdfs = TupleParam('marginal_icdfs', readonly=True) rho = NdarrayParam('rho', shape=('*', '*'), optional=True, readonly=True) def __init__(self, marginal_icdfs, rho=None): import scipy.stats # we need this for sampling assert scipy.stats super(MultivariateCopula, self).__init__() self.marginal_icdfs = marginal_icdfs self.rho = rho d = len(self.marginal_icdfs) if not all(callable(f) for f in self.marginal_icdfs): raise ValueError("`marginal_icdfs` must be a list of callables") if self.rho is not None: if self.rho.shape != (d, d): raise ValueError("`rho` must be a %d x %d array" % (d, d)) if not np.array_equal(self.rho, self.rho.T): raise ValueError( "`rho` must be a symmetrical positive-definite array") def sample(self, n, d=None, rng=np.random): import scipy.stats as sps assert d is None or d == len(self.marginal_icdfs) d = len(self.marginal_icdfs) # normalize rho rho = np.eye(d) if self.rho is None else self.rho stds = np.sqrt(np.diag(rho)) rho = rho / np.outer(stds, stds) # sample from copula x = sps.norm.cdf(sps.multivariate_normal.rvs(cov=rho, size=n)) # apply marginal inverse CDFs for i in range(d): x[:, i] = self.marginal_icdfs[i](x[:, i]) return x
[docs]class MultivariateGaussian(Distribution): mean = NdarrayParam('mean', shape='d') cov = NdarrayParam('cov', shape=('d', 'd')) def __init__(self, mean, cov): super(MultivariateGaussian, self).__init__() self.d = len(mean) self.mean = mean cov = np.asarray(cov) self.cov = (cov*np.eye(self.d) if cov.size == 1 else np.diag(cov) if cov.ndim == 1 else cov) def sample(self, n, d=None, rng=np.random): assert d is None or d == self.d return rng.multivariate_normal(self.mean, self.cov, size=n)
[docs]class Mixture(Distribution): distributions = TupleParam('distributions') p = NdarrayParam('p', shape='*', optional=True) def __init__(self, distributions, p=None): super(Mixture, self).__init__() self.distributions = distributions if not all(isinstance(d, Distribution) for d in self.distributions): raise ValueError( "All elements in `distributions` must be Distributions") if p is not None: p = np.array(p) if p.ndim != 1 or p.size != len(self.distributions): raise ValueError( "`p` must be a vector with one element per distribution") if (p < 0).any(): raise ValueError("`p` must be all non-negative") p /= p.sum() self.p = p def sample(self, n, d=None, rng=np.random): dd = 1 if d is None else d samples = np.zeros((n, dd)) ndims = len(self.distributions) i = (rng.randint(ndims, size=n) if self.p is None else rng.choice(ndims, p=self.p, size=n)) c = np.bincount(i, minlength=ndims) for k in c.nonzero()[0]: samples[i == k] = self.distributions[k].sample(c[k], d=dd, rng=rng) return samples[:, 0] if d is None else samples
[docs]class Tile(Distribution): """Choose values in order from an array This distribution is not random, but rather tiles an array to be a particular size. This is useful for example if you want to pass an array for a neuron parameter, but are not sure how many neurons there will be. Parameters ---------- values : array_like The values to tile. """ values = NdarrayParam('values', shape=('*', '*')) def __init__(self, values): super(Tile, self).__init__() values = np.asarray(values) self.values = values.reshape(-1, 1) if values.ndim < 2 else values def __repr__(self): return "Tile(values=%s)" % (self.values) def sample(self, n, d=None, rng=np.random): out1 = d is None d = 1 if d is None else d nv, dv = self.values.shape if n > nv or d > dv: values = np.tile(self.values, (int(np.ceil(float(n) / nv)), int(np.ceil(float(d) / dv)))) else: values = self.values values = values[:n, :d] return values[:, 0] if out1 else values