Source code for

import gzip
import io
import os
import re
import tarfile

import nengo
from nengo.utils.compat import is_integer, is_iterable
import numpy as np

from .compat import pickle_load_bytes, urlretrieve

data_dir = nengo.rc.get('nengo_extras', 'data_dir')

def get_file(filename, url):
    filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)
    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        print("Retrieving %r" % url)
        urlretrieve(url, filename=filename)
        print("Data retrieved as %r" % filename)
    return filename

[docs]def get_cifar10_tar_gz(): filename = os.path.join(data_dir, 'cifar-10-python.tar.gz') url = '' return get_file(filename, url)
[docs]def get_cifar100_tar_gz(): filename = os.path.join(data_dir, 'cifar-100-python.tar.gz') url = '' return get_file(filename, url)
[docs]def get_ilsvrc2012_tar_gz(): filename = os.path.join(data_dir, 'ilsvrc-2012-batches-test3.tar.gz') url = '' return get_file(filename, url)
[docs]def get_mnist_pkl_gz(): filename = os.path.join(data_dir, 'mnist.pkl.gz') url = '' return get_file(filename, url)
[docs]def get_svhn_tar_gz(): filename = os.path.join(data_dir, 'svhn-py-colmajor.tar.gz') url = '' return get_file(filename, url)
def unpickle_tarfile(tar, name): tarextract = tar.extractfile(name) return pickle_load_bytes(tarextract)
[docs]def load_cifar10(filepath=None, n_train=5, n_test=1, label_names=False): """Load the CIFAR-10 dataset. Parameters ---------- filepath : str (optional, Default: None) Path to the previously downloaded 'cifar-10-python.tar.gz' file. If ``None``, the file will be downloaded to the current directory. n_train : int (optional, Default: 6) The number of training batches to load (max: 6). n_test : int (optional, Default: 6) The number of testing batches to load (max: 1). label_names : boolean (optional, Default: False) Whether to provide the category label names. Returns ------- train_set : (n_train, n_pixels) ndarray, (n_train,) ndarray A tuple of the training image array and label array. test_set : (n_test, n_pixels) ndarray, (n_test,) ndarray A tuple of the testing image array and label array. label_names : list A list of the label names. """ if filepath is None: filepath = get_cifar10_tar_gz() # helper for reading each batch file def read_tar_batch(tar, name): data = unpickle_tarfile(tar, name) return data[b'data'], np.array(data[b'labels']) filepath = os.path.expanduser(filepath) with, 'r:gz') as tar: if n_train < 1: train = (np.array([]), np.array([])) else: train = ([], []) for i in range(n_train): data, labels = read_tar_batch( tar, 'cifar-10-batches-py/data_batch_%d' % (i+1)) train[0].append(data) train[1].append(labels) train = (np.vstack(train[0]), np.hstack(train[1])) if n_test < 1: test = (np.array([]), np.array([])) else: test = read_tar_batch(tar, 'cifar-10-batches-py/test_batch') if label_names: meta = unpickle_tarfile(tar, 'cifar-10-batches-py/batches.meta') names = meta[b'label_names'] return (train, test) + ((names,) if label_names else ())
[docs]def load_cifar100(filepath=None, fine_labels=True, label_names=False): """Load the CIFAR-100 dataset. Parameters ---------- filepath : str (optional, Default: None) Path to the previously downloaded 'cifar-100-python.tar.gz' file. If ``None``, the file will be downloaded to the current directory. fine_labels : boolean (optional, Default: True) Whether to provide the fine labels or coarse labels. label_names : boolean (optional, Default: False) Whether to provide the category label names. Returns ------- train_set : (n_train, n_pixels) ndarray, (n_train,) ndarray A tuple of the training image array and label array. test_set : (n_test, n_pixels) ndarray, (n_test,) ndarray A tuple of the testing image array and label array. label_names : list A list of the label names. """ if filepath is None: filepath = get_cifar100_tar_gz() # helper for reading each batch file def read_tar_batch(tar, name): data = unpickle_tarfile(tar, name) return data[b'data'], np.array( data[b'fine_labels' if fine_labels else b'coarse_labels']) filepath = os.path.expanduser(filepath) with, 'r:gz') as tar: train = read_tar_batch(tar, 'cifar-100-python/train') test = read_tar_batch(tar, 'cifar-100-python/test') if label_names: meta = unpickle_tarfile(tar, 'cifar-100-python/meta') names = meta[ b'fine_label_names' if fine_labels else b'coarse_label_names'] return (train, test) + ((names,) if label_names else ())
[docs]def load_ilsvrc2012(filepath=None, n_files=None): """Load part of the ILSVRC 2012 (ImageNet) dataset. This loads a small section of the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) 2012 dataset. The images are from the test portion of the dataset, and can be used to test pretrained classifiers. Parameters ---------- filepath : str (optional, Default: None) Path to the previously downloaded 'ilsvrc-2012-batches-test3.tar.gz'. If ``None``, the file will be downloaded to the current directory. n_files : int (optional, Default: None) Number of files (batches) to load from the archive. Defaults to all. Returns ------- images : (n_images, nc, ny, nx) ndarray The loaded images. nc = number of channels, ny = height, nx = width labels : (n_images,) ndarray The labels of the images. data_mean : (nc, ny, nx) ndarray The mean of the images in the whole of the training set. label_names : list A list of the label names. """ import PIL.Image # ``pip install pillow`` if filepath is None: filepath = get_ilsvrc2012_tar_gz() # helper for reading each batch file def read_tar_batch(tar, name): data = unpickle_tarfile(tar, name) return data[b'data'], data[b'labels'] # JPEG strings, labels def bytes_to_array(b): image = array = np.array(image, dtype=np.uint8).reshape( image.size[0], image.size[1], 3) array = np.transpose(array, (2, 0, 1)) return array filepath = os.path.expanduser(filepath) with, 'r:gz') as tar: names = tar.getnames() regex = re.compile(r'.*/data_batch_([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)') matches = [regex.match(name) for name in names] matches = [match for match in matches if match] batchfiles = {} for match in matches: batchfiles[float(match.groups()[-1])] = raw_images = [] raw_labels = [] for key in sorted(list(batchfiles))[:n_files]: batchfile = batchfiles[key] x, y = read_tar_batch(tar, batchfile) raw_images.extend(x) raw_labels.extend(y) n_images = len(raw_images) image_shape = bytes_to_array(raw_images[0]).shape images = np.zeros((n_images,) + image_shape, dtype=np.uint8) for i, s in enumerate(raw_images): images[i] = bytes_to_array(s) labels = np.array(raw_labels) labels.shape = (n_images,) meta = unpickle_tarfile(tar, 'batches.meta') data_mean = meta[b'data_mean'].reshape(image_shape) label_names = meta[b'label_names'] return images, labels, data_mean, label_names
def load_ilsvrc2012_metadata(filepath=None): if filepath is None: filepath = get_ilsvrc2012_tar_gz() filepath = os.path.expanduser(filepath) with, 'r:gz') as tar: meta = unpickle_tarfile(tar, 'batches.meta') data_mean = meta[b'data_mean'].reshape((3, 256, 256)) label_names = meta[b'label_names'] return data_mean, label_names
[docs]def load_mnist(filepath=None, validation=False): """Load the MNIST dataset. Parameters ---------- filepath : str (optional, Default: None) Path to the previously downloaded 'mnist.pkl.gz' file. If ``None``, the file will be downloaded to the current directory. validation : boolean (optional, Default: False) Whether to provide the validation data as a separate set (True), or combine it into the training data (False). Returns ------- train_set : (n_train, n_pixels) ndarray, (n_train,) ndarray A tuple of the training image array and label array. validation_set : (n_valid, n_pixels) ndarray, (n_valid,) ndarray A tuple of the validation image array and label array (if ``validation``) test_set : (n_test, n_pixels) ndarray, (n_test,) ndarray A tuple of the testing image array and label array. """ if filepath is None: filepath = get_mnist_pkl_gz() filepath = os.path.expanduser(filepath) with, 'rb') as f: train_set, valid_set, test_set = pickle_load_bytes(f) if validation: return train_set, valid_set, test_set else: # combine valid into train train_set = (np.vstack((train_set[0], valid_set[0])), np.hstack((train_set[1], valid_set[1]))) return train_set, test_set
[docs]def load_svhn(filepath=None, n_train=9, n_test=3, data_mean=False, label_names=False): """Load the SVHN dataset. Parameters ---------- filepath : str (optional, Default: None) Path to the previously downloaded 'svhn-py-colmajor.tar.gz' file. If ``None``, the file will be downloaded to the current directory. n_train : int (optional, Default: 6) The number of training batches to load (max: 6). n_test : int (optional, Default: 6) The number of testing batches to load (max: 1). label_names : boolean (optional, Default: False) Whether to provide the category label names. Returns ------- train_set : (n_train, n_pixels) ndarray, (n_train,) ndarray A tuple of the training image array and label array. test_set : (n_test, n_pixels) ndarray, (n_test,) ndarray A tuple of the testing image array and label array. label_names : list A list of the label names. """ shape = (3, 32, 32) if filepath is None: filepath = get_svhn_tar_gz() def read_tar_batch(tar, name): data = unpickle_tarfile(tar, name) return data[b'data'], np.array(data[b'labels']) def load_batches(tar, inds): if len(inds) < 1: return (np.array([]), np.array([])) batches = ([], []) for i in inds: data, labels = read_tar_batch( tar, 'svhn-py-colmajor/data_batch_%d' % i) batches[0].append(data.T) batches[1].append(labels) return (np.vstack(batches[0]).reshape((-1,) + shape), np.hstack(batches[1])) filepath = os.path.expanduser(filepath) with, 'r:gz') as tar: train = load_batches(tar, list(range(1, n_train+1))) test = load_batches(tar, list(range(10, n_test+10))) if label_names or data_mean: meta = unpickle_tarfile(tar, 'svhn-py-colmajor/batches.meta') data_mean = (meta[b'data_mean'].reshape(shape),) if data_mean else () label_names = (meta[b'label_names'],) if label_names else () return (train, test) + data_mean + label_names
[docs]def spasafe_name(name, pre_comma_only=True): """Make a name safe to use as a SPA semantic pointer name. Ensure a name conforms with SPA name standards. Replaces hyphens and spaces with underscores, removes all other characters, and makes the first letter uppercase. Parameters ---------- pre_comma_only : boolean Only use the part of a name before a/the first comma. """ if len(name) == 0: raise ValueError("Empty name.") if pre_comma_only and ',' in name: name = name.split(',')[0] # part before first comma name = name.strip() name = re.sub(r'(\s|-|,)+', '_', name) # repl space/hyphen/comma w undersc name = re.sub('(^[^a-zA-Z]+)|[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+', '', name) # del other chars name = name[0].upper() + name[1:] # capitalize first letter return name
[docs]def spasafe_names(label_names, pre_comma_only=True): """Make names safe to use as SPA semantic pointer names. Format a list of names to conform with SPA name standards. In addition to running each name through ``spasafe_name``, this function numbers duplicate names so they are unique. Parameters ---------- pre_comma_only : boolean Only use the part of a name before a/the first comma. """ vocab_names = [spasafe_name(name, pre_comma_only=pre_comma_only) for name in label_names] # number duplicates unique = set() duplicates = [] for name in vocab_names: if name in unique: duplicates.append(name) else: unique.add(name) duplicates = {name: 0 for name in duplicates} for i, name in enumerate(vocab_names): if name in duplicates: vocab_names[i] = '%s%d' % (name, duplicates[name]) duplicates[name] += 1 return vocab_names
[docs]def one_hot_from_labels(labels, classes=None, dtype=float): """Turn integer labels into a one-hot encoding. Parameters ========== labels : (n,) array Labels to turn into one-hot encoding. classes : int or (n_classes,) array (optional) Classes for encoding. If integer and ``labels.dtype`` is integer, this is the number of classes in the encoding. If iterable, this is the list of classes to place in the one-hot (must be a superset of the unique elements in ``labels``). dtype : dtype (optional) Data type of returned one-hot encoding (defaults to ``float``). """ assert labels.ndim == 1 n = labels.shape[0] if np.issubdtype(labels.dtype, np.integer) and ( classes is None or is_integer(classes)): index = labels index_min, index_max = index.min(), index.max() n_classes = (index_max + 1) if classes is None else classes assert index_min >= 0 assert index_max < n_classes else: if classes is not None: assert is_iterable(classes) assert set(np.unique(labels)).issubset(classes) classes = np.unique(labels) if classes is None else classes n_classes = len(classes) c_index = np.argsort(classes) c_sorted = classes[c_index] index = c_index[np.searchsorted(c_sorted, labels)] y = np.zeros((n, n_classes), dtype=dtype) y[np.arange(n), index] = 1 return y
[docs]class ZCAWhiten(object): """ZCA Whitening References ---------- .. [1] Krizhevsky, Alex. "Learning multiple layers of features from tiny images" (2009) MSc Thesis, Dept. of Comp. Science, Univ. of Toronto. pp. 48-49. """ def __init__(self, beta=1e-2, gamma=1e-5): self.beta = beta self.gamma = gamma self.dims = None self.pixel_mu = None self.e = None self.V = None self.Sinv = None def contrast_normalize(self, X, remove_mean=True, beta=None, hard_beta=True): X = np.asarray(X, dtype=np.float64) if X.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('contrast_normalize requires flat patches') Xc = X - X.mean(axis=1)[:, None] if remove_mean else X l2 = (Xc * Xc).sum(axis=1) beta = self.beta if beta is None else beta div2 = np.maximum(l2, beta) if hard_beta else l2 + beta return Xc / np.sqrt(div2[:, None])
[docs] def fit(self, X): """Fit whitening transform to training data Parameters ---------- X : array_like Flattened data, with each row corresponding to one example """ X = self.contrast_normalize(X) self.dims = X.shape[1] self.pixel_mu = X.mean(axis=0) X -= self.pixel_mu[None, :] # each pixel has zero mean S =, X) / (X.shape[0] - 1) e, V = np.linalg.eigh(S) self.e = e self.V = V self.Sinv = / (e + self.gamma)) * V, V.T) return, self.Sinv)
def transform(self, X): assert self.dims is not None X = self.contrast_normalize(X, beta=self.beta) assert X.shape[1] == self.dims X -= self.pixel_mu[None, :] return, self.Sinv)