import contextlib
import logging
import numpy as np
import nengo.utils.numpy as npext
from nengo.builder import Builder
from nengo.connection import Connection
from nengo.ensemble import Ensemble
from import Network
from nengo.node import Node
from nengo.probe import Probe
from nengo.utils.progress import Progress
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
nullcontext = contextlib.contextmanager(lambda: (yield))
[docs]@Builder.register(Network) # noqa: C901
def build_network(model, network, progress=None):
"""Builds a `.Network` object into a model.
The network builder does this by mapping each high-level object to its
associated signals and operators one-by-one, in the following order:
1. Ensembles, nodes, neurons
2. Subnetworks (recursively)
3. Connections, learning rules
4. Probes
Before calling any of the individual objects' build functions, random
number seeds are assigned to objects that did not have a seed explicitly
set by the user. Whether the seed was assigned manually or automatically
is tracked, and the decoder cache is only used when the seed is assigned
model : Model
The model to build into.
network : Network
The network to build.
progress : Progress, optional
Object used to track the build progress.
Note that this will only affect top-level networks.
Sets ``model.params[network]`` to ``None``.
if model.toplevel is None:
model.toplevel = network
seed_network(network, seeds=model.seeds, seeded=model.seeded)
if progress is not None:
# number of sub-objects, plus 1 to account for this network
progress.max_steps = len(network.all_objects) + 1
def build_callback(obj):
if isinstance(obj, tuple(network.objects)):
model.build_callback = build_callback
if progress is None:
progress = Progress() # dummy progress
# Set config
old_config = model.config
model.config = network.config
# If this is the toplevel network, enter the decoder cache
context = model.decoder_cache if model.toplevel is network else nullcontext()
with context, progress:
logger.debug("Network step 1: Building ensembles and nodes")
for obj in network.ensembles + network.nodes:
logger.debug("Network step 2: Building subnetworks")
for subnetwork in network.networks:
logger.debug("Network step 3: Building connections")
for conn in network.connections:
# NB: we do these in the order in which they're defined, and build
# the learning rule in the connection builder. Because learning
# rules are attached to connections, the connection that contains
# the learning rule (and the learning rule) are always built
# *before* a connection that attaches to that learning rule.
# Therefore, we don't have to worry about connection ordering here.
# TODO: Except perhaps if the connection being learned
# is in a subnetwork?
logger.debug("Network step 4: Building probes")
for probe in network.probes:
if context is model.decoder_cache:
if model.toplevel is network:
model.build_callback = None
# Unset config
model.config = old_config
model.params[network] = None
[docs]def seed_network(network, seeds, seeded, base_rng=np.random):
"""Populate seeding dictionaries for all objects in a network.
This includes all subnetworks.
.. versionadded:: 3.0.0
network : Network
The network containing all objects to set seeds for.
seeds : {object: int}
Pre-existing map from objects to seeds for those objects.
Will be modified in-place, but entries will not be
overwritten if already set.
seeded : {object: bool}
Pre-existing map from objects to a boolean indicating whether they
have a fixed seed either themselves or from a parent network (True),
or whether the seed is randomly generated (False).
Will be modified in-place, but entries will not be
overwritten if already set.
base_rng : np.random.RandomState
Random number generator to use to set the seeds.
# seed this base network
_set_seed(seeds, network, base_rng)
_set_seeded(seeded, network)
# seed all sub-objects
_seed_network(network, seeds, seeded)
def _seed_network(network, seeds, seeded):
"""Recursive helper to set seeds for all child objects and subnetworks."""
rng = np.random.RandomState(seeds[network])
# Put probes last so that they don't influence other seeds
sorted_types = (Connection, Ensemble, Network, Node, Probe)
assert all(tp in sorted_types for tp in network.objects)
# assign seeds to all child objects
for obj_type in sorted_types:
for obj in network.objects[obj_type]:
_set_seed(seeds, obj, rng)
_set_seeded(seeded, obj, parent=network)
# assign seeds to subnetwork objects
for subnetwork in network.networks:
_seed_network(subnetwork, seeds, seeded)
def _set_seed(seeds, obj, rng):
# Generate a seed no matter what, so that setting a seed or not on
# one object doesn't affect the seeds of other objects.
seed = rng.randint(npext.maxint)
if obj in seeds:
return # do not overwrite an existing seed
elif getattr(obj, "seed", None) is not None:
seeds[obj] = obj.seed
seeds[obj] = seed
def _set_seeded(seeded, obj, parent=None):
# do not overwrite an existing value, since this value says how the
# original seed was assigned (deterministically or randomly), and if we
# re-determine this, we might be wrong (e.g. if obj.seed has changed)
if obj not in seeded:
seeded[obj] = (
getattr(obj, "seed", None) is not None
or parent is not None
and seeded[parent]