"""A customizable configuration system for setting default parameters and
backend-specific info.
The idea here is that a backend can create a Config and ConfigItems to
define the set of parameters that their backend supports.
Parameters are done as Python descriptors, so backends can also specify
error checking on those parameters.
A good writeup on descriptors (which has an example similar to Parameter)
can be found at
import inspect
import sys
from nengo.exceptions import ConfigError, ValidationError
from nengo.params import Default, is_param, iter_params
from nengo.rc import rc
from nengo.utils.compat import itervalues, reraise
from nengo.utils.threading import ThreadLocalStack
[docs]class ClassParams(object):
"""A class to store extra parameters and defaults on configured classes.
This is used by `.Config` to associate defaults and new `.Parameter`
instances with existing objects. It should not be instantiated outside of
configures : class
The class with which to associate new defaults and parameters.
def __init__(self, configures):
assert inspect.isclass(configures)
self._configures = configures
self._extra_params = {}
self._default_params = tuple(
attr for attr in dir(self._configures)
if is_param(getattr(self._configures, attr)))
def __contains__(self, key):
return self in self.get_param(key)
def __delattr__(self, key):
if key.startswith("_"):
super(ClassParams, self).__delattr__(key)
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key.startswith("_"):
# If we get here, then that attribute hasn't been set
raise AttributeError("%r object has no attribute %r"
% (type(self).__name__, key))
return self.get_param(key).get_default(self)
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
"""Overridden to handle instance descriptors manually.
Everything not starting with _ is assumed to be a parameter.
if key.startswith("_"):
super(ClassParams, self).__setattr__(key, value)
param = self.get_param(key)
if not param.configurable:
raise ConfigError("Parameter '%s' is not configurable" % key)
param.set_default(self, value)
def __getstate__(self):
state = {'_configures': self._configures,
'_default_params': self._default_params,
'_extra_params': self._extra_params}
# Store all of the things we set in the params
for attr in self.params:
param = self.get_param(attr)
if self in param:
state[attr] = param.get_default(self)
return state
def __setstate__(self, state):
self._configures = state['_configures']
self._default_params = state['_default_params']
self._extra_params = state['_extra_params']
# Restore all of the things we set in the params
for attr in self.params:
if attr in state:
self.get_param(attr).set_default(self, state[attr])
def __str__(self):
name = self._configures.__name__
lines = ["Parameters configured for %s:" % name]
for attr in self.params:
if self in self.get_param(attr):
lines.append(" %s: %s" % (attr, getattr(self, attr)))
if len(lines) > 1:
return "\n".join(lines)
return "No parameters configured for %s." % name
def __repr__(self):
# Only print defaults if we've configured them
params = []
filled_defaults = [attr for attr in self.default_params
if self in self.get_param(attr)]
for attr in filled_defaults + sorted(self.extra_params):
params.append("%s: %s" % (attr, getattr(self, attr)))
return "<%s[%s]{%s}>" % (type(self).__name__,
self._configures.__name__, ", ".join(params))
def default_params(self):
return self._default_params
def extra_params(self):
return tuple(self._extra_params)
def params(self):
return self.default_params + self.extra_params
def get_param(self, key):
if key in self._extra_params:
return self._extra_params[key]
return getattr(self._configures, key)
def set_param(self, key, value):
if not is_param(value):
raise ConfigError("'%s' is not a parameter" % key)
elif key in dir(self._configures):
raise ConfigError("'%s' is already a parameter in %s. "
"Please choose a different name."
% (key, self._configures.__name__))
self._extra_params[key] = value
[docs] def update(self, d):
"""Sets a number of parameters at once given a dictionary."""
for key in d:
setattr(self, key, d[key])
[docs]class InstanceParams(object):
"""A class to store parameter value on configured objects.
In contrast to `.ClassParams`, the only thing that can be done with
``InstanceParams`` is get and set parameter values. Use the corresponding
`.ClassParams` to set defaults and create new parameters.
def __init__(self, configures, clsparams):
self._configures = configures
self._clsparams = clsparams
assert not inspect.isclass(configures)
def __contains__(self, key):
return self in self._clsparams.get_param(key)
def __delattr__(self, key):
if key.startswith("_"):
super(InstanceParams, self).__delattr__(key)
elif key in dir(self._configures):
# Disallow configuring attributes the instance already has
raise ConfigError(
"Cannot configure the built-in parameter '%s' on an instance "
"of '%s'. Please delete the attribute directly on the object."
% (key, type(self._configures).__name__))
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key in self._clsparams.default_params:
raise ConfigError(
"Cannot configure the built-in parameter '%s' on an instance "
"of '%s'. Please get the attribute directly from the object."
% (key, type(self._configures).__name__))
param = self._clsparams.get_param(key)
if self in param:
return param.__get__(self, type(self))
return getattr(self._clsparams, key)
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
"""Everything not starting with _ is assumed to be a parameter."""
if key.startswith("_"):
super(InstanceParams, self).__setattr__(key, value)
elif key in dir(self._configures):
# Disallow configuring attributes the instance already has
raise ConfigError(
"Cannot configure the built-in parameter '%s' on an instance "
"of '%s'. Please set the attribute directly on the object."
% (key, type(self._configures).__name__))
self._clsparams.get_param(key).__set__(self, value)
def __getstate__(self):
state = {}
for key in iter_params(self._configures):
param = self._clsparams.get_param(key)
if self in param:
state[key] = param.__get__(self, type(self))
return state
def __setstate__(self, state):
for k, v in state.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
def __repr__(self):
params = []
filled_params = [attr for attr in self._clsparams.params
if self in self._clsparams.get_param(attr)]
for attr in filled_params:
params.append("%s: %s" % (attr, getattr(self, attr)))
return "<%s[%s]{%s}>" % (type(self).__name__,
self._configures, ", ".join(params))
def __str__(self):
lines = ["Parameters set for %s:" % str(self._configures)]
for attr in self._clsparams.params:
if self in self._clsparams.get_param(attr):
lines.append(" %s: %s" % (attr, getattr(self, attr)))
return "\n".join(lines)
def get_param(self, key):
raise ConfigError("Cannot get parameters on an instance; use "
"'config[%s].get_param' instead."
% type(self._configures).__name__)
def set_param(self, key, value):
raise ConfigError("Cannot set parameters on an instance; use "
"'config[%s].set_param' instead."
% type(self._configures).__name__)
[docs]class Config(object):
"""Configures network-level defaults and additional parameters.
Every `.Network` contains an associated ``Config`` object which can
be manipulated to change network-specific defaults, and to store
additional parameters (for example, those specific to a backend).
A ``Config`` object can configure objects of any class, but it has to be
told the classes to configure first. This is either done on instantiation
of the ``Config`` object or by calling the `.configures` method.
This sets up a mapping between configured class and a `.ClassParams`
object that sets the default values for that class. Attempting to
configure an instance of a configure class will create a mapping from
that instance to an `.InstanceParams` object to configure additional
parameters for that instance.
The classes that this ``Config`` instance will configure.
params : dict
Maps configured classes and instances to their `.ClassParams`
or `.InstanceParams` object.
To configure defaults on a network::
net = nengo.Network()
net.config[nengo.Ensemble].radius = 1.5
with net:
ens = nengo.Ensemble(10, 1)
ens.radius == 1.5 # True
To add a new parameter to a Nengo object::
'location', nengo.params.Parameter('location'))
net.config[ens].location = 'cortex'
To group together a set of parameters::
gaba = nengo.Config(nengo.Connection)
gaba[nengo.Connection].synapse = nengo.Lowpass(0.008)
with net, gaba:
conn = nengo.Connection(ens, ens)
conn.synapse == nengo.Lowpass(0.008) # True
To configure a new type of object::
class SynapseInfo(object):
label = nengo.params.StringParam('label')
gaba[SynapseInfo].label = "GABA" # Set default label
context = ThreadLocalStack(maxsize=100) # static stack of Config objects
def __init__(self, *configures):
self.params = {}
if len(configures) > 0:
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, dummy_exc_type, dummy_exc_value, dummy_tb):
if len(Config.context) == 0:
raise ConfigError("Config.context in bad state; was empty when "
"exiting from a 'with' block.")
config = Config.context.pop()
if config is not self:
raise ConfigError("Config.context in bad state; was expecting "
"current context to be '%s' but instead got "
"'%s'." % (self, config))
def __contains__(self, key):
raise TypeError("Cannot check if %r is in a config." % (key,))
def __getitem__(self, key):
# If we have the exact thing, we'll just return it
if key in self.params:
return self.params[key]
# If key is a class return a superclass's ClassParams
if inspect.isclass(key):
for cls in key.__mro__:
if cls in self.params:
return self.params[cls]
# If no superclass ClassParams, KeyError
raise ConfigError(
"Type '%(name)s' is not set up for configuration. "
"Call 'configures(%(name)s)' first." % {'name': key.__name__})
# For new instances, if we configure a class in the mro we're good
for cls in type(key).__mro__:
if cls in self.params:
clsparams = self.params[cls]
instparams = InstanceParams(key, clsparams)
self.params[key] = instparams
return instparams
# If we don't configure the class, KeyError
raise ConfigError(
"Type '%(name)s' is not set up for configuration. Call "
"configures('%(name)s') first." % {'name': type(key).__name__})
def __repr__(self):
classes = [key.__name__ for key in self.params if inspect.isclass(key)]
return "<%s(%s)>" % (type(self).__name__, ', '.join(classes))
def __str__(self):
return "\n".join(str(v) for v in itervalues(self.params))
[docs] @staticmethod
def all_defaults(nengo_cls=None):
"""Look up all of the default values in the current context.
nengo_cls : class, optional
If specified, only the defaults for a particular class will
be returned. If not specified, the defaults for all configured
classes will be returned.
lines = []
if nengo_cls is None:
all_configured = set()
for config in Config.context:
all_configured.update(key for key in config.params
if inspect.isclass(key))
lines.extend([Config.all_defaults(key) for key in all_configured])
lines.append("Current defaults for %s:" % nengo_cls.__name__)
for attr in dir(nengo_cls):
desc = getattr(nengo_cls, attr)
if is_param(desc) and desc.configurable:
val = Config.default(nengo_cls, attr)
lines.append(" %s: %s" % (attr, val))
return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] @staticmethod
def default(nengo_cls, param):
"""Look up the current default value for a parameter.
The default is found by going through the config stack, from most
specific to least specific. The network that an object is in
is the most specific; the top-level network is the least specific.
If no default is found there, then the parameter's default value
is returned.
# Get the descriptor
desc = getattr(nengo_cls, param)
if not desc.configurable:
raise ConfigError("Unconfigurable parameters have no defaults. "
"Please ensure you are not using the 'Default' "
"keyword with an unconfigurable parameter.")
for config in reversed(Config.context):
# If a default has been set for this config, return it
if nengo_cls in config.params and config[nengo_cls] in desc:
return getattr(config[nengo_cls], param)
# Otherwise, return the param default
return desc.default
class SupportDefaultsMixin(object):
"""Mixin to support assigning `.Default` to parameters.
Implements ``__setattr__`` to do so. If the inheriting class overrides
this method, it has to call the mixin's ``__setattr__``.
This mixin may simplify the exception depending on the value of the
``simplified`` rc option.
def __setattr__(self, name, val):
if val is Default:
val = Config.default(type(self), name)
if rc.getboolean('exceptions', 'simplified'):
super(SupportDefaultsMixin, self).__setattr__(name, val)
except ValidationError:
exc_info = sys.exc_info()
reraise(exc_info[0], exc_info[1], None)
super(SupportDefaultsMixin, self).__setattr__(name, val)