Source code for nengo_spa.modules.bind

from nengo.params import BoolParam, Default, IntParam

from import Network
from nengo_spa.vocabulary import VocabularyOrDimParam

[docs]class Bind(Network): """Network for binding together two inputs. Parameters ---------- vocab : Vocabulary or int The vocabulary to use to interpret the vector. If an integer is given, the default vocabulary of that dimensionality will be used. neurons_per_dimension : int, optional (Default: 200) Number of neurons to use in each dimension. unbind_left : bool, optional Whether to unbind the left input. unbind_right : bool, optional Whether to unbind the right input. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed through to `nengo_spa.Network`. Attributes ---------- input_left : nengo.Node Left input vector. input_right : nengo.Node Right input vector. output : nengo.Node Output. """ vocab = VocabularyOrDimParam("vocab", default=None, readonly=True) neurons_per_dimension = IntParam( "neurons_per_dimension", default=200, low=1, readonly=True ) unbind_left = BoolParam("unbind_left", default=False, readonly=True) unbind_right = BoolParam("unbind_right", default=False, readonly=True) def __init__( self, vocab=Default, neurons_per_dimension=Default, unbind_left=Default, unbind_right=Default, **kwargs ): super(Bind, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.vocab = vocab self.neurons_per_dimension = neurons_per_dimension self.unbind_left = unbind_left self.unbind_right = unbind_right with self: self.binding_net, inputs, output = self.vocab.algebra.implement_binding( self.neurons_per_dimension, self.vocab.dimensions, self.unbind_left, self.unbind_right, ) self.input_left = inputs[0] self.input_right = inputs[1] self.output = output self.declare_input(self.input_left, self.vocab) self.declare_input(self.input_right, self.vocab) self.declare_output(self.output, self.vocab)