Source code for nengo_spa.algebras.hrr_algebra

import nengo
import numpy as np

from nengo_spa.algebras.base import (
from nengo_spa.networks.circularconvolution import CircularConvolution

[docs]class HrrAlgebra(AbstractAlgebra): r"""Holographic Reduced Representations (HRRs) algebra. Uses element-wise addition for superposition, circular convolution for binding with an approximate inverse. The circular convolution :math:`c` of vectors :math:`a` and :math:`b` is given by .. math:: c[i] = \sum_j a[j] b[i - j] where negative indices on :math:`b` wrap around to the end of the vector. This computation can also be done in the Fourier domain, .. math:: c = DFT^{-1} ( DFT(a) \odot DFT(b) ) where :math:`DFT` is the Discrete Fourier Transform operator, and :math:`DFT^{-1}` is its inverse. Circular convolution as a binding operation is associative, commutative, distributive. More information on circular convolution as a binding operation can be found in [plate2003]_. .. [plate2003] Plate, Tony A. Holographic Reduced Representation: Distributed Representation for Cognitive Structures. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications, 2003. """ _instance = None def __new__(cls): if type(cls._instance) is not cls: cls._instance = super(HrrAlgebra, cls).__new__(cls) return cls._instance
[docs] def is_valid_dimensionality(self, d): """Checks whether *d* is a valid vector dimensionality. For circular convolution all positive numbers are valid dimensionalities. Parameters ---------- d : int Dimensionality Returns ------- bool *True*, if *d* is a valid vector dimensionality for the use with the algebra. """ return d > 0
[docs] def create_vector(self, d, properties, *, rng=None): """Create a vector fulfilling given properties in the algebra. Parameters ---------- d : int Vector dimensionality properties : set of str Definition of properties for the vector to fulfill. Valid set elements are constants defined in `.HrrProperties`. rng : numpy.random.RandomState, optional The random number generator to use to create the vector. Returns ------- ndarray Random vector with desired properties. """ properties = set(properties) if rng is None: rng = np.random.RandomState() v = rng.randn(d) v /= np.linalg.norm(v) if HrrProperties.POSITIVE in properties: properties.remove(HrrProperties.POSITIVE) v = self.abs(v) if HrrProperties.UNITARY in properties: properties.remove(HrrProperties.UNITARY) v = self.make_unitary(v) if len(properties) > 0: raise ValueError("Invalid properties: " + ", ".join(properties)) return v
[docs] def make_unitary(self, v): fft_val = np.fft.fft(v) fft_imag = fft_val.imag fft_real = fft_val.real fft_norms = np.sqrt(fft_imag ** 2 + fft_real ** 2) invalid = fft_norms <= 0.0 fft_val[invalid] = 1.0 fft_norms[invalid] = 1.0 fft_unit = fft_val / fft_norms return np.array((np.fft.ifft(fft_unit, n=len(v))).real)
[docs] def superpose(self, a, b): return a + b
[docs] def bind(self, a, b): n = len(a) if len(b) != n: raise ValueError("Inputs must have same length.") return np.fft.irfft(np.fft.rfft(a) * np.fft.rfft(b), n=n)
[docs] def binding_power(self, v, exponent): r"""Returns the binding power of *v* using the *exponent*. The binding power is defined as binding (*exponent*-1) times bindings of *v* to itself. Fractional binding powers are supported. Note the following special exponents: * an exponent of -1 will return the approximate inverse, * an exponent of 0 will return the identity vector, * and an *exponent* of w1cne will return *v* itself. The following relations hold for integer exponents, and for unitary vectors: * :math:`v^a \circledast v^b = v^{a+b}`, * :math:`(v^a)^b = v^{ab}`. If :math:`a \geq 0` and :math:`b \geq 0`, then the first relation holds also for non-unitary vectors with real exponents. Parameters ---------- v : (d,) ndarray Vector to bind repeatedly to itself. exponent : int or float Exponent of the binding power. Returns ------- (d,) ndarray Binding power of *v*. See also -------- .sign """ if int(exponent) != exponent and not self.sign(v).is_positive(): raise ValueError( "Fractional binding powers are only supported for 'positive' vectors." ) if exponent < 0: v = self.invert(v) return np.fft.irfft(np.fft.rfft(v) ** abs(exponent), n=len(v))
[docs] def invert(self, v, sidedness=ElementSidedness.TWO_SIDED): """Invert vector *v*. This turns circular convolution into circular correlation, meaning that ``A*B*~B`` is approximately ``A``. Examples -------- For the vector ``[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]``, the inverse is ``[1, 5, 4, 3, 2]``. Parameters ---------- v : (d,) ndarray Vector to invert. sidedness : ElementSidedness, optional This argument has no effect because the HRR algebra is commutative and the inverse is two-sided. Returns ------- (d,) ndarray Inverted vector. """ return v[-np.arange(len(v))]
[docs] def get_binding_matrix(self, v, swap_inputs=False): D = len(v) T = [] for i in range(D): T.append([v[(i - j) % D] for j in range(D)]) return np.array(T)
[docs] def get_inversion_matrix(self, d, sidedness=ElementSidedness.TWO_SIDED): """Returns the transformation matrix for inverting a vector. Parameters ---------- d : int Vector dimensionality (determines the matrix size). sidedness : ElementSidedness, optional This argument has no effect because the HRR algebra is commutative and the inverse is two-sided. Returns ------- (d, d) ndarray Transformation matrix to invert a vector. """ return np.eye(d)[-np.arange(d)]
[docs] def implement_superposition(self, n_neurons_per_d, d, n): node = nengo.Node(size_in=d) return node, n * (node,), node
[docs] def implement_binding(self, n_neurons_per_d, d, unbind_left, unbind_right): net = CircularConvolution(n_neurons_per_d, d, unbind_left, unbind_right) return net, (net.input_a, net.input_b), net.output
[docs] def sign(self, v): """Returns the HRR sign of *v*. See `AbstractAlgebra.sign` for general information on the notion of a sign for algbras, and `.HrrSign` for details specific to HRRs. Parameters ---------- v : (d,) ndarray Vector to determine sign of. Returns ------- HrrSign The sign of the input vector. """ dc, nyquist = np.fft.rfft(v)[[0, -1]] if len(v) % 2 == 1: nyquist = 0 assert np.isclose(dc.imag, 0) and np.isclose(nyquist.imag, 0) return HrrSign(int(np.sign(dc.real)), int(np.sign(nyquist.real)))
[docs] def absorbing_element(self, d, sidedness=ElementSidedness.TWO_SIDED): r"""Return the standard absorbing element of dimensionality *d*. An absorbing element will produce a scaled version of itself when bound to another vector. The standard absorbing element is the absorbing element with norm 1. The absorbing element for circular convolution is the vector :math:`(1, 1, \dots, 1)^{\top} / \sqrt{d}`. Parameters ---------- d : int Vector dimensionality. sidedness : ElementSidedness, optional This argument has no effect because the HRR algebra is commutative and the standard absorbing element is two-sided. Returns ------- (d,) ndarray Standard absorbing element. """ return np.ones(d) / np.sqrt(d)
[docs] def identity_element(self, d, sidedness=ElementSidedness.TWO_SIDED): r"""Return the identity element of dimensionality *d*. The identity does not change the vector it is bound to. The identity element for circular convolution is the vector :math:`(1, 0, \dots, 0)^{\top}`. Parameters ---------- d : int Vector dimensionality. sidedness : ElementSidedness, optional This argument has no effect because the HRR algebra is commutative and the identity is two-sided. Returns ------- (d,) ndarray Identity element. """ data = np.zeros(d) data[0] = 1.0 return data
[docs] def negative_identity_element(self, d, sidedness=ElementSidedness.TWO_SIDED): r"""Return the negative identity element of dimensionality *d*. The negative identity element for circular convolution is the vector :math:`(-1, 0, \dots, 0)^{\top}`. Parameters ---------- d : int Vector dimensionality. sidedness : ElementSidedness, optional This argument has no effect because the HRR algebra is commutative and the identity is two-sided. Returns ------- (d,) ndarray Negative identity element. """ return -self.identity_element(d, sidedness)
[docs] def zero_element(self, d, sidedness=ElementSidedness.TWO_SIDED): """Return the zero element of dimensionality *d*. The zero element produces itself when bound to a different vector. For circular convolution this is the zero vector. Parameters ---------- d : int Vector dimensionality. sidedness : ElementSidedness, optional This argument has no effect because the HRR algebra is commutative and the zero element is two-sided. Returns ------- (d,) ndarray Zero element. """ return np.zeros(d)
[docs]class HrrSign(AbstractSign): r"""Represents a sign in the `.HrrAlgebra`. For odd dimensionalities, the sign is equal to the sign of the DC component of the Fourier representation of the vector. For even dimensionalities the sign is constituted out of the signs of the DC component and Nyquist frequency. Thus, for even dimensionalities, there is a total of four sub-signs excluding zero. The overall sign is considered positive if the DC component is positive and the Nyquist component is non-negative; the sign is considered negative if either component is negative; and the sign is considered zero if both are zero. Binding two Semantic Pointers with the same sub-sign will yield a positive Semantic Pointer. See the table below for details. .. table:: Resulting Semantic Pointer signs from HRR binding two Semantic Pointers. (Only the upper triangle is given as the matrix is symmetric.) ================== =========== ========== ========== ========== ====== Sign (DC, Nyquist) \+ (+1, +1) − (+1, -1) − (-1, +1) − (−1, -1) (0, 0) ================== =========== ========== ========== ========== ====== \+ (+1, +1) \+ (+1, +1) − (+1, -1) − (−1, +1) − (−1, -1) (0, 0) − (+1, -1) \+ (1, +1) − (−1, -1) − (−1, +1) (0, 0) − (−1, +1) \+ (1, +1) − (+1, -1) (0, 0) − (−1, -1) \+ (1, +1) (0, 0) (0, 0) (0, 0) ================== =========== ========== ========== ========== ====== Parameters ---------- dc_sign : int Sign of the DC component. nyquist_sign : int Sign of the Nyquist frequency component. Will be set to the *dc_sign* if zero. """ __slots__ = ["dc_sign", "nyquist_sign"] def __init__(self, dc_sign, nyquist_sign): if dc_sign == 0 and nyquist_sign != 0: raise ValueError( "nyquist_sign must be 0 if dc_sign is 0 to constitute a valid " "sign in the HrrAlgebra." ) if dc_sign not in (-1, 0, 1): raise ValueError("dc_sign must be one of -1, 0, 1") if nyquist_sign not in (-1, 0, 1): raise ValueError("nyquist_sign must be one of -1, 0, 1") self.dc_sign = dc_sign self.nyquist_sign = nyquist_sign if self.nyquist_sign == 0: self.nyquist_sign = self.dc_sign
[docs] def is_positive(self): return self.dc_sign > 0 and self.nyquist_sign >= 0
[docs] def is_negative(self): return self.dc_sign < 0 or self.nyquist_sign < 0
[docs] def is_indefinite(self): return False
[docs] def to_vector(self, d): """Return the vector in the algebra corresponding to the sign. ======= ============ ======================================= DC sign Nyquist sign Vector ======= ============ ======================================= 1 1 [ 1, 0, 0, ...] (identity) 1 -1 [ 0, 1, 0, 0, ...] -1 1 [ 0, -1, 0, ...] -1 -1 [-1, 0, 0, 0, ...] (negative identity) 0 0 [ 0, 0, 0, ...] (zero) ======= ============ ======================================= Parameters ---------- d : int Vector dimensionality. Returns ------- (d,) ndarray Vector corresponding to the sign. """ if self.dc_sign == 0: return np.zeros(d) v = HrrAlgebra().identity_element(d) if self.dc_sign * self.nyquist_sign < 0: v = np.roll(v, 1) return self.dc_sign * v
def __repr__(self): return "{}(dc_sign={}, nyquist_sign={})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.dc_sign, self.nyquist_sign ) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, HrrSign): return False return self.dc_sign == other.dc_sign and self.nyquist_sign == other.nyquist_sign
[docs]class HrrProperties: """Vector properties supported by the `.HrrAlgebra`.""" UNITARY = CommonProperties.UNITARY """A unitary vector does not change the length of a vector it is bound to.""" POSITIVE = CommonProperties.POSITIVE """A positive vector does not change the sign of a vector it is bound to. A positive vector allows for fractional binding powers. """