Source code for nengo_spa.modules.transcode

import nengo
import numpy as np
from nengo.config import Default
from nengo.exceptions import ValidationError
from nengo.params import IntParam, Parameter
from nengo.utils.stdlib import checked_call

from nengo_spa.ast.symbolic import PointerSymbol
from import Network
from nengo_spa.semantic_pointer import SemanticPointer
from nengo_spa.vocabulary import VocabularyOrDimParam

class SpArrayExtractor:
    def __init__(self, vocab):
        self.vocab = vocab

    def __call__(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, PointerSymbol):
            value = value.expr
        if isinstance(value, str):
            value = self.vocab.parse(value)
        if isinstance(value, SemanticPointer):
            value = value.v
        return value

def make_sp_func(fn, vocab):
    def sp_func(t, v):
        return fn(t, SemanticPointer(v, vocab=vocab))

    return sp_func

def make_parse_func(fn, vocab):
    """Create a function that calls func and parses the output in vocab."""

    extractor = SpArrayExtractor(vocab)

    def parse_func(*args):
        return extractor(fn(*args))

    return parse_func

class TranscodeFunctionParam(Parameter):
    def coerce(self, obj, fn):
        fn = super(TranscodeFunctionParam, self).coerce(obj, fn)

        pointer_cls = (SemanticPointer, PointerSymbol)

        if fn is None:
            return fn
        elif callable(fn):
            return self.coerce_callable(obj, fn)
        elif not obj.input_vocab and isinstance(fn, (str, pointer_cls)):
            return fn
            raise ValidationError(
                "Invalid output type {!r}".format(type(fn)),, obj=obj

    def coerce_callable(self, obj, fn):
        t = 0.0
        if obj.input_vocab is not None:
            args = (
                    np.zeros(obj.input_vocab.dimensions), vocab=obj.input_vocab
        elif obj.size_in is not None:
            args = (t, np.zeros(obj.size_in))
            args = (t,)

        _, invoked = checked_call(fn, *args)
        if not invoked:
            if obj.input_vocab is not None:
                raise ValidationError(
                    "Transcode function %r is expected to accept exactly 2 "
                    "arguments: time as a float, and a SemanticPointer",
                raise ValidationError(
                    "Transcode function %r is expected to accept exactly 1 or "
                    "2 arguments: time as a float, and optionally the input "
                    "data as NumPy array.",
        return fn

    def to_node_output(cls, fn, input_vocab=None, output_vocab=None):
        if fn is None:
            return None
        elif callable(fn):
            if input_vocab is not None:
                fn = make_sp_func(fn, input_vocab)
            if output_vocab is not None:
                fn = make_parse_func(fn, output_vocab)
            return fn
        elif isinstance(fn, (str, SemanticPointer, PointerSymbol)):
            return SpArrayExtractor(output_vocab)(fn)
            raise ValueError("Invalid output type {!r}".format(type(fn)))

[docs]class Transcode(Network): """Transcode from, to, and between Semantic Pointers. This can thought of the equivalent of a `nengo.Node` for Semantic Pointers. Either the *input_vocab* or the *output_vocab* argument must not be *None*. (If you want both arguments to be *None*, use a normal `nengo.Node`.) Which one of the parameters in the pairs *input_vocab/size_in* and *output_vocab/size_out* is not set to *None*, determines whether a Semantic Pointer input/output or a normal vector input/output is expected. Parameters ---------- function : func, optional (Default: None) Function that transforms the input Semantic Pointer to an output Semantic Pointer. The function signature depends on *input_vocab*: * If *input_vocab* is *None*, the allowed signatures are the same as for a `nengo.Node`. Either ``function(t)`` or ``function(t, x)`` where *t* (float) is the current simulation time and *x* (NumPy array) is the current input to transcode with size *size_in*. * If *input_vocab* is not *None*, the signature has to be ``function(t, sp)`` where *t* (float) is the current simulation time and *sp* (`.SemanticPointer`) is the current Semantic Pointer input. The associated vocabulary can be obtained via ``sp.vocab``. The allowed function return value depends on *output_vocab*: * If *output_vocab* is *None*, the return value must be a NumPy array (or equivalent) of size *size_out* or *None* (i.e. no return value) if *size_out* is *None*. * If *output_vocab* is not *None*, the return value can be either of: NumPy array, `.SemanticPointer` instance, or an SemanticPointer expression or symbolic expression as string that gets parsed with the *output_vocab*. input_vocab : Vocabulary, optional (Default: None) Input vocabulary. Mutually exclusive with *size_in*. output_vocab : Vocabulary, optional (Default: None) Output vocabulary. Mutually exclusive with *size_out*. size_in : int, optional (Default: None) Input size. Mutually exclusive with *input_vocab*. size_out : int, optional (Default: None) Output size. Mutually exclusive with *output_vocab*. **kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments passed to `nengo_spa.Network`. Attributes ---------- input : nengo.Node Input. output : nengo.Node Output. """ function = TranscodeFunctionParam( "function", optional=True, default=None, readonly=True ) input_vocab = VocabularyOrDimParam( "input_vocab", optional=True, default=None, readonly=True ) output_vocab = VocabularyOrDimParam( "output_vocab", optional=True, default=None, readonly=True ) size_in = IntParam("size_in", optional=True, default=None, readonly=True) size_out = IntParam("size_out", optional=True, default=None, readonly=True) def __init__( self, function=Default, input_vocab=Default, output_vocab=Default, size_in=Default, size_out=Default, **kwargs ): super(Transcode, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Vocabs need to be set before function which accesses vocab for # validation. self.input_vocab = input_vocab self.output_vocab = output_vocab self.size_in = size_in self.size_out = size_out if self.input_vocab is None and self.output_vocab is None: raise ValidationError( "At least one of input_vocab and output_vocab needs to be " "set. If neither the input nor the output is a Semantic " "Pointer, use a basic nengo.Node instead.", self, ) if self.input_vocab is not None and self.size_in is not None: raise ValidationError( "The input_vocab and size_in arguments are mutually " "exclusive.", "size_in", self, ) if self.output_vocab is not None and self.size_out is not None: raise ValidationError( "The output_vocab and size_out arguments are mutually " "exclusive.", "size_in", self, ) self.function = function node_size_in = ( self.input_vocab.dimensions if self.input_vocab is not None else self.size_in ) node_size_out = ( self.output_vocab.dimensions if self.output_vocab is not None else self.size_out ) if self.function is None: if node_size_in is None: node_size_in = self.output_vocab.dimensions node_size_out = None with self: self.node = nengo.Node( TranscodeFunctionParam.to_node_output( self.function, self.input_vocab, self.output_vocab ), size_in=node_size_in, size_out=node_size_out, ) self.input = self.node self.output = self.node if self.input_vocab is not None: self.declare_input(self.input, self.input_vocab) if self.output_vocab is not None: self.declare_output(self.output, self.output_vocab)