import nengo
import numpy as np
[docs]class MatrixMult(nengo.Network):
"""Computes the matrix product A*B.
Both matrices need to be two dimensional.
See the `Matrix Multiplication example <:doc:networks>`_
for a description of the network internals.
n_neurons : int
Number of neurons used per product of two scalars.
.. note:: If an odd number of neurons is given, one less neuron will be
used per product to obtain an even number. This is due to
the implementation the `.Product` network.
shape_left : tuple
Shape of the A input matrix.
shape_right : tuple
Shape of the B input matrix.
**kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments to pass through to the `nengo.Network` constructor.
input_left : nengo.Node
The left matrix (A) to multiply.
input_right : nengo.Node
The left matrix (A) to multiply.
C : nengo.networks.Product
The product network doing the matrix multiplication.
output : nengo.node
The resulting matrix result.
def __init__(self, n_neurons, shape_left, shape_right, **kwargs):
if len(shape_left) != 2:
raise ValueError("Shape {} is not two dimensional.".format(shape_left))
if len(shape_right) != 2:
raise ValueError("Shape {} is not two dimensional.".format(shape_right))
if shape_left[1] != shape_right[0]:
raise ValueError(
"Matrix dimensions {} and {} are incompatible".format(
shape_left, shape_right
size_left =
size_right =
with self:
self.input_left = nengo.Node(size_in=size_left)
self.input_right = nengo.Node(size_in=size_right)
# The C matrix is composed of populations that each contain
# one element of A (left) and one element of B (right).
# These elements will be multiplied together in the next step.
size_c = size_left * shape_right[1]
self.C = nengo.networks.Product(n_neurons, size_c)
# Determine the transformation matrices to get the correct pairwise
# products computed. This looks a bit like black magic but if
# you manually try multiplying two matrices together, you can see
# the underlying pattern. Basically, we need to build up D1*D2*D3
# pairs of numbers in C to compute the product of. If i,j,k are
# the indexes into the D1*D2*D3 products, we want to compute the
# product # of element (i,j) in A with the element (j,k) in B. The
# index in # A of (i,j) is j+i*D2 and the index in B of (j,k) is
# k+j*D3. The index in C is j+k*D2+i*D2*D3, multiplied by 2 since
# there are # two values per ensemble. We add 1 to the B index so
# it goes into # the second value in the ensemble.
transform_left = np.zeros((size_c, size_left))
transform_right = np.zeros((size_c, size_right))
for i, j, k in np.ndindex(shape_left[0], *shape_right):
c_index = j + k * shape_right[0] + i * size_right
transform_left[c_index][j + i * shape_right[0]] = 1
transform_right[c_index][k + j * shape_right[1]] = 1
self.input_left, self.C.input_a, transform=transform_left, synapse=None
# Now do the appropriate summing
size_output = shape_left[0] * shape_right[1]
self.output = nengo.Node(size_in=size_output)
# The mapping for this transformation is much easier, since we want
# to combine D2 pairs of elements (we sum D2 products together)
transform_c = np.zeros((size_output, size_c))
for i in range(size_c):
transform_c[i // shape_right[0]][i] = 1
self.C.output, self.output, transform=transform_c, synapse=None