
Source code for nengo_loihi.emulator.interface

from __future__ import division

from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
import logging
import warnings

from nengo.exceptions import SimulationError, ValidationError
from nengo.utils.compat import is_array, is_number
import numpy as np

from nengo_loihi.discretize import (
from nengo_loihi.block import Probe
from nengo_loihi.validate import validate_model

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class EmulatorInterface: """Software emulator for Loihi chip behaviour. Parameters ---------- model : Model Model specification that will be simulated. seed : int, optional (Default: None) A seed for all stochastic operations done in this simulator. """ strict = False def __init__(self, model, seed=None): self.closed = True validate_model(model) if seed is None: seed = np.random.randint(2**31 - 1) self.seed = seed logger.debug("EmulatorInterface seed: %d", seed) self.rng = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) self.block_info = BlockInfo(model.blocks) self.inputs = list(model.inputs) logger.debug("EmulatorInterface dtype: %s", self.block_info.dtype) self.compartment = CompartmentState( self.block_info, strict=self.strict) self.synapses = SynapseState( self.block_info, pes_error_scale=getattr(model, 'pes_error_scale', 1.), strict=self.strict, ) self.axons = AxonState(self.block_info) self.probes = ProbeState(self.block_info, self.inputs, model.dt) self.t = 0 self._chip2host_sent_steps = 0 self.closed = False def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() def close(self): self.closed = True # remove references to states to free memory (except probes) self.block_info = None self.inputs = None self.compartment = None self.synapses = None self.axons = None def chip2host(self, probes_receivers): increment = 0 for probe, receiver in probes_receivers.items(): inc = self.probes.send(probe, self._chip2host_sent_steps, receiver) increment = inc if increment == 0 else increment assert inc == 0 or increment == inc self._chip2host_sent_steps += increment def host2chip(self, spikes, errors): for spike_input, t, spike_idxs in spikes: spike_input.add_spikes(t, spike_idxs) self.synapses.update_pes_errors(errors)
[docs] def run_steps(self, steps): """Simulate for the given number of ``dt`` steps. Parameters ---------- steps : int Number of steps to run the simulation for. """ for _ in range(steps): self.step()
[docs] def step(self): """Advance the simulation by 1 step (``dt`` seconds).""" self.t += 1 self.compartment.advance_input() self.synapses.inject_current( self.t, self.inputs, self.axons, self.compartment.spiked) self.synapses.update_input(self.compartment.input) self.synapses.update_traces(self.t, self.rng) self.synapses.update_weights(self.t, self.rng) self.compartment.update(self.rng) self.probes.update(self.t, self.compartment)
def get_probe_output(self, probe): return self.probes[probe]
[docs]class BlockInfo: """Provide information about all the LoihiBlocks in the model. Attributes ---------- dtype : dtype Datatype of the blocks. Either ``np.float32`` if the blocks are not discretized or ``np.int32`` if they are. All blocks are the same. blocks : list of LoihiBlock List of all the blocks in the model. n_compartments : int Total number of compartments across all blocks. slices : dict of {LoihiBlock: slice} Maps each block to a slice for that block's compartments with respect to all compartments. Used to slice into any array storing data across all compartments. """ def __init__(self, blocks): self.blocks = list(blocks) self.slices = OrderedDict() assert self.dtype in (np.float32, np.int32) start_ix = end_ix = 0 for block in self.blocks: end_ix += block.n_neurons self.slices[block] = slice(start_ix, end_ix) assert block.compartment.vth.dtype == self.dtype assert block.compartment.bias.dtype == self.dtype start_ix = end_ix self.n_compartments = end_ix @property def dtype(self): return self.blocks[0].compartment.vth.dtype
[docs]class IterableState: """Base class for aspects of the emulator state. This class takes the name of a LoihiBlock attribute as the ``block_key`` and maps these objects to their parent blocks and slices. Attributes ---------- dtype : dtype Datatype of the state elements (given by the BlockInfo datatype). block_map : dict of {item: block} Maps an item (determined by ``block_key``) to the block it belongs to. n_compartments : int The total number of neuron compartments (given by BlockInfo). slices : dict of {item: slice} Maps an item to the ``block_info.slice`` for the block it belongs to. strict : bool (Default: True) Whether "undesired" chip effects (ex. overflow) raise errors (``True``) or whether they only raise warnings (``False``). """ def __init__(self, block_info, block_key, strict=True): self.n_compartments = block_info.n_compartments self.dtype = block_info.dtype self.strict = strict blocks_items = list( self._blocks_items(block_info.blocks, block_key)) self.block_map = OrderedDict( (item, block) for block, item in blocks_items) self.slices = OrderedDict( (item, block_info.slices[block]) for block, item in blocks_items) @staticmethod def _blocks_items(blocks, block_key): for block in blocks: if block_key == "compartment": # one item per block yield block, getattr(block, block_key) else: # multiple items per block (attribute is iterable) for item in getattr(block, block_key): yield block, item def error(self, msg): if self.strict: raise SimulationError(msg) else: warnings.warn(msg) def items(self): return self.slices.items()
[docs]class CompartmentState(IterableState): """State representing the Compartments of all blocks.""" MAX_DELAY = 1 # delay not yet implemented def __init__(self, block_info, strict=True): super(CompartmentState, self).__init__( block_info, "compartment", strict=strict) # Initialize NumPy arrays to store compartment-related data self.input = np.zeros( (self.MAX_DELAY, self.n_compartments), dtype=self.dtype) self.current = np.zeros(self.n_compartments, dtype=self.dtype) self.voltage = np.zeros(self.n_compartments, dtype=self.dtype) self.spiked = np.zeros(self.n_compartments, dtype=bool) self.spike_count = np.zeros(self.n_compartments, dtype=np.int32) self.ref_count = np.zeros(self.n_compartments, dtype=np.int32) self.decay_u = np.full(self.n_compartments, np.nan, dtype=self.dtype) self.decay_v = np.full(self.n_compartments, np.nan, dtype=self.dtype) self.scale_u = np.ones(self.n_compartments, dtype=self.dtype) self.scale_v = np.ones(self.n_compartments, dtype=self.dtype) self.vth = np.full(self.n_compartments, np.nan, dtype=self.dtype) self.vmin = np.full(self.n_compartments, np.nan, dtype=self.dtype) self.vmax = np.full(self.n_compartments, np.nan, dtype=self.dtype) self.bias = np.full(self.n_compartments, np.nan, dtype=self.dtype) self.ref = np.full(self.n_compartments, np.nan, dtype=self.dtype) # Fill in arrays with parameters from CompartmentSegments for compartment, sl in self.items(): self.decay_u[sl] = compartment.decay_u self.decay_v[sl] = compartment.decay_v if compartment.scale_u: self.scale_u[sl] = compartment.decay_u if compartment.scale_v: self.scale_v[sl] = compartment.decay_v self.vth[sl] = compartment.vth self.vmin[sl] = compartment.vmin self.vmax[sl] = compartment.vmax self.bias[sl] = compartment.bias self.ref[sl] = compartment.refract_delay assert not np.any(np.isnan(self.decay_u)) assert not np.any(np.isnan(self.decay_v)) assert not np.any(np.isnan(self.vth)) assert not np.any(np.isnan(self.vmin)) assert not np.any(np.isnan(self.vmax)) assert not np.any(np.isnan(self.bias)) assert not np.any(np.isnan(self.ref)) if self.dtype == np.int32: assert (self.scale_u == 1).all() assert (self.scale_v == 1).all() self._decay_current = ( lambda x, u: decay_int(x, self.decay_u, offset=1) + u) self._decay_voltage = lambda x, u: decay_int(x, self.decay_v) + u def overflow(x, bits, name=None): _, o = overflow_signed(x, bits=bits, out=x) if np.any(o): self.error("Overflow" + (" in %s" % name if name else "")) elif self.dtype == np.float32: def decay_float(x, u, d, s): return (1 - d)*x + s*u self._decay_current = lambda x, u: decay_float( x, u, d=self.decay_u, s=self.scale_u) self._decay_voltage = lambda x, u: decay_float( x, u, d=self.decay_v, s=self.scale_v) def overflow(x, bits, name=None): pass # do not do overflow in floating point else: raise ValidationError("dtype %r not supported" % self.dtype, attr='dtype', obj=block_info) self._overflow = overflow self.noise = NoiseState(block_info) def advance_input(self): self.input[:-1] = self.input[1:] self.input[-1] = 0 def update(self, rng): noise = self.noise.sample(rng) q0 = self.input[0, :] q0[~self.noise.target_u] += noise[~self.noise.target_u] self._overflow(q0, bits=Q_BITS, name="q0") self.current[:] = self._decay_current(self.current, q0) self._overflow(self.current, bits=U_BITS, name="current") u2 = self.current + self.bias u2[self.noise.target_u] += noise[self.noise.target_u] self._overflow(u2, bits=U_BITS, name="u2") self.voltage[:] = self._decay_voltage(self.voltage, u2) # We have not been able to create V overflow on the chip, so we do # not include it here. See github.com/nengo/nengo-loihi/issues/130 # self.overflow(self.v, bits=V_BIT, name="V") np.clip(self.voltage, self.vmin, self.vmax, out=self.voltage) self.voltage[self.ref_count > 0] = 0 # TODO^: don't zero voltage in case neuron is saving overshoot self.spiked[:] = (self.voltage > self.vth) self.voltage[self.spiked] = 0 self.ref_count[self.spiked] = self.ref[self.spiked] # decrement ref_count np.clip(self.ref_count - 1, 0, None, out=self.ref_count) self.spike_count[self.spiked] += 1
[docs]class NoiseState(IterableState): """State representing the noise parameters for all compartments.""" def __init__(self, block_info): super(NoiseState, self).__init__(block_info, "compartment") self.enabled = np.full(self.n_compartments, np.nan, dtype=bool) self.exp = np.full(self.n_compartments, np.nan, dtype=self.dtype) self.mant_offset = np.full(self.n_compartments, np.nan, dtype=self.dtype) self.target_u = np.full(self.n_compartments, np.nan, dtype=bool) # Fill in arrays with parameters from Compartment for compartment, sl in self.items(): self.enabled[sl] = compartment.enable_noise self.exp[sl] = compartment.noise_exp self.mant_offset[sl] = compartment.noise_offset self.target_u[sl] = compartment.noise_at_membrane if self.dtype == np.int32: # TODO: if we could do this mult with shifts, it'd be faster, but # numpy has no function taking a vector of positive/negative shifts self.mult = np.where(self.enabled, 2.**(self.exp - 7), 0) self.mant_offset *= 64 def uniform(rng, n=self.n_compartments): return rng.randint(-127, 128, size=n, dtype=np.int32) elif self.dtype == np.float32: self.mult = np.where(self.enabled, 10.**self.exp, 0) def uniform(rng, n=self.n_compartments): return rng.uniform(-1, 1, size=n).astype(np.float32) else: raise ValidationError("dtype %r not supported" % self.dtype, attr='dtype', obj=block_info) assert not np.any(np.isnan(self.enabled)) assert not np.any(np.isnan(self.exp)) assert not np.any(np.isnan(self.mant_offset)) assert not np.any(np.isnan(self.target_u)) assert not np.any(np.isnan(self.mult)) self._uniform = uniform def sample(self, rng): x = self._uniform(rng) return ((x + self.mant_offset) * self.mult).astype(self.dtype)
[docs]class SynapseState(IterableState): """State representing all synapses. Attributes ---------- pes_error_scale : float Scaling for the errors of PES learning rules. pes_errors : {Synapse: ndarray(n_neurons / 2)} Maps synapse to PES learning rule errors for those synapses. spikes_in : {Synapse: list} Maps synapse to a queue of input spikes targeting those synapses. traces : {Synapse: ndarray(Synapse.n_axons)} Maps synapse to trace values for each of their axons. trace_spikes : {Synapse: set} Maps synapse to a queue of input spikes waiting to be added to those synapse traces. """ def __init__(self, block_info, # noqa: C901 pes_error_scale=1., strict=True ): super(SynapseState, self).__init__( block_info, "synapses", strict=strict) self.pes_error_scale = pes_error_scale self.spikes_in = OrderedDict() self.traces = OrderedDict() self.trace_spikes = OrderedDict() self.pes_errors = OrderedDict() for synapse in self.slices: n = synapse.n_axons self.spikes_in[synapse] = [] if synapse.learning: self.traces[synapse] = np.zeros(n, dtype=self.dtype) self.trace_spikes[synapse] = set() self.pes_errors[synapse] = np.zeros( self.block_map[synapse].n_neurons // 2, dtype=self.dtype) # ^ Currently, PES learning only happens on Nodes, where we # have pairs of on/off neurons. Therefore, the number of error # dimensions is half the number of neurons. if self.dtype == np.int32: def stochastic_round(x, dtype=self.dtype, rng=None, clip=None, name="values"): x_sign = np.sign(x).astype(dtype) x_frac, x_int = np.modf(np.abs(x)) p = rng.rand(*x.shape) y = x_int.astype(dtype) + (x_frac > p) if clip is not None: q = y > clip if np.any(q): warnings.warn("Clipping %s" % name) y[q] = clip return x_sign * y def trace_round(x, rng=None): return stochastic_round(x, rng=rng, clip=127, name="synapse trace") def weight_update(synapse, delta_ws, rng=None): synapse_cfg = synapse.synapse_cfg wgt_exp = synapse_cfg.real_weight_exp shift_bits = synapse_cfg.shift_bits overflow = learn_overflow_bits(n_factors=2) for w, delta_w in zip(synapse.weights, delta_ws): product = shift( delta_w * synapse._lr_int, LEARN_FRAC + synapse._lr_exp - overflow) learn_w = shift(w, LEARN_FRAC - wgt_exp) + product learn_w[:] = stochastic_round( learn_w * 2**(-LEARN_FRAC - shift_bits), clip=2**(8 - shift_bits) - 1, rng=rng, name="learning weights") w[:] = np.left_shift(learn_w, wgt_exp + shift_bits) elif self.dtype == np.float32: def trace_round(x, rng=None): return x # no rounding def weight_update(synapse, delta_ws, rng=None): for w, delta_w in zip(synapse.weights, delta_ws): w += synapse.learning_rate * delta_w else: raise ValidationError("dtype %r not supported" % self.dtype, attr='dtype', obj=block_info) self._trace_round = trace_round self._weight_update = weight_update def inject_current(self, t, spike_inputs, all_axons, spiked): # --- clear spikes going in to each synapse for spike_queue in self.spikes_in.values(): spike_queue.clear() # --- inputs pass spikes to synapses if t >= 2: # input spikes take one time-step to arrive for spike_input in spike_inputs: compartment_idxs = spike_input.spike_idxs(t - 1) for axon in spike_input.axons: spikes = axon.map_spikes(compartment_idxs) self.spikes_in[axon.target].extend(spikes) # --- axons pass spikes to synapses for axon, a_idx in all_axons.items(): compartment_idxs = spiked[a_idx].nonzero()[0] spikes = axon.map_spikes(compartment_idxs) self.spikes_in[axon.target].extend(spikes) def update_input(self, input): for synapse, s_slice in self.items(): qb = input[:, s_slice] for spike in self.spikes_in[synapse]: base = synapse.axon_compartment_base(spike.axon_id) if base is None: continue weights, indices = synapse.axon_weights_indices( spike.axon_id, atom=spike.atom) qb[0, base + indices] += weights def update_pes_errors(self, errors): # TODO: these are sent every timestep, but learning only happens every # `tepoch * 2**learn_k` timesteps (see Synapse). Need to average. for pes_errors in self.pes_errors.values(): pes_errors[:] = 0 for synapse, _, e in errors: pes_errors = self.pes_errors[synapse] assert pes_errors.shape == e.shape pes_errors += scale_pes_errors(e, scale=self.pes_error_scale) def update_weights(self, t, rng): for synapse, pes_error in self.pes_errors.items(): if t % synapse.learn_epoch == 0: trace = self.traces[synapse] e = np.hstack([-pes_error, pes_error]) delta_w = np.outer(trace, e) self._weight_update(synapse, delta_w, rng=rng) def update_traces(self, t, rng): for synapse in self.traces: trace_spikes = self.trace_spikes.get(synapse, None) if trace_spikes is not None: for spike in self.spikes_in[synapse]: if spike.axon_id in trace_spikes: self.error("Synaptic trace spikes lost") trace_spikes.add(spike.axon_id) trace = self.traces.get(synapse, None) if trace is not None and t % synapse.train_epoch == 0: tau = synapse.tracing_tau decay = np.exp(-synapse.train_epoch / tau) trace1 = decay * trace trace1[list(trace_spikes)] += synapse.tracing_mag trace[:] = self._trace_round(trace1, rng=rng) trace_spikes.clear()
[docs]class AxonState(IterableState): """State representing all (output) Axons.""" def __init__(self, block_info): super(AxonState, self).__init__(block_info, "axons")
[docs]class ProbeState: """State representing all probes. Attributes ---------- dt : float Time constant of the Emulator. filters : {nengo_loihi.Probe: function} Maps Probes to the filtering function for that probe. filter_pos : {nengo_loihi.Probe: int} Maps Probes to the position of their filter in the data. block_probes : {nengo_loihi.Probe: slice} Maps Probes to the BlockInfo slice for the block they are probing. input_probes : {nengo_loihi.Probe: SpikeInput} Maps Probes to the SpikeInput that they are probing. """ def __init__(self, block_info, inputs, dt): self.dt = dt self.probes = OrderedDict() for block in block_info.blocks: for probe in block.probes: self.probes[probe] = block_info.slices[block] self.filters = {} self.filter_pos = {} for probe, sl in self.probes.items(): if probe.synapse is not None: if probe.weights is None or is_number(probe.weights): size = sl.stop - sl.start else: assert is_array(probe.weights) and probe.weights.ndim == 2 size = probe.weights.shape[1] self.filters[probe] = probe.synapse.make_step( shape_in=(size,), shape_out=(size,), dt=self.dt, rng=None, dtype=np.float32, ) self.filter_pos[probe] = 0 self.outputs = defaultdict(list) def __getitem__(self, probe): assert isinstance(probe, Probe) out = np.asarray(self.outputs[probe], dtype=np.float32) out = out if probe.weights is None else np.dot(out, probe.weights) return self._filter(probe, out) if probe in self.filters else out def _filter(self, probe, data): dt = self.dt i = self.filter_pos[probe] step = self.filters[probe] filt_data = np.zeros_like(data) for k, x in enumerate(data): filt_data[k] = step((i + k) * dt, x) self.filter_pos[probe] = i + k return filt_data
[docs] def send(self, probe, already_sent, receiver): """Send probed data to the receiver node. Returns ------- steps : int The number of steps sent to the receiver. """ x = self.outputs[probe][already_sent:] if len(x) > 0: if probe.weights is not None: x = np.dot(x, probe.weights) for j, xx in enumerate(x): receiver.receive(self.dt * (already_sent + j + 2), xx) return len(x)
def update(self, t, compartment): for probe, sl in self.probes.items(): p_slice = probe.slice assert hasattr(compartment, probe.key) output = getattr(compartment, probe.key)[sl][p_slice].copy() self.outputs[probe].append(output)