"""FPGA network containing:
- One ensemble
- PES learning
- Feedback connection
import os
import sys
import time
import socket
import logging
import threading
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import nengo
from nengo.builder.signal import Signal
from nengo.builder.operator import Reset, Copy, SimPyFunc
import paramiko
from nengo_fpga.fpga_config import fpga_config
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class FpgaPesEnsembleNetwork(nengo.Network):
""" An ensemble to be run on the FPGA
fpga_name : str
The name of the fpga defined in the config file.
n_neurons : int
The number of neurons.
dimensions : int
The number of representational dimensions.
learning_rate : float
A scalar indicating the rate at which weights will be adjusted.
function : callable or (n_eval_points, size_mid) array_like, \
optional (Default: None)
Function to compute across the connection. Note that ``pre`` must be
an ensemble to apply a function across the connection.
If an array is passed, the function is implicitly defined by the
points in the array and the provided ``eval_points``, which have a
one-to-one correspondence.
transform : (size_out, size_mid) array_like, optional \
(Default: ``np.array(1.0)``)
Linear transform mapping the pre output to the post input.
This transform is in terms of the sliced size; if either pre
or post is a slice, the transform must be shaped according to
the sliced dimensionality. Additionally, the function is applied
before the transform, so if a function is computed across the
connection, the transform must be of shape ``(size_out, size_mid)``.
eval_points : (n_eval_points, size_in) array_like or int, optional \
(Default: None)
Points at which to evaluate ``function`` when computing decoders,
spanning the interval (-pre.radius, pre.radius) in each dimension.
If None, will use the eval_points associated with ``pre``.
socket_args : dictionary, optional (Default: Empty dictionary)
Parameters to pass on to the ``socket`` object that is used to handle UDP
communication between the host PC and the FPGA board. Acceptable parameters
``connect_timeout``: Determines the maximum timeout to wait for a connection
from the FPGA board. Default: 300s
``recv_timeout``: Determines the maximum timeout for each packet received
from the FPGA board. Default: 0.1s
feedback : float or (D_out, D_in) array_like, optional
Defines the transform for a recurrent connection. If ``None``, no
recurrent connection will be built. The default synapse used for the
recurrent connection is ``nengo.Lowpass(0.1)``, this can be changed
using the ``feedback`` attribute of this class.
label : str, optional (Default: None)
A descriptive label for the connection.
seed : int, optional (Default: None)
The seed used for random number generation.
add_to_container : bool, optional (Default: None)
Determines if this network will be added to the current container. If
``None``, this network will be added to the network at the top of the
``Network.context`` stack unless the stack is empty.
input : `nengo.Node`
A node that serves as the input interface between external Nengo
objects and the FPGA board.
output : `nengo.Node`
A node that serves as the output interface between the FPGA board and
external Nengo objects.
error : `nengo.Node`
A node that provides the error signal to be used by the learning rule
on the FPGA board.
ensemble : `nengo.Ensemble`
An ensemble object whose parameters are used to configure the
ensemble implementation on the FPGA board.
connection : `nengo.Connection`
The connection object used to configure the learning connection
implementation on the FPGA board.
feedback : `nengo.Connection`
The connection object used to configure the recurrent connection
implementation on the FPGA board.
def __init__(
# Flags for determining whether or not the FPGA board is being used
self.config_found = fpga_config.has_section(fpga_name)
self.fpga_found = True # TODO: Ping board to determine?
self.using_fpga_sim = False
# Make SSHClient object
self.ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()
self.ssh_info_str = ""
self.ssh_lock = False
# Save ssh details
self.fpga_name = fpga_name
self.arg_data_path = os.curdir
self.arg_data_file = ""
# Process dimensions, function, transform arguments
self.input_dimensions = dimensions
self.get_output_dim(function, dimensions)
# Process feedback connection
if nengo.utils.numpy.is_array_like(feedback):
self.rec_transform = feedback
elif feedback is not None:
raise nengo.exceptions.ValidationError(
"Must be scalar or array-like", "feedback", self
# Neuron type string map
self.neuron_str_map = {
nengo.neurons.RectifiedLinear: "RectifiedLinear",
nengo.neurons.SpikingRectifiedLinear: "SpikingRectifiedLinear",
self.default_neuron_type = nengo.neurons.RectifiedLinear()
# Store the various parameters needed to initialize the remote network
self.seed = seed
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
# Call the superconstructor
super(FpgaPesEnsembleNetwork, self).__init__(label, seed, add_to_container)
# Socket attributes
self.udp_socket = None
self.send_buffer = None
self.recv_buffer = None
if socket_args is None:
socket_args = {}
self.connect_timeout = socket_args.get("connect_timeout", 30)
self.recv_timeout = socket_args.get("recv_timeout", 0.1)
# Check if the desired FPGA name is defined in the configuration file
if self.config_found:
# Handle the udp port selection: Use the config specified port.
# If none is provided (i.e., the specified port number is 0),
# choose a random udp port number between 20000 and 65535.
self.udp_port = int(fpga_config.get(fpga_name, "udp_port"))
if self.udp_port == 0:
self.udp_port = int(np.random.uniform(low=20000, high=65535))
self.send_addr = (fpga_config.get(fpga_name, "ip"), self.udp_port)
# FPGA name not found, throw a warning.
logger.warning("Specified FPGA configuration '%s' not found.", fpga_name)
print("WARNING: Specified FPGA configuration '%s' not found." % fpga_name)
# Make nengo model. Here, a dummy ensemble is created. It will be
# replaced with a udp_socket in the builder function (see below).
with self:
self.input = nengo.Node(size_in=self.input_dimensions, label="input")
self.error = nengo.Node(size_in=self.output_dimensions, label="error")
self.output = nengo.Node(size_in=self.output_dimensions, label="output")
self.ensemble = nengo.Ensemble(
label="Dummy Ensemble",
nengo.Connection(self.input, self.ensemble, synapse=None)
self.connection = nengo.Connection(
nengo.Connection(self.error, self.connection.learning_rule, synapse=None)
if feedback is not None:
self.feedback = nengo.Connection(
self.feedback = None
# Make the object lists immutable so that no extra objects can be added
# to this network.
for k, v in self.objects.items():
self.objects[k] = tuple(v)
[docs] def get_output_dim(self, function, dimensions):
""" Simplify init function by moving output shape calculation here"""
if function is nengo.Default:
self.output_dimensions = dimensions
elif callable(function):
self.output_dimensions = len(function(np.zeros(dimensions)))
elif nengo.utils.numpy.is_array_like(function):
self.output_dimensions = function.shape[1]
raise nengo.exceptions.ValidationError(
"Must be callable or array-like", "function", self
def local_data_filepath(self):
"""Full path to ensemble parameter value data file on the local system.
Ensemble parameter values are generated by the builder.
return os.path.join(self.arg_data_path, self.arg_data_file)
[docs] def terminate_client(self):
"""Send termination packet to FPGA board.
Termination packet is a packet where t is less than 0.
np.ones(self.input_dimensions + self.output_dimensions + 1) * -1
[docs] def close(self):
"""Shutdown connections to FPGA if applicable"""
# Function does nothing if FPGA configuration not found in config file
if not self.config_found:
# Close the UDP socket if it is open
if self.udp_socket is not None:
# Send termination signal to the board
# Close the udp socket and set it to None
"<%s> UDP Connection closed", fpga_config.get(self.fpga_name, "ip")
self.udp_socket = None
# Reset the udp communication buffers
self.send_buffer = np.zeros(self.input_dimensions + self.output_dimensions + 1)
self.recv_buffer = np.zeros(self.output_dimensions + 1)
# Close the SSH connection
logger.info("<%s> SSH connection closed", fpga_config.get(self.fpga_name, "ip"))
[docs] def cleanup(self):
"""Remove FPGA data file if applicable"""
# Function does nothing if FPGA configuration not found in config file
if not self.config_found:
# Clean up any existing argument data files
if os.path.isfile(self.local_data_filepath):
[docs] def connect_ssh_client(self, ssh_user, remote_ip):
""" Helper function to parse config and setup ssh client"""
# Get the SSH options from the fpga_config file
ssh_port = fpga_config.get(self.fpga_name, "ssh_port")
if fpga_config.has_option(self.fpga_name, "ssh_pwd"):
ssh_pwd = fpga_config.get(self.fpga_name, "ssh_pwd")
ssh_pwd = None
if fpga_config.has_option(self.fpga_name, "ssh_key"):
ssh_key = os.path.expanduser(fpga_config.get(self.fpga_name, "ssh_key"))
ssh_key = None
# Connect to remote location over ssh
if ssh_key is not None:
# If an ssh key is provided, just use it
remote_ip, port=ssh_port, username=ssh_user, key_filename=ssh_key
elif ssh_pwd is not None:
# If an ssh password is provided, just use it
remote_ip, port=ssh_port, username=ssh_user, password=ssh_pwd
# If no password or key is specified, just use the default connect
# (paramiko will then try to connect using the id_rsa file in the
# ~/.ssh/ folder)
self.ssh_client.connect(remote_ip, port=ssh_port, username=ssh_user)
[docs] def connect_thread_func(self):
"""Start SSH in a separate thread if applicable"""
# Function does nothing if FPGA configuration not found in config file
if not self.config_found:
# Get the IP of the remote device from the fpga_config file
remote_ip = fpga_config.get(self.fpga_name, "ip")
# Get the SSH options from the fpga_config file
ssh_user = fpga_config.get(self.fpga_name, "ssh_user")
self.connect_ssh_client(ssh_user, remote_ip)
# Send argument file over
remote_data_filepath = "%s/%s" % (
fpga_config.get(self.fpga_name, "remote_tmp"),
if os.path.exists(self.local_data_filepath):
"<%s> Sending argument data (%s) to fpga board",
fpga_config.get(self.fpga_name, "ip"),
# Send the argument data over to the fpga board
# Create sftp connection
sftp_client = self.ssh_client.open_sftp()
sftp_client.put(self.local_data_filepath, remote_data_filepath)
# Close sftp connection and release ssh connection lock
# Invoke a shell in the ssh client
ssh_channel = self.ssh_client.invoke_shell()
# Wait for the SSH shell to initialize
# If board configuration specifies using sudo to run scripts
# - Assume all non-root users will require sudo to run the scripts
# - Note: Also assumes that the fpga has been configured to allow
# the ssh user to run sudo commands WITHOUT needing a password
# (see specific fpga hardware docs for details)
if ssh_user != "root":
logger.info("<%s> Script to be run with sudo. Sudoing.", remote_ip)
ssh_channel.send("sudo su\n")
# Send required ssh string
"<%s> Sending cmd to fpga board: \n%s",
fpga_config.get(self.fpga_name, "ip"),
# Variable for remote error handling
got_error = 0
error_strs = []
# Get and process the information being returned over the ssh
# connection
while True:
data = ssh_channel.recv(256)
if not data:
# If no data is received, the client has been closed, so close
# the channel, and break out of the while loop
info_str_list = self.ssh_info_str.split("\n")
for info_str in info_str_list[:-1]:
got_error, error_strs = self.check_ssh_str(
info_str, error_strs, got_error, remote_ip
self.ssh_info_str = info_str_list[-1]
# The traceback usually contains 3 lines, so collect the first
# three lines then display it.
if got_error == 2:
# Close the UDP and SSH connections so that the main simulation thread
# terminates
raise RuntimeError(
"Received the following error on the remote side <%s>:\n%s"
% (remote_ip, "\n".join(error_strs))
logger.info("Terminating SSH thread")
[docs] def connect(self): # noqa: C901
"""Connect to FPGA via SSH if applicable"""
# Function does nothing if FPGA configuration not found in config file
if not self.config_found:
logger.info("<%s> Open SSH connection", fpga_config.get(self.fpga_name, "ip"))
# Start a new thread to open the ssh connection. Use a thread to
# handle the opening of the connection because it can lag for certain
# devices, and we don't want it to impact the rest of the build process.
connect_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.connect_thread_func, args=())
logger.info("<%s> Open UDP connection", fpga_config.get(self.fpga_name, "ip"))
# Create a UDP socket to communicate with the board
self.udp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
self.udp_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
self.udp_socket.bind((fpga_config.get("host", "ip"), self.udp_port))
# # Set the socket timeout to the connection timeout and wait for the
# # board to connect to the PC.
# # Note that this is the "correct" way to wait for an incoming connection
# # request. However, because the error detection mechanism in the SSH
# # thread is done by closing the UDP socket, a polling approach is used
# # (see below).
# # TODO: Re-examine this during the SSH refactoring.
# self.udp_socket.settimeout(self.connect_timeout)
# while True:
# try:
# self.udp_socket.recv_into(self.recv_buffer.data)
# # Connection packet has a t of 0
# if self.recv_buffer[0] <= 0.0:
# break
# except socket.timeout:
# self.close()
# raise RuntimeError("Did not receive connection from board within "
# + "specified timeout (%fs)." % self.connect_timeout)
# if self.recv_buffer[0] < 0.0:
# self.close()
# raise RuntimeError("Simulation terminated by FPGA board.")
# Connection with the board established. Set the socket timeout to
# recv_timeout.
# Wait for the connection packet from the board. Note that the
# implementation above (setting the socket timeout to ``connect_timeout``)
# is the "proper" implementation. Below is a workaround to allow the SSH
# connection thread to terminate the connection process (by closing the
# udp socket, so an exception is thrown).
max_attempts = int(self.connect_timeout / self.recv_timeout)
for conn_attempts in range(max_attempts):
if self.recv_buffer[0] <= 0.0:
# Received a connection packet (t == 0) from the board, or received
# a "terminate client" packet (t < 0) from the board, so break out
# of the connection waiting loop
except socket.timeout:
except AttributeError:
if conn_attempts >= (max_attempts - 1):
# Number of connection attempts exceeds maximum number of attempts.
# I.e., no connection has been received within the timeout limit.
raise RuntimeError(
"Did not receive connection from board within "
+ "specified timeout (%fs)." % self.connect_timeout
if self.recv_buffer[0] < 0.0:
# Received a "terminate client" packet from the board, terminate the
# Nengo simulation.
reason = ""
if self.recv_buffer[0] <= -20:
reason = "Unable to load FPGA driver! "
elif self.recv_buffer[0] <= -10:
reason = "Unable to acquire FPGA resource lock! "
raise RuntimeError(reason + "Simulation terminated by FPGA board.")
[docs] def process_ssh_output(self, data):
"""Clean up the data stream coming back over ssh if applicable"""
str_data = data.decode("latin1").replace("\r\n", "\r")
str_data = str_data.replace("\r\r", "\r")
str_data = str_data.replace("\r", "\n")
# Process and dump the returned ssh data to logger. Data (strings)
# returned over SSH are terminated by a newline, so, keep track of
# the data and write the data to logger only when a newline is
# received.
self.ssh_info_str += str_data
[docs] def check_ssh_str(self, info_str, error_strs, got_error, remote_ip):
"""Process info from ssh and check for errors"""
if info_str.startswith("Killed"):
logger.error("<%s> ENCOUNTERED ERROR!", remote_ip)
got_error = 2
if info_str.startswith("Traceback"):
logger.error("<%s> ENCOUNTERED ERROR!", remote_ip)
got_error = 1
elif got_error > 0 and info_str[0] != " ":
# Error string is no longer tabbed, so the actual error
# is bring printed. Collect and terminate (see below)
got_error = 2
if got_error > 0:
# Once an error is encountered, keep collecting error
# messages until the termination condition (above)
logger.info("<%s> %s", remote_ip, info_str)
return got_error, error_strs
[docs] def reset(self):
"""Reconnect to FPGA if applicable"""
# Function does nothing if FPGA configuration not found in config file
if not self.config_found:
# Otherwise, close and reopen the SSH connection to the board
# Closing the SSH connection will terminate the board-side script
"<%s> Resetting SSH connection:", fpga_config.get(self.fpga_name, "ip")
# Close and reopen ssh connections
def ssh_string(self):
"""Command sent to FPGA device to begin execution
Generate the string to be sent over the ssh connection to run the
remote side ssh script (with appropriate arguments)
ssh_str = ""
if self.config_found:
ssh_str = (
"python "
+ fpga_config.get(self.fpga_name, "remote_script")
+ " --host_ip='%s'" % fpga_config.get("host", "ip")
+ " --remote_ip='%s'" % fpga_config.get(self.fpga_name, "ip")
+ " --udp_port=%i" % self.udp_port
+ " --arg_data_file='%s/%s'"
% (fpga_config.get(self.fpga_name, "remote_tmp"), self.arg_data_file)
+ "\n"
return ssh_str
def validate_net(network):
"""Helper function to simplify builder function.
Validates network params:
- Neuron type
- Learning connection
- Feedback connection
returns [neuron_type (str),
learning_rate (float),
# Check neuron type
if type(network.ensemble.neuron_type) not in network.neuron_str_map:
raise nengo.exceptions.BuildError(
"Neuron type '%s' is not supported." % type(network.ensemble.neuron_type)
# Check learning
if network.connection.learning_rule_type is None:
l_rate = 0
elif isinstance(network.connection.learning_rule_type, nengo.PES):
l_rate = network.connection.learning_rule_type.learning_rate
raise nengo.exceptions.BuildError(
"Learning rule '%s' is not supported."
% type(network.connection.learning_rule_type)
# Check Feedback (params not set here)
if network.feedback is not None:
# Validation
if network.feedback.learning_rule_type is not None:
raise nengo.exceptions.BuildError(
"The FPGA feedback connection does not support learning."
if not isinstance(network.feedback.synapse, nengo.Lowpass):
raise nengo.exceptions.BuildError(
"The FPGA feedback connection only supports the "
"`nengo.Lowpass` synapse."
return [network.neuron_str_map[type(network.ensemble.neuron_type)], l_rate]
def extract_and_save_params(model, network):
"""Generate the ensemble and connection parameters and save them to file"""
# Generate the network used to get the ensemble and output connection parameters
param_model = nengo.builder.Model(dt=model.dt)
nengo.builder.network.build_network(param_model, network)
# Collect the simulation argument values
sim_args = {}
sim_args["dt"] = model.dt
# Collect the ensemble argument values
ens_args = {}
ens_args["input_dimensions"] = network.input_dimensions
ens_args["output_dimensions"] = network.output_dimensions
ens_args["n_neurons"] = network.ensemble.n_neurons
ens_args["bias"] = param_model.params[network.ensemble].bias
ens_args["scaled_encoders"] = param_model.params[network.ensemble].scaled_encoders
# Collect the connection argument values
conn_args = {}
conn_args["weights"] = param_model.params[network.connection].weights
# Validate neuron_type, learning_rule, and feedback connection
ens_args["neuron_type"], conn_args["learning_rate"] = validate_net(network)
# Collect the feedback connection argument values
recur_args = {}
recur_args["weights"] = 0 # Necessary as flag even if not used
if network.feedback is not None:
# Grab relevant attributes
recur_args["weights"] = param_model.params[network.feedback].weights
recur_args["tau"] = network.feedback.synapse.tau
# Save the NPZ data file
npz_filename = "fpen_args_" + str(id(network)) + ".npz"
network.arg_data_file = npz_filename
def udp_comm_func(t, x, net, dt):
"""UDP communication function for nengo SimPyFunc"""
# Assemble the information to send to the board
net.send_buffer[0] = t
net.send_buffer[1:] = x
# Send information to the board
net.udp_socket.sendto(net.send_buffer.tobytes(), net.send_addr)
# Receive information from the board
while net.recv_buffer[0] < (t - dt / 2.0):
if net.recv_buffer[0] < 0:
# Received a "terminate client" packet from the board, terminate the
# Nengo simulation.
raise RuntimeError("Simulation terminated by FPGA board.")
except socket.timeout:
logger.info("Socket timeout for t=%0.5fs", t)
# Return the received information
return net.recv_buffer[1:]
def build_FpgaPesEnsembleNetwork(model, network):
"""Builder to integrate FPGA network into Nengo
Add build steps like nengo?
# Check if nengo_fpga.Simulator is being used to build this network
if not network.using_fpga_sim:
warn_str = "FpgaPesEnsembleNetwork not being built with nengo_fpga simulator."
print("WARNING: " + warn_str)
# Check if all of the requirements to use the FPGA board are met
if not (network.using_fpga_sim and network.config_found and network.fpga_found):
# FPGA requirements not met...
# Build the dummy network instead of using FPGA-specific stuff
warn_str = "Building network with dummy (non-FPGA) ensemble."
print("WARNING: " + warn_str)
nengo.builder.network.build_network(model, network)
# Generate the ensemble and connection parameters and save them to file
extract_and_save_params(model, network)
# Build the nengo network using the network's udp_socket function
# Set up input/output signals
input_sig = Signal(np.zeros(network.input_dimensions), name="input")
model.sig[network.input]["in"] = input_sig
model.sig[network.input]["out"] = input_sig
input_sig = model.build(nengo.synapses.Lowpass(0), input_sig)
error_sig = Signal(np.zeros(network.output_dimensions), name="error")
model.sig[network.error]["in"] = error_sig
model.sig[network.error]["out"] = error_sig
error_sig = model.build(nengo.synapses.Lowpass(0), error_sig)
output_sig = Signal(np.zeros(network.output_dimensions), name="output")
model.sig[network.output]["out"] = output_sig
if network.connection.synapse is not None:
model.build(network.connection.synapse, output_sig)
# Set up udp_socket combined input signals
udp_socket_input_sig = Signal(
np.zeros(network.input_dimensions + network.output_dimensions),
dst_slice=slice(0, network.input_dimensions),
dst_slice=slice(network.input_dimensions, None),
# Build udp socket function with Nengo SimPyFunc
fn=partial(udp_comm_func, net=network, dt=model.dt),