Represents and manages the internal simulation signals.
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict, Mapping
import logging
from nengo.builder.signal import Signal
from nengo.exceptions import BuildError
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class TensorSignal:
Represents a tensor as an indexed view into a base array.
slices : tuple of tuple of int
Start/stop indices of slices along the first axis of the base array,
corresponding to the data for this signal.
key : object
Key mapping to the base array that contains the data for this signal.
dtype : str
dtype of the values represented by this signal.
shape : tuple of int
View shape of this signal (may differ from shape of base array).
minibatch_size : int
If not None then this signal contains a minibatch dimension with the
given size.
label : str
Name for this signal, used to make debugging easier.
def __init__(self, slices, key, dtype, shape, minibatch_size, label="TensorSignal"):
# make sure slices are read-only
slices = tuple(tuple(s) for s in slices)
self._slices = slices
self.key = key
self.dtype = dtype
self.shape = shape
self.minibatch_size = minibatch_size
self.label = label
[docs] def reset(self):
Reset cached Tensors.
self._tf_shape = None
self._tf_indices = None
self._tf_indices_nd = None
self._tf_slice = -1
def slices(self):
The slices containing the data for this signal in the base array.
return self._slices
def slices(self, _):
raise BuildError("Slices are read only")
def ndim(self):
The rank of this signal.
return len(self.shape)
def __repr__(self):
return "TensorSignal(key=%s, shape=%s, label=%s)" % (
[docs] def __getitem__(self, indices):
Create a new TensorSignal representing a subset (slice or advanced
indexing) of the indices of this TensorSignal.
indices : slice or list of int
The desired subset of the indices in this TensorSignal
sig : `.signals.TensorSignal`
A new TensorSignal representing the subset of this TensorSignal
if indices is Ellipsis or indices is None:
return self
# figure out indices in new view
source_indices = np.concatenate(
[np.arange(start, stop, dtype=np.int32) for start, stop in self.slices]
new_indices = source_indices[indices]
# find all the entries that are not runs (not consecutive with the
# previous entry)
run_starts = np.empty(new_indices.shape[0], dtype=bool)
run_starts[0] = True
np.not_equal(new_indices[:-1] + 1, new_indices[1:], out=run_starts[1:])
# find run start/stop indices
run_breaks = np.nonzero(run_starts)[0]
starts = new_indices[run_breaks]
stops = np.append(new_indices[run_breaks - 1][1:], new_indices[-1]) + 1
slices = tuple(zip(starts, stops))
return TensorSignal(
(len(new_indices),) + self.shape[1:],
label=self.label + ".slice",
[docs] def reshape(self, shape):
Create a new TensorSignal representing a reshaped view of the
same data in this TensorSignal (size of data must remain unchanged).
shape : tuple of int
New shape for the signal (one dimension can be -1 to indicate
an inferred dimension size, as in numpy)
sig : `.signals.TensorSignal`
New TensorSignal representing the same data as this signal but
with the given shape
# replace -1 with inferred dimension
if shape.count(-1) > 1:
raise BuildError("Only one inferred dimension allowed in reshape")
elif shape.count(-1) == 1:
n_elem = np.prod(self.shape)
n_shape = int(np.prod([x for x in shape if x != -1]))
if n_elem % n_shape != 0:
raise BuildError("No valid length for inferred dimension")
shape = tuple(x if x != -1 else n_elem // n_shape for x in shape)
if np.prod(shape) != np.prod(self.shape):
raise BuildError("Number of elements don't match in reshape")
return TensorSignal(
label=self.label + ".reshape(%s)" % (shape,),
def tf_shape(self):
A ``tf.Tensor`` representing the shape of this signal.
if self._tf_shape is None:
self._tf_shape = tf.constant(self.full_shape, dtype=tf.int32)
return self._tf_shape
def tf_indices(self):
A ``tf.Tensor`` representing the indices of this signal.
if self._tf_indices is None:
self._tf_indices = tf.concat(
[tf.range(start, stop, dtype=tf.int32) for start, stop in self.slices],
return self._tf_indices
def tf_indices_nd(self):
A ``tf.Tensor`` representing the indices of this signal for use with e.g.
if self._tf_indices_nd is None:
if self.minibatched:
self._tf_indices_nd = tf.stack(
tf.range(self.minibatch_size, dtype=tf.int32),
self._tf_indices_nd = tf.expand_dims(self.tf_indices, -1)
return self._tf_indices_nd
def tf_slice(self):
A tuple of ``tf.Tensors`` representing the ``(start, stop, stride)``
slice within the base array containing the data for this signal.
This can be used as a more efficient representation of
if self._tf_slice == -1:
if len(self.slices) == 1:
start, stop = self.slices[0]
if self.minibatched:
# add full slice along first (batch) dimension
start = [0, start]
stop = [self.minibatch_size, stop]
start = [start]
stop = [stop]
self._tf_slice = (
self._tf_slice = None
return self._tf_slice
def full_shape(self):
"""Shape of the signal including the minibatch dimension."""
return ((self.minibatch_size,) + self.shape) if self.minibatched else self.shape
def minibatched(self):
"""Whether or not this TensorSignal contains a minibatch dimension."""
return self.minibatch_size is not None
[docs]class SignalDict(Mapping):
Handles the mapping from `~nengo.builder.Signal` to ``tf.Tensor``.
Takes care of gather/scatter logic to read/write signals within the base
dtype : str
Floating point precision used in signals (e.g. "float32")
minibatch_size : int
Number of items in each minibatch
def __init__(self, dtype, minibatch_size):
self.dtype = tf.as_dtype(dtype)
self.minibatch_size = minibatch_size
self.sig_map = {}
[docs] def reset(self):
Reset build-specific data structures.
These are data structures that are filled out during the TensorGraph build
process (and therefore need to be re-initialized if we build the model again),
as opposed to data that is constant for a given Nengo model.
# these values will be re-generated whenever the model is rebuilt
self.bases = OrderedDict()
# reset TensorSignals
for sig in self.sig_map.values():
# logging
self.read_types = defaultdict(int)
self.write_types = defaultdict(int)
[docs] def scatter(self, dst, val, mode="update"):
Updates the base data corresponding to ``dst``.
dst : `.TensorSignal`
Signal indicating the data to be modified in base array
val : ``tf.Tensor``
Update data (same shape as ``dst``, i.e. a dense array <= the size
of the base array)
mode : "update" or "inc"
Overwrite/add the data at ``dst`` with ``val``
logger.debug("values %s", val)
logger.debug("dst %s", dst)
logger.debug("slices %s", dst.slices)
logger.debug("dst base %s", self.bases[dst.key])
if val.dtype.is_floating and val.dtype.base_dtype != self.dtype:
raise BuildError(
"Tensor detected with wrong dtype (%s), should "
"be %s." % (val.dtype.base_dtype, self.dtype)
# align val shape with dst base shape
dst_shape = self.bases[dst.key].shape.as_list()
dst_shape[dst.minibatched] = dst.shape[0]
if val.shape != dst_shape:
val = tf.reshape(val, dst.tf_shape)
var = self.bases[dst.key]
# should never be writing to a variable
if isinstance(var, tf.Variable):
raise BuildError("Scatter target should not be a Variable")
if (
len(dst.slices) == 1
and var.shape.is_compatible_with(val.shape)
and dst.slices[0][0] == 0
and dst.slices[0][1] == var.shape[dst.minibatched]
if mode == "inc":
result = var + val
self.write_types["assign_add"] += 1
result = val
self.write_types["assign"] += 1
elif mode == "inc":
result = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_add(var, dst.tf_indices_nd, val)
self.write_types["scatter_add"] += 1
result = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(var, dst.tf_indices_nd, val)
self.write_types["scatter_update"] += 1
self.bases[dst.key] = result
logger.debug("new dst base %s", self.bases[dst.key])
[docs] def gather(self, src, force_copy=False):
Fetches the data corresponding to ``src`` from the base array.
src : `.TensorSignal`
Signal indicating the data to be read from base array
force_copy : bool
If True, always perform a gather, not a slice (this forces a
copy). Note that setting ``force_copy=False`` does not guarantee
that a copy won't be performed.
gathered : ``tf.Tensor``
Tensor object corresponding to a dense subset of data from the
base array
logger.debug("src %s", src)
logger.debug("slices %s", src.slices)
logger.debug("src base %s", self.bases[src.key])
var = self.bases[src.key]
# we prefer to get the data via `strided_slice` or `identity` if
# possible, as it is more efficient
if force_copy or len(src.slices) > 1:
result = tf.gather(var, src.tf_indices, axis=1 if src.minibatched else 0)
self.read_types["gather"] += 1
elif src.slices[0][0] == 0 and src.slices[0][1] == var.shape[src.minibatched]:
result = var
self.read_types["identity"] += 1
result = tf.strided_slice(var, *src.tf_slice)
self.read_types["strided_slice"] += 1
# reshape the data according to the shape set in `src`, if there is
# one, otherwise keep the shape of the base array
if result.shape != src.full_shape:
result = tf.reshape(result, src.tf_shape)
return result
[docs] def combine(self, sigs, label="Combine"):
Combines several TensorSignals into one by concatenating along
the first axis.
sigs : list of `.TensorSignal` or `~nengo.builder.Signal`
Signals to be combined
label : str
Name for combined signal (to help with debugging)
sig : `.TensorSignal`
New TensorSignal representing the concatenation of the data in
if len(sigs) == 0:
return []
assert isinstance(sigs, (list, tuple))
assert isinstance(sigs[0], (Signal, TensorSignal))
sigs = [self[s] if isinstance(s, Signal) else s for s in sigs]
# make sure all the signals have the same base
# note: this also tells us that they have the same dtype and
# minibatching
key = sigs[0].key
assert all(s.key == key for s in sigs)
# make sure all signals have the same shape (except first axis,
# which we're concatenating along); note, this can fail even if they
# all have the same base, due to reshaping
shape = (np.sum([s.shape[0] for s in sigs]),) + sigs[0].shape[1:]
assert all(s.shape[1:] == shape[1:] for s in sigs)
# combine slices from signals (possibly merging consecutive slices)
combined_slices = []
for sig in sigs:
if len(combined_slices) > 0 and combined_slices[-1][1] == sig.slices[0][0]:
combined_slices = combined_slices[:-1] + [
(combined_slices[-1][0], sig.slices[0][1])
output = self.get_tensor_signal(
return output
[docs] def get_tensor_signal(
self, slices, key, dtype, shape, minibatched, signal=None, label="TensorSignal"
Creates a new ``TensorSignal`` with the given properties.
This should be used rather than instantiating a new TensorSignal
directly, as it handles some extra book-keeping.
slices : tuple of tuple of int
Start/stop indices of slices along the first axis of the base array,
corresponding to the data for this signal.
key : object
Key mapping to the base array that contains the data for this
dtype : str
dtype of the values represented by this signal
shape : tuple of int
View shape of this signal (may differ from shape of base array)
minibatched : bool
Whether or not this signal contains a minibatch dimension
signal : `~nengo.builder.Signal`
If not None, associate the new ``TensorSignal`` with the given
``Signal`` in the ``sig_map``
label : str
Name for this signal, used to make debugging easier
sig : `.TensorSignal`
A new ``TensorSignal`` with the given properties
tensor_sig = TensorSignal(
self.minibatch_size if minibatched else None,
if signal is not None:
if signal.sparse:
assert sum(stop - start for start, stop in slices) == signal.size
assert shape == (signal.size,)
assert sum(stop - start for start, stop in slices) == (
1 if len(signal.shape) == 0 else signal.shape[0]
assert signal.size == np.prod(shape)
assert signal.minibatched == minibatched
self[signal] = tensor_sig
return tensor_sig
[docs] def op_constant(self, ops, op_sizes, attr, dtype, shape=(1, -1)):
Creates a tensor representing the constant parameters of an op group.
ops : list of object
The operators for some merged group of ops
op_sizes : list of int
The number of constant elements in each op
attr : str
The attribute of the op that describes the constant parameter
dtype : str
Numeric type of the parameter
shape : tuple of int
Shape for returned constant (this will be ignored in the scalar case).
The default adds an empty dimension for broadcasting along the batch axis.
constant : ``tf.Tensor``
Tensor containing the values of ``attr`` for the given ops. This
will be a scalar if all the ops have the same parameter value, or
an array giving the parameter value for each element in each op.
if not isinstance(dtype, tf.DType):
dtype = tf.as_dtype(dtype)
vals = [getattr(op, attr) for op in ops]
if np.allclose(vals, vals[0]):
return tf.constant(vals[0], dtype=dtype)
assert len(op_sizes) == len(ops)
v = np.zeros(sum(op_sizes), dtype=dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
k = 0
for val, size in zip(vals, op_sizes):
v[k : k + size] = val
k += size
if shape is not None:
v = np.reshape(v, shape)
return tf.constant(v, dtype=dtype)
def __getitem__(self, sig):
return self.sig_map[sig]
def __setitem__(self, sig, tensor_sig):
self.sig_map[sig] = tensor_sig
def __len__(self):
return len(self.sig_map)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.sig_map)
def __contains__(self, sig):
return sig in self.sig_map