Source code for nengo_dl.op_builders

Build classes for basic Nengo operators.

from collections import defaultdict
import logging
import warnings

from nengo.builder.operator import (
from nengo.builder.transforms import SparseDotInc
from nengo.transforms import SparseMatrix
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_sparse_ops

from nengo_dl import utils
from nengo_dl.builder import Builder, OpBuilder

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ResetInc(Reset): """ A version of Reset that increments the target value rather than setting it. """ @property def dst(self): """Overridden to return from incs rather than sets.""" return self.incs[0]
[docs]@Builder.register(Reset) @Builder.register(ResetInc) class ResetBuilder(OpBuilder): """ Build a group of `~nengo.builder.operator.Reset` operators. """ def __init__(self, ops, signals, config): super().__init__(ops, signals, config) logger.debug("val %s", [op.value for op in ops]) logger.debug("dst %s", [op.dst for op in ops]) self.mode = "inc" if type(ops[0]) == ResetInc else "update" dtype = np.asarray(ops[0].value).dtype if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating): dtype = signals.dtype.as_numpy_dtype # Reset signals might be spread across multiple bases, so group them # by the ones that do share a base scatters = defaultdict(list) for op in ops: scatters[signals[op.dst].key].append(op) self.scatters = [] for group in scatters.values(): value = tf.concat( [ tf.broadcast_to( tf.cast(x.value, dtype), (signals.minibatch_size,) + x.dst.shape, ) for x in group ], axis=1, ) self.scatters.append((signals.combine([x.dst for x in group]), value)) logger.debug("scatters") logger.debug("\n".join([str(x) for x in self.scatters]))
[docs] def build_step(self, signals): for data, val in self.scatters: signals.scatter(data, val, mode=self.mode)
[docs] @staticmethod def mergeable(x, y): return True
[docs]@Builder.register(Copy) class CopyBuilder(OpBuilder): """ Build a group of `~nengo.builder.operator.Copy` operators. """ def __init__(self, ops, signals, config): super().__init__(ops, signals, config) logger.debug("src %s", [op.src for op in ops]) logger.debug("src_slice %s", [getattr(op, "src_slice", None) for op in ops]) logger.debug("dst %s", [op.dst for op in ops]) logger.debug("dst_slice %s", [getattr(op, "dst_slice", None) for op in ops]) self.src_data = signals.combine([signals[op.src][op.src_slice] for op in ops]) self.dst_data = signals.combine([signals[op.dst][op.dst_slice] for op in ops]) self.mode = "inc" if ops[0].inc else "update"
[docs] def build_step(self, signals): src = signals.gather(self.src_data) if not self.src_data.minibatched and self.dst_data.minibatched: src = tf.broadcast_to(src, self.dst_data.full_shape) signals.scatter(self.dst_data, src, mode=self.mode)
[docs] @staticmethod def mergeable(x, y): return True
# class ElementwiseSet(ElementwiseInc): # @property # def Y(self): # return self.sets[0]
[docs]@Builder.register(ElementwiseInc) # @Builder.register(ElementwiseSet) class ElementwiseIncBuilder(OpBuilder): """ Build a group of `~nengo.builder.operator.ElementwiseInc` operators. """ def __init__(self, ops, signals, config): super().__init__(ops, signals, config) logger.debug("dst %s", [op.Y for op in ops]) logger.debug("A %s", [op.A for op in ops]) logger.debug("X %s", [op.X for op in ops]) self.mode = "inc" if type(ops[0]) == ElementwiseInc else "update" self.Y_data = signals.combine([op.Y for op in ops]) # group all the A's and X's self.A_data = signals.combine([op.A for op in ops]) self.X_data = signals.combine([op.X for op in ops]) # separate data from each op along the first dimension # (we only need to do this if they don't have the same length already) if self.A_data.shape[0] != self.X_data.shape[0]: self.A_data = self.A_data.reshape((len(ops), -1) + self.A_data.shape[1:]) self.X_data = self.X_data.reshape((len(ops), -1) + self.X_data.shape[1:]) # add empty trailing dimensions for elementwise broadcasting while self.A_data.ndim < self.X_data.ndim: self.A_data = self.A_data.reshape(self.A_data.shape + (1,)) # add broadcast dimension for minibatch, if needed if not self.A_data.minibatched and self.X_data.minibatched: self.A_data = self.A_data.reshape((1,) + self.A_data.shape)
[docs] def build_step(self, signals): A = signals.gather(self.A_data) X = signals.gather(self.X_data) result = tf.multiply(A, X) signals.scatter(self.Y_data, result, mode=self.mode)
[docs] @staticmethod def mergeable(x, y): # for these operations we enforce that the first dimensions # match (we know all the other dimensions match due to the generic # checks). # this allows us to stack all the arguments into continuous array # blocks, allowing for more efficient multiplication (mainly # because it allows us to take advantage of broadcasting) for s0, s1 in zip(x.all_signals, y.all_signals): shape0 = s0.shape[0] if s0.shape != () else 1 shape1 = s1.shape[0] if s1.shape != () else 1 if shape0 != shape1: return False return True
[docs]def sparse_matmul(A_indices, A_data, A_shape, X, transpose_x=False): """ Matrix multiplication between sparse matrix A and dense matrix X Parameters ---------- A_indices : ``tf.Tensor`` (N, 2) array of [row,col] non-zero entries A_data : ``tf.Tensor`` (N,) array of data in the nonzero entries specified in ``A_indices`` A_shape : tuple of int Shape of full A matrix X : ``tf.Tensor`` Dense matrix being multiplied by A transpose_x : bool Transpose X before multiply Returns ------- dot : ``tf.Tensor`` Result of matrix multiplication between A and X """ must_downcast = A_data.dtype.base_dtype != tf.float32 and ( "gpu" in A_data.device.lower() or (A_data.device == "" and utils.tf_gpu_installed) ) if must_downcast: assert A_data.dtype.base_dtype == X.dtype.base_dtype warnings.warn( "Downcasting data to float32 in sparse_matmul, since " "only float32 is supported on the GPU." ) A = tf.cast(A_data, tf.float32) X = tf.cast(X, tf.float32) else: A = A_data dot = gen_sparse_ops.sparse_tensor_dense_mat_mul( A_indices, A, A_shape, X, adjoint_b=transpose_x ) if must_downcast: dot = tf.cast(dot, A_data.dtype.base_dtype) return dot
# class DotSet(DotInc): # @property # def Y(self): # return self.sets[0]
[docs]@Builder.register(DotInc) # @Builder.register(DotSet) class DotIncBuilder(OpBuilder): """ Build a group of `~nengo.builder.operator.DotInc` operators. """ def __init__(self, ops, signals, config): super().__init__(ops, signals, config) logger.debug("dst %s", [op.Y for op in ops]) logger.debug("A %s", [op.A for op in ops]) logger.debug("X %s", [op.X for op in ops]) self.mode = "inc" if type(ops[0]) == DotInc else "update" self.Y_data = signals.combine([op.Y for op in ops]) # group all the A's and X's A_data = signals.combine([op.A for op in ops]) X_data = signals.combine([op.X for op in ops]) # separate data from each op along the first dimension self.A_data = A_data.reshape((len(ops), -1, A_data.shape[1])) self.X_data = X_data.reshape((len(ops), -1)) if self.A_data.minibatched: # change X to matrix self.X_data = self.X_data.reshape(self.X_data.shape + (1,)) else: # precompute transposition permutation self.perm = tf.constant((1, 2, 0)) self.perm_inv = tf.constant((2, 0, 1))
[docs] def build_step(self, signals): A = signals.gather(self.A_data) X = signals.gather(self.X_data) if self.A_data.minibatched and self.X_data.minibatched: # (batch, n_ops, a0, a1) x (batch, n_ops, a1, 1) dot = tf.matmul(A, X) elif not self.A_data.minibatched and self.X_data.minibatched: # (n_ops, a0, a1) x (batch, n_ops, a1) # -> (n_ops, a0, a1) x (n_ops, a1, batch) dot = tf.matmul(A, tf.transpose(X, perm=self.perm)) # transpose back to (batch, n_ops, a0) dot = tf.transpose(dot, perm=self.perm_inv) # for some reason the transposing causes TensorFlow to lose track of # the shape (only when the `perm` constants are outside the loop) dot.set_shape((signals.minibatch_size,) + self.A_data.shape[:2]) else: raise NotImplementedError signals.scatter(self.Y_data, dot, mode=self.mode)
[docs] @staticmethod def mergeable(x, y): # the first dimensions need to match up (to allow us to separate them by op) for s0, s1 in zip(x.all_signals, y.all_signals): shape0 = s0.shape[0] if s0.shape != () else 1 shape1 = s1.shape[0] if s1.shape != () else 1 if shape0 != shape1: return False return True
[docs]@Builder.register(SimPyFunc) class SimPyFuncBuilder(OpBuilder): """ Build a group of `~nengo.builder.operator.SimPyFunc` operators. """ def __init__(self, ops, signals, config): super().__init__(ops, signals, config) logger.debug("t %s", [op.t for op in ops]) logger.debug("x %s", [op.x for op in ops]) logger.debug("fn %s", [op.fn for op in ops]) self.time_data = None if ops[0].t is None else signals[ops[0].t].reshape(()) self.input_data = signals.combine([op.x for op in ops]) if ops[0].output is not None: self.output_data = signals.combine([op.output for op in ops]) self.output_dtype = self.output_data.dtype else: self.output_data = None self.output_dtype = signals.dtype def merged_func(time, inputs): # pragma: no cover (runs in TF) outputs = [] offset = 0 for op in ops: if op.output is None: func = op.fn else: func = utils.align_func(op.output.shape, self.output_dtype)(op.fn) func_input = inputs[:, offset : offset + op.x.shape[0]] offset += op.x.shape[0] mini_out = [] for j in range(signals.minibatch_size): if op.t is None: func_out = func(func_input[j]) else: func_out = func(time, func_input[j]) if op.output is None: # just return time as a noop (since we need to # return something) func_out = [time] mini_out += [func_out] outputs += [np.stack(mini_out, axis=0)] return np.concatenate(outputs, axis=1) self.merged_func = merged_func self.merged_func.__name__ = "_".join([utils.function_name(op.fn) for op in ops]) self.output_shape = (signals.minibatch_size,) self.output_shape += ( (len(ops),) if self.output_data is None else self.output_data.shape )
[docs] def build_step(self, signals): time = [] if self.time_data is None else signals.gather(self.time_data) inputs = [] if self.input_data is None else signals.gather(self.input_data) with tf.device("/cpu:0"): node_outputs = tf.numpy_function( self.merged_func, [time, inputs], self.output_dtype, name=self.merged_func.__name__, ) node_outputs.set_shape(self.output_shape) if self.output_data is not None: signals.scatter(self.output_data, node_outputs) # note: we only need to run the node for side effects, not the # assignment operator. if the result of the assignment is actually # used anywhere, then it will be run as part of the normal graph. return node_outputs
[docs] @staticmethod def mergeable(x, y): # for these we need to make a special check that the functions # all do/do not get time as input, otherwise we could end # up confusing a node that only gets a scalar float input with # a node that only gets time as input return x.t == y.t
[docs]@Builder.register(SparseDotInc) class SparseDotIncBuilder(OpBuilder): """ Build a group of `~nengo.builder.operator.SparseDotInc` operators. """ def __init__(self, ops, signals, config): super().__init__(ops, signals, config) self.Y_data = signals.combine([op.Y for op in ops]) # group all the A's and X's self.A_data = signals.combine([op.A for op in ops]) self.X_data = signals.combine([op.X for op in ops]) # the only way A would be minibatched is if it is targeted by an # online learning rule, which isn't supported for sparse transforms assert not self.A_data.minibatched assert self.X_data.minibatched and self.Y_data.minibatched # arrange the sparse matrices into a (sparse) block diagonal matrix # by adding an offset to each sparse matrix's indices sparse_indices = [] corner = np.zeros(2, dtype=np.int64) for op in ops: if isinstance(op.A.initial_value, SparseMatrix): idxs = np.array(op.A.initial_value.indices) else: initial_value = op.A.initial_value.tocoo() idxs = np.stack((initial_value.row, initial_value.col), axis=1) block_shape = (op.A.shape[0], op.A.shape[1]) idxs += corner corner += block_shape sparse_indices += [idxs] sparse_indices = np.concatenate(sparse_indices, axis=0) self.sparse_indices = tf.constant( sparse_indices, dtype=( tf.int32 if np.all(sparse_indices < np.iinfo(np.int32).max) else tf.int64 ), ) self.A_shape = tf.constant(corner, dtype=tf.int64) self.perm = tf.constant((1, 0))
[docs] def build_step(self, signals): A = signals.gather(self.A_data) X = signals.gather(self.X_data) # (sum(a0s), sum(a1s)) x (batch, sum(a1s)) # -> (sum(a0s), sum(a1s)) x (sum(a1s), batch) dot = sparse_matmul(self.sparse_indices, A, self.A_shape, X, transpose_x=True) # transpose result back to (batch, sum(a0s)) dot = tf.transpose(dot, perm=self.perm) dot.set_shape((signals.minibatch_size,) + self.Y_data.shape) signals.scatter(self.Y_data, dot, mode="inc")
[docs] @staticmethod def mergeable(x, y): return True
[docs]@Builder.register(TimeUpdate) class TimeUpdateBuilder(OpBuilder): """ Build a group of `~nengo.builder.operator.TimeUpdate` operators. """ def __init__(self, ops, signals, config): super().__init__(ops, signals, config) assert len(ops) == 1 op = ops[0] self.step_data = signals[op.step] self.time_data = signals[op.time] = tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.int32)
[docs] def build_step(self, signals): step = signals.gather(self.step_data) step += signals.scatter(self.step_data, step) signals.scatter(self.time_data, tf.cast(step, signals.dtype) * signals.dt)
[docs] @staticmethod def mergeable(x, y): # there should only ever be one TimeUpdate so this should never be called raise NotImplementedError