Utility objects used throughout the code base.
import logging
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import time
import warnings
from nengo.exceptions import SimulationError
import numpy as np
import progressbar
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.framework.ops import get_gradient_function
from nengo_dl.compat import tf_compat
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# check if GPU support is available
# note: we run this in a subprocess because is_gpu_available() creates
# a Session, which will fix certain process-level TensorFlow configuration
# options the first time it is called
tf_gpu_installed = subprocess.call(
"import sys; "
"import tensorflow as tf; "
[docs]def sanitize_name(name):
Remove illegal TensorFlow name characters from string.
Valid TensorFlow name characters are ``[A-Za-z0-9_.\\-/]``
name : str
Name to be sanitized
sanitized : str
Sanitized name
if not isinstance(name, str):
name = str(name)
name = name.replace(" ", "_")
name = name.replace(":", "_")
valid_exp = re.compile(r"[A-Za-z0-9_.\-/]")
return "".join([c for c in name if valid_exp.match(c)])
[docs]def function_name(func, sanitize=True):
Get the name of the callable object ``func``.
func : callable
Callable object (e.g., function, callable class)
sanitize : bool
If True, remove any illegal TensorFlow name characters from name
name : str
Name of ``func`` (optionally sanitized)
name = getattr(func, "__name__", func.__class__.__name__)
if sanitize:
name = sanitize_name(name)
return name
[docs]def align_func(output_shape, output_dtype):
Decorator that ensures the output of ``func`` is an
`~numpy.ndarray` with the given shape and dtype.
output_shape : (list of) tuple of int
Desired shape for function output(s) (must have the same size as actual
function output)
output_dtype : (list of) ``tf.DType`` or `~numpy.dtype`
Desired dtype of function output(s)
If the function returns ``None`` or a non-finite value.
single_output = isinstance(output_shape, tuple)
if single_output:
output_shape = [output_shape]
output_dtype = [output_dtype]
for i, dtype in enumerate(output_dtype):
if isinstance(dtype, tf.DType):
output_dtype[i] = dtype.as_numpy_dtype
def apply_align(func):
def aligned_func(*args):
output = func(*args)
if output is None:
raise SimulationError(
"Function %r returned None" % function_name(func, sanitize=False)
if single_output:
output = [output]
for i, o in enumerate(output):
if not np.all(np.isfinite(o)):
raise SimulationError(
"Function %r returned invalid value %r"
% (function_name(func, sanitize=False), o)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise SimulationError(
"Function %r returned a value %r of invalid type %r"
% (function_name(func, sanitize=False), o, type(o))
o = np.asarray(o, dtype=output_dtype[i])
o = o.reshape(output_shape[i])
output[i] = o
if single_output:
output = output[0]
return output
return aligned_func
return apply_align
[docs]def print_op(input, message):
Inserts a print statement into the TensorFlow graph.
input : ``tf.Tensor``
The value of this tensor will be printed whenever it is computed
in the graph
message : str
String prepended to the value of ``input``, to help with logging
op : ``tf.Tensor``
New tensor representing the print operation applied to ``input``
This is what ``tf.Print`` is supposed to do, but it doesn't seem to work
def print_func(x): # pragma: no cover (runs in TF)
print(message, str(x))
return x
with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
output = tf_compat.py_func(print_func, [input], input.dtype)
return output
[docs]def find_non_differentiable(inputs, outputs):
Searches through a TensorFlow graph to find non-differentiable elements
between ``inputs`` and ``outputs`` (elements that would prevent us from
computing ``d_outputs / d_inputs``.
inputs : list of ``tf.Tensor``
Input tensors
outputs : list of ``tf.Tensor``
Output tensors
for o in outputs:
if o in inputs:
grad = get_gradient_function(o.op)
if grad is None and len(o.op.inputs) > 0:
# note: technically we're not sure that this op is
# on the path to inputs. we could wait and propagate this
# until we find inputs, but that can take a long time for
# large graphs. it seems more useful to fail quickly, and
# risk some false positives
raise LookupError
find_non_differentiable(inputs, o.op.inputs)
except LookupError:
raise SimulationError(
"Graph contains non-differentiable elements: %s" % o.op
class MessageBar(progressbar.BouncingBar):
ProgressBar widget for progress bars with possibly unknown duration.
msg : str
A message to be displayed in the middle of the progress bar
finish_msg : str
A message to be displayed when the progress bar is finished
def __init__(self, msg="", finish_msg="", **kwargs):
super(MessageBar, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.msg = msg
self.finish_msg = finish_msg
def __call__(self, progress, data, width):
if progress.end_time:
return self.finish_msg
if progress.max_value is progressbar.UnknownLength:
bar = progressbar.BouncingBar
bar = progressbar.Bar
line = bar.__call__(self, progress, data, width)
if data["percentage"] is None:
msg = self.msg
msg = "%s (%d%%)" % (self.msg, data["percentage"])
offset = width // 2 - len(msg) // 2
return line[:offset] + msg + line[offset + len(msg) :]
[docs]class ProgressBar(progressbar.ProgressBar): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
Handles progress bar display for some tracked process.
present : str
Description of process in present (e.g., "Simulating")
past : str
Description of process in past (e.g., "Simulation")
max_value : int or None
The maximum number of steps in the tracked process (or ``None`` if
the maximum number of steps is unknown)
vars : list of str
Extra variables that will be displayed at the end of the progress bar
Launches a separate thread to handle the progress bar display updates.
def __init__(self, present="", past=None, max_value=1, vars=None, **kwargs):
self.present = present
self.sub_bar = None
self.finished = None
if past is None:
past = present
self.msg_bar = MessageBar(msg=present, finish_msg="%s finished in" % past)
widgets = [self.msg_bar, " "]
if max_value is None:
progressbar.ETA(format="ETA: %(eta)s", format_finished="%(elapsed)s")
if vars is not None:
self.var_vals = progressbar.FormatCustomText(
" (" + ", ".join("%s: %%(%s)s" % (v, v) for v in vars) + ")",
{v: "---" for v in vars},
self.var_vals = None
def update_thread():
while not self.finished:
if self.sub_bar is None or self.sub_bar.finished:
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=update_thread)
self.thread.daemon = True
if max_value is None:
max_value = progressbar.UnknownLength
super(ProgressBar, self).__init__(
[docs] def start(self, **kwargs):
"""Start tracking process, initialize display."""
super(ProgressBar, self).start(**kwargs)
self.finished = False
return self
[docs] def finish(self, **kwargs):
"""Stop tracking process, finish display."""
if self.sub_bar is not None and self.sub_bar.finished is False:
self.finished = True
super(ProgressBar, self).finish(**kwargs)
[docs] def step(self, **vars):
Advance the progress bar one step.
vars : dict of {str: str}
Values for the extra variables displayed at the end of the progress
bar (defined in ``__init__``)
if self.var_vals is not None:
self.value += 1
[docs] def sub(self, msg=None, **kwargs):
Creates a new progress bar for tracking a sub-process.
msg : str
Description of sub-process
if self.sub_bar is not None and self.sub_bar.finished is False:
self.sub_bar = SubProgressBar(
present="%s: %s" % (self.present, msg) if msg else self.present, **kwargs
return self.sub_bar
def max_steps(self):
Alias for max_value to allow this to work with Nengo progress bar
return self.max_value
def max_steps(self, n):
self.max_value = n
def __enter__(self):
super(ProgressBar, self).__enter__()
return self.start()
def __next__(self):
"""Wraps an iterable using this progress bar."""
if self.start_time is None:
value = next(self._iterable)
return value
except StopIteration:
[docs]class SubProgressBar(ProgressBar): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
A progress bar representing a sub-task within an overall progress bar.
[docs] def finish(self):
"""Finishing a sub-progress bar doesn't start a new line."""
super(SubProgressBar, self).finish(end="\r")
[docs]class NullProgressBar(progressbar.NullBar): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
A progress bar that does nothing.
Used to replace ProgressBar when we want to disable output.
def __init__(self, present="", past=None, max_value=1, vars=None, **kwargs):
super(NullProgressBar, self).__init__(max_value=max_value, **kwargs)
[docs] def sub(self, *args, **kwargs):
Noop for creating a sub-progress bar.
return self
[docs] def step(self, **kwargs):
Noop for incrementing the progress bar.
[docs]def minibatch_generator(data, minibatch_size, shuffle=True, truncation=None, rng=None):
Generator to yield ``minibatch_sized`` subsets from ``inputs`` and
data : dict of {``NengoObject``: `~numpy.ndarray`}
Data arrays to be divided into minibatches.
minibatch_size : int
The number of items in each minibatch
shuffle : bool
If True, the division of items into minibatches will be randomized each
time the generator is created
truncation : int
If not None, divide the data up into sequences of ``truncation``
rng : `~numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState`
Seeded random number generator
offset : int
The simulation step at which the returned data begins (will only be
nonzero if ``truncation`` is not ``None``).
inputs : dict of {`~nengo.Node`: `~numpy.ndarray`}
The same structure as ``inputs``, but with each array reduced to
``minibatch_size`` elements along the first dimension
targets : dict of {`~nengo.Probe`: `~numpy.ndarray`}
The same structure as ``targets``, but with each array reduced to
``minibatch_size`` elements along the first dimension
if isinstance(data, int):
n_inputs = None
n_steps = data
n_inputs, n_steps = next(iter(data.values())).shape[:2]
if rng is None:
rng = np.random
if truncation is None:
truncation = n_steps
if n_steps % truncation != 0:
"Length of training data (%d) is not an even multiple of "
"truncation length (%d); this may result in poor "
"training results" % (n_steps, truncation)
if n_inputs is None:
# no input to divide up, so we just return the
# number of steps to be run based on the truncation
for j in range(0, n_steps, truncation):
yield (j, min(truncation, n_steps - j))
if shuffle:
perm = rng.permutation(n_inputs)
perm = np.arange(n_inputs)
if n_inputs % minibatch_size != 0:
"Number of data elements (%d) is not an even multiple of "
"minibatch size (%d); inputs will be truncated"
% (n_inputs, minibatch_size)
perm = perm[: -(n_inputs % minibatch_size)]
for i in range(0, n_inputs - n_inputs % minibatch_size, minibatch_size):
mini_data = {k: v[perm[i : i + minibatch_size]] for k, v in data.items()}
for j in range(0, n_steps, truncation):
yield (j, {k: v[:, j : j + truncation] for k, v in mini_data.items()})