Source code for nengo_dl.learning_rule_builders

Build classes for Nengo learning rule operators.

from distutils.version import LooseVersion

from nengo import Lowpass
from nengo.builder import Signal
from nengo.builder.learning_rules import SimBCM, SimOja, SimVoja, get_post_ens
from nengo.builder.operator import Operator, Reset, DotInc, Copy
from nengo.learning_rules import PES
from nengo.version import version as nengo_version
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from nengo_dl.builder import Builder, OpBuilder, NengoBuilder

[docs]@Builder.register(SimBCM) class SimBCMBuilder(OpBuilder): """Build a group of `~nengo.builder.learning_rules.SimBCM` operators.""" def __init__(self, ops, signals, config): super(SimBCMBuilder, self).__init__(ops, signals, config) self.post_data = signals.combine([op.post_filtered for op in ops]) self.theta_data = signals.combine([op.theta for op in ops]) self.pre_data = signals.combine( [op.pre_filtered for op in ops for _ in range(op.post_filtered.shape[0])]) self.pre_data = self.pre_data.reshape((self.post_data.shape[0], ops[0].pre_filtered.shape[0])) self.learning_rate = signals.op_constant( ops, [op.post_filtered.shape[0] for op in ops], "learning_rate", signals.dtype, ndims=3) self.output_data = signals.combine([ for op in ops])
[docs] def build_step(self, signals): pre = signals.gather(self.pre_data) post = signals.gather(self.post_data) theta = signals.gather(self.theta_data) post = self.learning_rate * signals.dt * post * (post - theta) post = tf.expand_dims(post, 1) signals.scatter(self.output_data, post * pre)
[docs] @staticmethod def mergeable(x, y): # pre inputs must have the same dimensionality so that we can broadcast # them when computing the outer product return x.pre_filtered.shape[0] == y.pre_filtered.shape[0]
[docs]@Builder.register(SimOja) class SimOjaBuilder(OpBuilder): """Build a group of `~nengo.builder.learning_rules.SimOja` operators.""" def __init__(self, ops, signals, config): super(SimOjaBuilder, self).__init__(ops, signals, config) self.post_data = signals.combine([op.post_filtered for op in ops]) self.pre_data = signals.combine( [op.pre_filtered for op in ops for _ in range(op.post_filtered.shape[0])]) self.pre_data = self.pre_data.reshape((self.post_data.shape[0], ops[0].pre_filtered.shape[0])) self.weights_data = signals.combine([op.weights for op in ops]) self.output_data = signals.combine([ for op in ops]) self.learning_rate = signals.op_constant( ops, [op.post_filtered.shape[0] for op in ops], "learning_rate", signals.dtype, ndims=3) self.beta = signals.op_constant( ops, [op.post_filtered.shape[0] for op in ops], "beta", signals.dtype, ndims=3)
[docs] def build_step(self, signals): pre = signals.gather(self.pre_data) post = signals.gather(self.post_data) weights = signals.gather(self.weights_data) post = tf.expand_dims(post, 1) alpha = self.learning_rate * signals.dt update = alpha * post ** 2 update *= -self.beta * weights update += alpha * post * pre signals.scatter(self.output_data, update)
[docs] @staticmethod def mergeable(x, y): # pre inputs must have the same dimensionality so that we can broadcast # them when computing the outer product return x.pre_filtered.shape[0] == y.pre_filtered.shape[0]
[docs]@Builder.register(SimVoja) class SimVojaBuilder(OpBuilder): """Build a group of `~nengo.builder.learning_rules.SimVoja` operators.""" def __init__(self, ops, signals, config): super(SimVojaBuilder, self).__init__(ops, signals, config) self.post_data = signals.combine([op.post_filtered for op in ops]) self.pre_data = signals.combine( [op.pre_decoded for op in ops for _ in range(op.post_filtered.shape[0])]) self.pre_data = self.pre_data.reshape((self.post_data.shape[0], ops[0].pre_decoded.shape[0])) self.learning_data = signals.combine( [op.learning_signal for op in ops for _ in range(op.post_filtered.shape[0])]) self.encoder_data = signals.combine([op.scaled_encoders for op in ops]) self.output_data = signals.combine([ for op in ops]) self.scale = signals.constant( np.concatenate([op.scale[:, None, None] for op in ops], axis=0), dtype=signals.dtype) self.learning_rate = signals.op_constant( ops, [op.post_filtered.shape[0] for op in ops], "learning_rate", signals.dtype)
[docs] def build_step(self, signals): pre = signals.gather(self.pre_data) post = signals.gather(self.post_data) learning_signal = signals.gather(self.learning_data) scaled_encoders = signals.gather(self.encoder_data) alpha = tf.expand_dims( self.learning_rate * signals.dt * learning_signal, 1) post = tf.expand_dims(post, 1) update = alpha * (self.scale * post * pre - post * scaled_encoders) signals.scatter(self.output_data, update)
[docs] @staticmethod def mergeable(x, y): # pre inputs must have the same dimensionality so that we can broadcast # them when computing the outer product return x.pre_decoded.shape[0] == y.pre_decoded.shape[0]
[docs]class SimPES(Operator): # pylint: disable=abstract-method r""" Calculate connection weight change according to the PES rule. Implements the PES learning rule of the form .. math:: \Delta \omega_{ij} = \frac{\kappa}{n} e_j a_i where * :math:`\kappa` is a scalar learning rate, * :math:`n` is the number of presynaptic neurons * :math:`e_j` is the error for the jth output dimension, and * :math:`a_i` is the activity of a presynaptic neuron. Parameters ---------- pre_filtered : Signal The presynaptic activity, :math:`a_i`. error : Signal The error signal, :math:`e_j`. delta : Signal The synaptic weight change to be applied, :math:`\Delta \omega_{ij}`. learning_rate : float The scalar learning rate, :math:`\kappa`. tag : str (Default: None) A label associated with the operator, for debugging purposes. Attributes ---------- pre_filtered : Signal The presynaptic activity, :math:`a_i`. error : Signal The error signal, :math:`e_j`. delta : Signal The synaptic weight change to be applied, :math:`\Delta \omega_{ij}`. learning_rate : float The scalar learning rate, :math:`\kappa`. tag : str (Default: None) A label associated with the operator, for debugging purposes. Notes ----- 1. sets ``[delta]`` 2. incs ``[]`` 3. reads ``[pre_filtered, error]`` 4. updates ``[]`` """ def __init__(self, pre_filtered, error, delta, learning_rate, tag=None): super(SimPES, self).__init__(tag=tag) self.pre_filtered = pre_filtered self.error = error = delta self.learning_rate = learning_rate # TODO: change this to an update when (if) we make that change in nengo self.sets = [delta] self.incs = [] self.reads = [pre_filtered, error] self.updates = [] def _descstr(self): return 'pre=%s, error=%s -> %s' % ( self.pre_filtered, self.error,
[docs]@NengoBuilder.register(PES) def build_pes(model, pes, rule): """ Builds a `nengo.PES` object into a model. Parameters ---------- model : Model The model to build into. pes : PES Learning rule type to build. rule : LearningRule The learning rule object corresponding to the neuron type. Notes ----- Does not modify ``model.params[]`` and can therefore be called more than once with the same `nengo.PES` instance. """ conn = rule.connection # Create input error signal error = Signal(np.zeros(rule.size_in), name="PES:error") model.add_op(Reset(error)) model.sig[rule]['in'] = error # error connection will attach here if LooseVersion(nengo_version) < "2.7.1": acts = Lowpass(pes.pre_tau), model.sig[conn.pre_obj]["out"]) else: acts =, model.sig[conn.pre_obj]["out"]) if not conn.is_decoded: # multiply error by post encoders to get a per-neuron error post = get_post_ens(conn) encoders = model.sig[post]["encoders"] if conn.post_obj is not # in order to avoid slicing encoders along an axis > 0, we pad # `error` out to the full base dimensionality and then do the # dotinc with the full encoder matrix padded_error = Signal(np.zeros(encoders.shape[1])) model.add_op(Copy(error, padded_error, dst_slice=conn.post_slice)) else: padded_error = error # error = dot(encoders, error) local_error = Signal(np.zeros(post.n_neurons), name="PES:encoded") model.add_op(Reset(local_error)) model.add_op(DotInc(encoders, padded_error, local_error, tag="PES:encode")) else: local_error = error model.operators.append(SimPES(acts, local_error, model.sig[rule]["delta"], pes.learning_rate)) # expose these for probes model.sig[rule]["error"] = error model.sig[rule]["activities"] = acts
# remove 'correction' from probeable attributes PES.probeable = ("error", "activities", "delta")
[docs]@Builder.register(SimPES) class SimPESBuilder(OpBuilder): """Build a group of `.SimPES` operators.""" def __init__(self, ops, signals, config): super(SimPESBuilder, self).__init__(ops, signals, config) self.error_data = signals.combine([op.error for op in ops]) self.error_data = self.error_data.reshape( (len(ops), ops[0].error.shape[0], 1)) self.pre_data = signals.combine([op.pre_filtered for op in ops]) self.pre_data = self.pre_data.reshape( (len(ops), 1, ops[0].pre_filtered.shape[0])) self.alpha = signals.op_constant( ops, [1 for _ in ops], "learning_rate", signals.dtype, ndims=4) * ( -signals.dt_val / ops[0].pre_filtered.shape[0]) self.output_data = signals.combine([ for op in ops])
[docs] def build_step(self, signals): pre_filtered = signals.gather(self.pre_data) error = signals.gather(self.error_data) error *= self.alpha update = error * pre_filtered signals.scatter(self.output_data, update)
[docs] @staticmethod def mergeable(x, y): # pre inputs must have the same dimensionality so that we can broadcast # them when computing the outer product. # the error signals also have to have the same shape. return (x.pre_filtered.shape[0] == y.pre_filtered.shape[0] and x.error.shape[0] == y.error.shape[0])