Benchmark networks and utilities for evaluating NengoDL's performance.
import inspect
import itertools
import os
import random
import time
import click
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import nengo
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import nengo_dl
[docs]def cconv(dimensions, neurons_per_d, neuron_type):
Circular convolution (EnsembleArray) benchmark.
dimensions : int
Number of dimensions for vector values
neurons_per_d : int
Number of neurons to use per vector dimension
neuron_type : `~nengo.neurons.NeuronType`
Simulation neuron type
net : `nengo.Network`
benchmark network
with nengo.Network(label="cconv", seed=0) as net:
net.config[nengo.Ensemble].neuron_type = neuron_type
net.config[nengo.Ensemble].gain = nengo.dists.Choice([1, -1])
net.config[nengo.Ensemble].bias = nengo.dists.Uniform(-1, 1)
net.cconv = nengo.networks.CircularConvolution(
neurons_per_d, dimensions)
net.inp_a = nengo.Node([0] * dimensions)
net.inp_b = nengo.Node([1] * dimensions)
nengo.Connection(net.inp_a, net.cconv.A)
nengo.Connection(net.inp_b, net.cconv.B)
net.p = nengo.Probe(net.cconv.output)
return net
[docs]def integrator(dimensions, neurons_per_d, neuron_type):
Single integrator ensemble benchmark.
dimensions : int
Number of dimensions for vector values
neurons_per_d : int
Number of neurons to use per vector dimension
neuron_type : `~nengo.neurons.NeuronType`
Simulation neuron type
net : `nengo.Network`
benchmark network
with nengo.Network(label="integrator", seed=0) as net:
net.config[nengo.Ensemble].neuron_type = neuron_type
net.config[nengo.Ensemble].gain = nengo.dists.Choice([1, -1])
net.config[nengo.Ensemble].bias = nengo.dists.Uniform(-1, 1)
net.integ = nengo.networks.EnsembleArray(neurons_per_d, dimensions)
nengo.Connection(net.integ.output, net.integ.input, synapse=0.01)
net.inp = nengo.Node([0] * dimensions)
nengo.Connection(net.inp, net.integ.input, transform=0.01)
net.p = nengo.Probe(net.integ.output)
return net
[docs]def pes(dimensions, neurons_per_d, neuron_type):
PES learning rule benchmark.
dimensions : int
Number of dimensions for vector values
neurons_per_d : int
Number of neurons to use per vector dimension
neuron_type : `~nengo.neurons.NeuronType`
Simulation neuron type
net : `nengo.Network`
benchmark network
with nengo.Network(label="pes", seed=0) as net:
net.config[nengo.Ensemble].neuron_type = neuron_type
net.config[nengo.Ensemble].gain = nengo.dists.Choice([1, -1])
net.config[nengo.Ensemble].bias = nengo.dists.Uniform(-1, 1)
net.inp = nengo.Node([1] * dimensions)
net.pre = nengo.Ensemble(neurons_per_d * dimensions, dimensions)
net.post = nengo.Node(size_in=dimensions)
nengo.Connection(net.inp, net.pre)
conn = nengo.Connection(
net.pre, net.post, learning_rule_type=nengo.PES())
nengo.Connection(net.post, conn.learning_rule, transform=-1)
nengo.Connection(net.inp, conn.learning_rule)
net.p = nengo.Probe(net.post)
return net
[docs]def basal_ganglia(dimensions, neurons_per_d, neuron_type):
Basal ganglia network benchmark.
dimensions : int
Number of dimensions for vector values
neurons_per_d : int
Number of neurons to use per vector dimension
neuron_type : `~nengo.neurons.NeuronType`
Simulation neuron type
net : `nengo.Network`
benchmark network
with nengo.Network(label="basal_ganglia", seed=0) as net:
net.config[nengo.Ensemble].neuron_type = neuron_type
net.inp = nengo.Node([1] * dimensions)
net.bg = nengo.networks.BasalGanglia(dimensions, neurons_per_d)
nengo.Connection(net.inp, net.bg.input)
net.p = nengo.Probe(net.bg.output)
return net
[docs]def mnist(use_tensor_layer=True):
A network designed to stress-test tensor layers (based on mnist net).
use_tensor_layer : bool
If True, use individual tensor_layers to build the network, as opposed
to a single TensorNode containing all layers.
net : `nengo.Network`
benchmark network
with nengo.Network() as net:
# create node to feed in images
net.inp = nengo.Node(np.ones(28 * 28))
if use_tensor_layer:
nengo_nl = nengo.RectifiedLinear()
ensemble_params = dict(max_rates=nengo.dists.Choice([100]),
amplitude = 1
synapse = None
x = nengo_dl.tensor_layer(
net.inp, tf.layers.conv2d, shape_in=(28, 28, 1), filters=32,
x = nengo_dl.tensor_layer(x, nengo_nl,
x = nengo_dl.tensor_layer(
x, tf.layers.conv2d, shape_in=(26, 26, 32),
transform=amplitude, filters=32, kernel_size=3
x = nengo_dl.tensor_layer(x, nengo_nl,
x = nengo_dl.tensor_layer(
x, tf.layers.average_pooling2d, shape_in=(24, 24, 32),
synapse=synapse, transform=amplitude, pool_size=2, strides=2)
x = nengo_dl.tensor_layer(
x, tf.layers.dense, units=128
x = nengo_dl.tensor_layer(x, nengo_nl,
x = nengo_dl.tensor_layer(x, tf.layers.dropout, rate=0.4,
x = nengo_dl.tensor_layer(x, tf.layers.dense, units=10)
nl = tf.nn.relu
# def softlif_layer(x, sigma=1, tau_ref=0.002, tau_rc=0.02,
# amplitude=1):
# # x -= 1
# z = tf.nn.softplus(x / sigma) * sigma
# z += 1e-10
# rates = amplitude / (tau_ref + tau_rc * tf.log1p(1 / z))
# return rates
@nengo_dl.reshaped((28, 28, 1))
def mnist_node(_, x): # pragma: no cover
x = tf.layers.conv2d(x, filters=32, kernel_size=3,
x = tf.layers.conv2d(x, filters=32, kernel_size=3,
x = tf.layers.average_pooling2d(x, pool_size=2, strides=2)
x = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(x)
x = tf.layers.dense(x, 128, activation=nl)
x = tf.layers.dropout(x, rate=0.4)
x = tf.layers.dense(x, 10)
return x
node = nengo_dl.TensorNode(mnist_node, size_in=28 * 28,
x = node
nengo.Connection(net.inp, node, synapse=None)
net.p = nengo.Probe(x)
return net
[docs]def spaun(dimensions):
Builds the Spaun network from [1]_
dimensions : int
Number of dimensions for vector values
net : `nengo.Network`
benchmark network
.. [1] Chris Eliasmith, Terrence C. Stewart, Xuan Choo, Trevor Bekolay,
Travis DeWolf, Yichuan Tang, and Daniel Rasmussen (2012). A large-scale
model of the functioning brain. Science, 338:1202-1205.
This network needs to be installed via
.. code-block:: bash
pip install git+https://github.com/drasmuss/spaun2.0.git
from _spaun.configurator import cfg
from _spaun.vocabulator import vocab
from _spaun.experimenter import experiment
from _spaun.modules.stim import stim_data
from _spaun.modules.vision import vis_data
from _spaun.modules.motor import mtr_data
from _spaun.spaun_main import Spaun
vocab.sp_dim = dimensions
cfg.mtr_arm_type = None
"A", stim_data.get_image_ind, stim_data.get_image_label,
cfg.mtr_est_digit_response_time, "", cfg.rng)
stim_data.stim_SP_labels, experiment.num_learn_actions, cfg.rng)
vocab.initialize_mtr_vocab(mtr_data.dimensions, mtr_data.sps)
vocab.initialize_vis_vocab(vis_data.dimensions, vis_data.sps)
return Spaun()
[docs]def random_network(dimensions, neurons_per_d, neuron_type, n_ensembles,
connections_per_ensemble, seed=0):
Basal ganglia network benchmark.
dimensions : int
Number of dimensions for vector values
neurons_per_d : int
Number of neurons to use per vector dimension
neuron_type : `~nengo.neurons.NeuronType`
Simulation neuron type
n_ensembles : int
Number of ensembles in the network
connections_per_ensemble : int
Outgoing connections from each ensemble
net : `nengo.Network`
benchmark network
with nengo.Network(label="random", seed=seed) as net:
net.inp = nengo.Node([0] * dimensions)
net.out = nengo.Node(size_in=dimensions)
net.p = nengo.Probe(net.out)
ensembles = [
nengo.Ensemble(neurons_per_d * dimensions, dimensions,
for _ in range(n_ensembles)]
dec = np.ones((neurons_per_d * dimensions, dimensions))
for ens in net.ensembles:
# add a connection to input and output node, so we never have
# any "orphan" ensembles
nengo.Connection(net.inp, ens)
nengo.Connection(ens, net.out, solver=nengo.solvers.NoSolver(dec))
posts = random.sample(ensembles, connections_per_ensemble)
for post in posts:
nengo.Connection(ens, post, solver=nengo.solvers.NoSolver(dec))
return net
[docs]def run_profile(net, train=False, n_steps=150, do_profile=True, **kwargs):
Run profiler on a benchmark network.
net : `~nengo.Network`
The nengo Network to be profiled.
train : bool
If True, profile the ``sim.train`` function. Otherwise, profile the
``sim.run`` function.
n_steps : int
The number of timesteps to run the simulation.
do_profile : bool
Whether or not to run profiling
kwargs will be passed on to `.Simulator`
with net:
nengo_dl.configure_settings(inference_only=not train)
with nengo_dl.Simulator(net, **kwargs) as sim:
# note: we run a few times to try to eliminate startup overhead (only
# the data from the last run will be kept)
if train:
opt = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.001)
x = np.random.randn(sim.minibatch_size, n_steps, net.inp.size_out)
y = np.random.randn(sim.minibatch_size, n_steps, net.p.size_in)
for _ in range(2):
sim.train({net.inp: x, net.p: y}, optimizer=opt, n_epochs=1,
start = time.time()
sim.train({net.inp: x, net.p: y}, optimizer=opt, n_epochs=1,
exec_time = time.time() - start
print("Execution time:", exec_time)
for _ in range(2):
sim.run_steps(n_steps, profile=do_profile)
start = time.time()
sim.run_steps(n_steps, profile=do_profile)
exec_time = time.time() - start
print("Execution time:", exec_time)
return exec_time
def main():
"""Command-line interface for benchmarks."""
@click.option("--benchmark", default="cconv", help="Name of benchmark network")
@click.option("--dimensions", default=128, help="Number of dimensions")
@click.option("--neurons_per_d", default=64, help="Neurons per dimension")
@click.option("--neuron_type", default="RectifiedLinear",
help="Nengo neuron model")
@click.option("--kwarg", type=str, multiple=True,
help="Arbitrary kwarg to pass to benchmark network (key=value)")
def build(obj, benchmark, dimensions, neurons_per_d, neuron_type,
"""Builds one of the benchmark networks"""
# get benchmark network by name
benchmark = globals()[benchmark]
# get the neuron type object from string class name
neuron_type = getattr(nengo, neuron_type)()
except AttributeError:
neuron_type = getattr(nengo_dl, neuron_type)()
# set up kwargs
kwargs = dict((k, int(v)) for k, v in [a.split("=") for a in kwarg])
# add the special cli kwargs if applicable; note we could just do
# everything through --kwarg, but it is convenient to have a
# direct option for the common arguments
params = inspect.signature(benchmark).parameters
for kw in ("benchmark", "dimensions", "neurons_per_d", "neuron_type"):
if kw in params:
kwargs[kw] = locals()[kw]
# build benchmark and add to context for chaining
print("Building %s with %s" % (
nengo_dl.utils.function_name(benchmark, sanitize=False), kwargs))
obj["net"] = benchmark(**kwargs)
@click.option("--train/--no-train", default=False,
help="Whether to profile training (as opposed to running) "
"the network")
@click.option("--n_steps", default=150,
help="Number of steps for which to run the simulation")
@click.option("--batch_size", default=1, help="Number of inputs to the model")
@click.option("--device", default="/gpu:0",
help="TensorFlow device on which to run the simulation")
@click.option("--unroll", default=25,
help="Number of steps for which to unroll the simulation")
@click.option("--time-only", is_flag=True, default=False,
help="Only count total time, rather than profiling internals")
def profile(obj, train, n_steps, batch_size, device, unroll, time_only):
"""Runs profiling on a network (call after 'build')"""
if "net" not in obj:
raise ValueError("Must call `build` before `profile`")
obj["time"] = run_profile(
obj["net"], do_profile=not time_only, train=train, n_steps=n_steps,
minibatch_size=batch_size, device=device, unroll_simulation=unroll)
def matmul_vs_reduce(): # pragma: no cover
Compares two different approaches to batched matrix multiplication
(tf.matmul vs tf.multiply+tf.reduce_sum).
This is relevant for figuring out which approach is more efficient
on a given system for different matrix shapes (determining which method
we use in DotIncBuilder).
# a_shape = (n_ops, s0, s1, 1)
# x_shape = (n_ops, 1, s1, mini)
# for matmul we omit the 1 dimensions
a_c = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, shape=(None, None, None), name="a_c")
x_c = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, shape=(None, None, None), name="b_c")
a_d = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, shape=(None, None, None, 1), name="a_d")
x_d = tf.placeholder(tf.float64, shape=(None, 1, None, None), name="b_d")
c = tf.matmul(a_c, x_c)
d = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(a_d, x_d), axis=-2)
reps = 100
n_ops_range = [1, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]
mini_range = [1, 16, 32, 64, 128]
s0_range = [1, 64, 128, 192, 256]
s1_range = [1, 64, 128, 192, 256]
matmul_times = np.zeros((len(n_ops_range), len(mini_range), len(s0_range),
reduce_times = np.zeros_like(matmul_times)
params = itertools.product(
enumerate(n_ops_range), enumerate(mini_range), enumerate(s0_range),
with tf.Session() as sess:
for (i, n_ops), (j, mini), (k, s0), (l, s1) in params:
print(n_ops, mini, s0, s1)
a_val = np.random.randn(n_ops, s0, s1, 1)
x_val = np.random.randn(n_ops, 1, s1, mini)
for r in range(reps + 3):
if r == 3:
start = time.time()
c_val = sess.run(c, feed_dict={a_c: a_val[..., 0],
x_c: x_val[:, 0]})
matmul_times[i, j, k, l] = (time.time() - start) / reps
for r in range(reps + 3):
if r == 3:
start = time.time()
d_val = sess.run(d, feed_dict={a_d: a_val, x_d: x_val})
reduce_times[i, j, k, l] = (time.time() - start) / reps
assert np.allclose(c_val, d_val)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(n_ops_range), len(mini_range), sharex=True,
X, Y = np.meshgrid(s0_range, s1_range)
Z = matmul_times - reduce_times
v = np.sort(np.concatenate((np.linspace(np.min(Z), np.max(Z), 10), [0])))
for i, n_ops in enumerate(n_ops_range):
for j, mini in enumerate(mini_range):
cs = ax[i][j].contourf(X, Y, Z[i, j], v)
if i == 0:
ax[i][j].set_title("mini %d" % mini)
if j == 0:
ax[i][j].set_ylabel("ops %d" % n_ops)
DATA_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(nengo_dl.__file__), "..", "data")
np.savez(os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "matmul_benchmarks"), n_ops_range,
mini_range, s0_range, s1_range, Z)
cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.15, 0.05, 0.7])
fig.colorbar(cs, cax=cbar_ax)
@click.option("--device", default="/gpu:0",
help="TensorFlow device on which to run benchmarks")
def performance_samples(device): # pragma: no cover
Run a brief sample of the benchmarks to check overall performance.
This is mainly used to quickly check that there haven't been any unexpected
performance regressions.
# TODO: automatically run some basic performance tests during CI
default_kwargs = {"n_steps": 1000, "device": device,
"unroll_simulation": 25,
"progress_bar": False, "do_profile": False}
print("cconv + relu")
net = cconv(128, 64, nengo.RectifiedLinear())
run_profile(net, minibatch_size=64, **default_kwargs)
print("cconv + lif")
net = cconv(128, 64, nengo.LIF())
run_profile(net, minibatch_size=64, **default_kwargs)
print("integrator training + relu")
net = integrator(128, 32, nengo.RectifiedLinear())
run_profile(net, minibatch_size=64, train=True, **default_kwargs)
print("integrator training + lif")
net = integrator(128, 32, nengo.LIF())
run_profile(net, minibatch_size=64, train=True, **default_kwargs)
net = random_network(128, 64, nengo.RectifiedLinear(), n_ensembles=50,
connections_per_ensemble=5, seed=0)
run_profile(net, **default_kwargs)
net = spaun(1)
run_profile(net, **default_kwargs)
# example benchmark data
# CPU: 4.00GHz Intel Core i7-6700K
# GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 Ti
# TensorFlow version: 1.10.0
# Nengo version: 2.8.0
# NengoDL version: 1.2.0
# cconv + relu
# Execution time: 1.0098507404327393
# cconv + lif
# Execution time: 2.074916362762451
# integrator training + relu
# Execution time: 1.8205187320709229
# integrator training + lif
# Execution time: 2.669060707092285
# random
# Execution time: 21.686023235321045
# spaun
# Execution time: 9.540623426437378
if __name__ == "__main__":
main(obj={}) # pragma: no cover