Source code for nengo_dl.config
from nengo import Connection, Ensemble, Network, ensemble
from nengo.builder import Model
from nengo.exceptions import ConfigError, NetworkContextError
from nengo.params import BoolParam, Parameter
[docs]def configure_settings(**kwargs):
Pass settings to ``nengo_dl`` by setting them as parameters on the
top-level Network config.
The settings are passed as keyword arguments to ``configure_settings``;
e.g., to set ``trainable`` use ``configure_settings(trainable=True)``.
trainable : bool or None
Adds a parameter to Nengo Ensembles/Connections/Networks that controls
whether or not they will be optimized by :meth:`.Simulator.train`.
Passing ``None`` will use the default ``nengo_dl`` trainable settings,
or True/False will override the default for all objects. In either
case trainability can be further configured on a per-object basis (e.g.
``net.config[my_ensemble].trainable = True``. See `the documentation
for more details.
planner : graph planning algorithm
Pass one of the `graph planners
<>`_ to change the
default planner.
sorter : signal sorting algorithm
Pass one of the `sort algorithms
<>`_ to change the
default sorter.
simplifications: list of graph simplification functions
Pass a list of `graph simplification functions
<>`_ to change the
default simplifications applied.
session_config: dict
Config options passed to ``tf.Session`` initialization (e.g., to change
the `GPU memory allocation method
pass ``{"gpu_options.allow_growth": True}``).
inference_only : bool
Set to True if the network will only be run in inference mode (i.e.,
no calls to :meth:`.Simulator.train`). This may result in a small
increase in the inference speed.
lif_smoothing : float
If specified, use the smoothed :class:`~.neurons.SoftLIFRate` neuron
model, with the given smoothing parameter (``sigma``),
to compute the gradient for :class:`~nengo:nengo.LIF` neurons (as
opposed to using :class:`~nengo:nengo.LIFRate`).
dtype : ``tf.DType``
Set the floating point precision for simulation values.
# get the toplevel network
if len(Network.context) > 0:
config = Network.context[0].config
raise NetworkContextError(
"`configure_settings` must be called within a Network context "
"(`with nengo.Network(): ...`)")
params = config[Network]
except ConfigError:
params = config[Network]
for attr, val in kwargs.items():
if attr == "trainable":
for obj in (Ensemble, Connection, ensemble.Neurons, Network):
obj_params = config[obj]
except ConfigError:
obj_params = config[obj]
obj_params.set_param("trainable", BoolParam("trainable", val,
elif attr in ("planner", "sorter", "simplifications",
"session_config", "inference_only", "lif_smoothing",
params.set_param(attr, Parameter(attr, val))
raise ConfigError("%s is not a valid config parameter" % attr)
[docs]def get_setting(model, setting, default=None):
Returns config settings (created by :func:`.configure_settings`).
model : :class:`~nengo:nengo.builder.Model` or \
Built model or Network containing all the config settings.
setting : str
Name of the config option to return
The default value to return if config option not set
Value of ``setting`` if it has been specified, else ``default``.
if isinstance(model, Model):
if model.toplevel is None:
return default
model = model.toplevel
return getattr(model.config[model], setting, default)
except ConfigError:
return default