from collections import defaultdict
import logging
from nengo.builder.signal import Signal
from nengo.exceptions import BuildError
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class TensorSignal(object):
"""Represents a tensor as an indexed view into a base array.
indices : tuple or list or :class:`~numpy:numpy.ndarray` of int
indices along the first axis of the base array corresponding to the
data for this signal
key : object
key mapping to the base array that contains the data for this signal
dtype : :class:`~numpy:numpy.dtype`
dtype of the values represented by this signal
shape : tuple of int
view shape of this signal (may differ from shape of base array)
minibatched : bool
if True then this signal contains a minibatch dimension
label : str, optional
name for this signal, used to make debugging easier
def __init__(self, indices, key, dtype, shape, minibatched,
# make indices read-only
assert isinstance(indices, (tuple, list, np.ndarray))
self._indices = np.asarray(indices)
self._indices.flags.writeable = False
self.tf_indices = None
self.key = key
self.dtype = dtype
self.shape = shape
self.minibatched = minibatched
self.label = label
def indices(self):
return self._indices
def indices(self, val):
raise BuildError("Indices are read only")
def ndim(self):
return len(self.shape)
def __repr__(self):
return "TensorSignal(key=%s, shape=%s, label=%s)" % (
self.key, self.shape, self.label)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, indices):
"""Create a new TensorSignal representing a subset (slice or advanced
indexing) of the indices of this TensorSignal.
indices : slice or list of int
the desired subset of the indices in this TensorSignal
a new TensorSignal representing the subset of this TensorSignal
if indices is Ellipsis or indices is None:
return self
new_indices = self.indices[indices]
return TensorSignal(
new_indices, self.key, self.dtype,
(len(new_indices),) + self.shape[1:], self.minibatched,
label=self.label + ".slice")
[docs] def reshape(self, shape):
"""Create a new TensorSignal representing a reshaped view of the
same data in this TensorSignal (size of data must remain unchanged).
shape : tuple of int
new shape for the signal (one dimension can be -1 to indicate
an inferred dimension size, as in numpy)
new TensorSignal representing the same data as this signal but
with the given shape
# replace -1 with inferred dimension
if shape.count(-1) > 1:
raise BuildError("Only one inferred dimension allowed in reshape")
elif shape.count(-1) == 1:
n_elem =
n_shape = int([x for x in shape if x != -1]))
if n_elem % n_shape != 0:
raise BuildError("No valid length for inferred dimension")
shape = tuple(x if x != -1 else n_elem // n_shape for x in shape)
if !=
raise BuildError("Number of elements don't match in reshape")
return TensorSignal(
self.indices, self.key, self.dtype, shape, self.minibatched,
label=self.label + ".reshape(%s)" % (shape,))
[docs] def broadcast(self, axis, length):
"""Add a new dimension by broadcasting this signal along ``axis``
for the given length.
axis : 0 or -1
where to insert the new dimension (currently only supports either
the beginning or end of the array)
length : int
the number of times to duplicate signal along the broadcast
TensorSignal with new broadcasted shape
assert axis in (0, -1)
# this only works on vectors
assert self.ndim == 1 and not self.minibatched
indices = self.indices
indices = np.stack([indices] * length, axis=axis)
indices = np.reshape(indices, (-1,))
if axis == -1:
display_shape = self.shape + (length,)
display_shape = (length,) + self.shape
return TensorSignal(
indices, self.key, self.dtype, display_shape, self.minibatched,
label=self.label + ".broadcast(%d, %d)" % (axis, length))
[docs] def load_indices(self):
"""Loads the indices for this signal into tensorflow, and if the
indices form a contiguous slice then also loads the start/stop/step of
that slice."""
self.tf_indices = tf.constant(self.indices, dtype=tf.int32)
start = self.indices[0]
stop = self.indices[-1] + 1
step = (self.indices[1] - self.indices[0] if len(self.indices) > 1
else 1)
if step != 0 and np.all(self.indices == np.arange(start, stop, step)):
self.as_slice = (tf.constant([start]), tf.constant([stop]),
self.as_slice = None
[docs]class SignalDict(object):
"""Handles the mapping from :class:`~nengo:nengo.builder.Signal`
to ``tf.Tensor``.
Takes care of gather/scatter logic to read/write signals within the base
sig_map : dict of {:class:`~nengo:nengo.builder.Signal`: \
mapping from ``nengo`` signals to ``nengo_dl`` signals
dtype : ``tf.DType``
floating point precision used in signals
minibatch_size : int
number of items in each minibatch
def __init__(self, sig_map, dtype, minibatch_size):
self.dtype = dtype
self.sig_map = sig_map
self.minibatch_size = minibatch_size
self.bases = None
self.reads_by_base = defaultdict(list)
self.gather_bases = []
[docs] def scatter(self, dst, val, mode="update"):
"""Updates the base data corresponding to ``dst``.
dst : :class:`.TensorSignal`
signal indicating the data to be modified in base array
val : ``tf.Tensor``
update data (same shape as ``dst``, i.e. a dense array <= the size
of the base array)
mode : "update" or "inc"
overwrite/add the data at ``dst`` with ``val``
if dst.tf_indices is None:
raise BuildError("Indices for %s have not been loaded into "
"Tensorflow" % dst)
# if not dst.minibatched:
# raise BuildError("Assigning to a trainable variable")
if val.dtype.is_floating and val.dtype.base_dtype != self.dtype:
raise BuildError("Tensor detected with wrong dtype (%s), should "
"be %s." % (val.dtype.base_dtype, self.dtype))
# align val shape with dst base shape
dst_shape = ((dst.shape[0],) +
if val.get_shape() != dst_shape:
val = tf.reshape(val, dst_shape)
logger.debug("values %s", val)
logger.debug("dst %s", dst)
logger.debug("indices %s", dst.indices)
logger.debug("dst base %s", self.bases[dst.key])
logger.debug("reads_by_base %s",
# make sure that any reads to the target signal happen before this
# write (note: this is only any reads that have happened since the
# last write, since each write changes the base array object)
with tf.control_dependencies(self.reads_by_base[self.bases[dst.key]]):
self.bases[dst.key] = self._scatter_f_var(dst, val, mode=mode)
# update reads_by_base. the general workflow is
# gather -> computation -> scatter
# so when we get a scatter, we assume that that value indicates that
# all the previous gathers are complete. so we block any writes to
# those bases on the scatter value, to be sure that the
# computation step is complete before the values can be overwritten
for b in self.gather_bases:
self.reads_by_base[b] += [self.bases[dst.key]]
self.gather_bases = []
logger.debug("new dst base %s", self.bases[dst.key])
def _scatter_f_var(self, dst, src, mode="update"):
# create a temporary variable for dst so that we can use the sparse
# variable updates. despite this looking incredibly inefficient, it is
# actually faster than the scatter_nd approach
# from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_state_ops
# var = gen_state_ops._temporary_variable(
# self.bases[dst.key].get_shape(), self.bases[dst.key].dtype)
# var_name =
# var = tf.assign(var, self.bases[dst.key])
var = self.bases[dst.key]
if (dst.as_slice is not None and
var.get_shape().is_compatible_with(src.get_shape()) and
dst.indices[0] == 0 and
dst.indices[-1] == var.get_shape()[0].value - 1 and
len(dst.indices) == var.get_shape()[0]):
if mode == "inc":
result = tf.assign_add(var, src)
result = tf.assign(var, src)
elif mode == "inc":
result = tf.scatter_add(var, dst.tf_indices, src)
result = tf.scatter_update(var, dst.tf_indices, src)
# result = gen_state_ops._destroy_temporary_variable(var, var_name)
return result
[docs] def gather(self, src, force_copy=False):
"""Fetches the data corresponding to ``src`` from the base array.
src : :class:`.TensorSignal`
signal indicating the data to be read from base array
force_copy : bool, optional
if True, always perform a gather, not a slice (this forces a
copy). note that setting ``force_copy=False`` does not guarantee
that a copy won't be performed.
tensor object corresponding to a dense subset of data from the
base array
if src.tf_indices is None:
raise BuildError("Indices for %s have not been loaded into "
"Tensorflow" % src)
logger.debug("src %s", src)
logger.debug("indices %s", src.indices)
logger.debug("src base %s", self.bases[src.key])
var = self.bases[src.key]
# we prefer to get the data via `strided_slice` or `identity` if
# possible, as it is more efficient
if force_copy or src.as_slice is None:
result = tf.gather(var, src.tf_indices)
elif (src.indices[0] == 0 and
src.indices[-1] == var.get_shape()[0].value - 1 and
len(src.indices) == var.get_shape()[0]):
result = tf.identity(var)
result = tf.strided_slice(var, *src.as_slice)
# for some reason the shape inference doesn't work in some cases
# reshape the data according to the shape set in `src`, if there is
# one, otherwise keep the shape of the base array
src_shape = src.shape
if src.minibatched:
src_shape += (self.minibatch_size,)
if result.get_shape() != src_shape:
result = tf.reshape(result, src_shape)
# whenever we read from an array we use this to mark it as "read"
# (so that any future writes to the array will be scheduled after
# the read)
return result
[docs] def mark_gather(self, src):
"""Marks ``src`` as being gathered, but doesn't actually perform a
gather. Used to indicate that some computation relies on ``src``.
src : :class:`.TensorSignal`
signal indicating the data being read
self.gather_bases += [self.bases[src.key]]
[docs] def combine(self, sigs, load_indices=True, label="Combine"):
"""Combines several TensorSignals into one by concatenating along
the first axis.
sigs : list of :class:`.TensorSignal` or \
signals to be combined
load_indices : bool, optional
if True, load the indices for the new signal into tensorflow right
away (otherwise they will need to be manually loaded later)
label : str, optional
name for combined signal (to help with debugging)
new TensorSignal representing the concatenation of the data in
if len(sigs) == 0:
return []
assert isinstance(sigs, (list, tuple))
assert isinstance(sigs[0], (Signal, TensorSignal))
sigs = [self.sig_map[s] if isinstance(s, Signal) else s for s in sigs]
key = sigs[0].key
# make sure all the signals have the same base
assert all([s.key == key for s in sigs])
indices = np.concatenate([s.indices for s in sigs], axis=0)
# make sure all signals have the same shape (except first axis,
# which we're concatenating along); note, this can fail even if they
# all have the same base, due to reshaping
assert all([s.shape[1:] == sigs[0].shape[1:] for s in sigs])
shape = (np.sum([s.shape[0] for s in sigs]),) + sigs[0].shape[1:]
output = TensorSignal(indices, key, sigs[0].dtype, shape,
sigs[0].minibatched, label=label)
if load_indices:
return output