from collections import OrderedDict
from nengo import Process
from nengo.builder.operator import TimeUpdate, SimPyFunc
from nengo.builder.processes import SimProcess
import tensorflow as tf
from nengo_dl import (builder, graph_optimizer, signals, utils,
tensor_node, DEBUG)
[docs]class TensorGraph(object):
"""Manages the construction of the Tensorflow symbolic computation graph.
model : :class:`~nengo:nengo.builder.Model`
pre-built Nengo model describing the network to be simulated
dt : float
length of a simulator timestep, in seconds
step_blocks : int
controls how many simulation steps run each time the graph is
executed (affects memory usage and graph construction time)
unroll_simulation : bool
if True, unroll simulation loop by explicitly building each iteration
(up to ``step_blocks``) into the computation graph. if False, use a
symbolic loop, which is more general and produces a simpler graph, but
is likely to be slower to simulate
dtype : ``tf.DType``
floating point precision to use for simulation
minibatch_size : int
the number of simultaneous inputs that will be passed through the
device : None or ``"/cpu:0"`` or ``"/gpu:[0-n]"``
device on which to execute computations (if None then uses the
default device as determined by Tensorflow)
def __init__(self, model, dt, step_blocks, unroll_simulation, dtype,
minibatch_size, device):
self.model = model
self.dt = dt
self.step_blocks = step_blocks
self.unroll_simulation = unroll_simulation
self.dtype = dtype
self.minibatch_size = minibatch_size
self.device = device
# find invariant inputs (nodes that don't receive any input other
# than the simulation time). we'll compute these outside the simulation
# and feed in the result.
if self.model.toplevel is None:
self.invariant_inputs = []
self.invariant_inputs = [n for n in self.model.toplevel.all_nodes
if n.size_in == 0 and
not isinstance(n, tensor_node.TensorNode)]
# filter unused operators
# remove TimeUpdate because it is executed as part of the simulation
# loop, not part of the step plan. remove input nodes because they
# are executed outside the simulation.
node_processes = [n.output for n in self.invariant_inputs
if isinstance(n.output, Process)]
operators = [
op for op in self.model.operators if not (
isinstance(op, TimeUpdate) or
(isinstance(op, SimPyFunc) and op.x is None) or
(isinstance(op, SimProcess) and op.input is None and
op.process in node_processes))]
# group mergeable operators
plan = graph_optimizer.greedy_planner(operators)
# plan = graph_optimizer.tree_planner(operators)
# plan = graph_optimizer.noop_planner(operators)
# order signals/operators to promote contiguous reads
sigs, self.plan = graph_optimizer.order_signals(plan, n_passes=10)
# sigs, self.plan = graph_optimizer.noop_order_signals(plan)
# create base arrays and map Signals to TensorSignals (views on those
# base arrays)
self.base_arrays_init, self.sig_map = graph_optimizer.create_signals(
sigs, self.plan, float_type=dtype.as_numpy_dtype,
[docs] def build(self, rng):
"""Constructs a new graph to simulate the model.
rng : :class:`~numpy:numpy.random.RandomState`
the Simulator's random number generator
self.graph = tf.Graph()
self.signals = signals.SignalDict(self.sig_map, self.dtype,
with self.graph.as_default(), tf.device(self.device):
# make sure indices are loaded for all probe signals (they won't
# have been loaded if this signal is only accessed as part of a
# larger block during the simulation)
for p in self.model.probes:
# create this constant once here so we don't end up creating a new
# dt constant in each operator
self.signals.dt = tf.constant(self.dt, self.dtype)
self.signals.dt_val = self.dt # store the actual value as well
# create base arrays
self.base_vars = []
for k, (v, trainable) in self.base_arrays_init.items():
unique_idx = 0
duplicate = True
while duplicate:
name = "%s_%s_%s_%s" % (
v.dtype, "_".join(str(x) for x in v.shape), trainable,
if any([name in for x in tf.global_variables()]):
unique_idx += 1
self.graph.get_tensor_by_name(name + ":0")
unique_idx += 1
except KeyError:
duplicate = False
if trainable:
# trainable signal, so create Variable
with tf.variable_scope("base_vars", reuse=False):
var = tf.get_variable(
name, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(v),
dtype=v.dtype, shape=v.shape, trainable=True)
var = tf.placeholder(tf.as_dtype(v.dtype), shape=v.shape,
# pre-compute indices for the full range (used in scatter_f2)
self.signals.base_ranges[k] = tf.range(v.shape[0])
self.base_vars += [var]
print("created base arrays")
print([str(x) for x in self.base_vars])
# set up invariant inputs
# pre-build stage
for ops in self.plan:
with self.graph.name_scope(utils.sanitize_name([type(ops[0])].__name__)):
builder.Builder.pre_build(ops, self.signals, rng)
# build stage
# op for initializing variables (will be called by simulator)
self.init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()
[docs] def build_step(self):
"""Build the operators that execute a single simulation timestep
into the graph.
probe_tensors : list of ``tf.Tensor``
the Tensor objects representing the data required for each model
side_effects : list of ``tf.Tensor``
the output Tensors of computations that may have side-effects
(e.g., :class:`~nengo:nengo.Node` functions), meaning that they
must be executed each time step even if their output doesn't appear
to be used in the simulation
# build operators
side_effects = []
# manually build TimeUpdate. we don't include this in the plan,
# because loop variables (`step`) are (semi?) pinned to the CPU, which
# causes the whole variable to get pinned to the CPU if we include
# `step` as part of the normal planning process.
self.signals.time = tf.cast(self.signals.step,
self.dtype) * self.signals.dt
# build operators
for ops in self.plan:
with self.graph.name_scope(utils.sanitize_name([type(ops[0])].__name__)):
outputs =, self.signals)
if outputs is not None:
side_effects += outputs
print("=" * 30)
print("collecting probe tensors")
# TODO: better solution to avoid the forced_copy
# we need to make sure that probe reads occur before the
# probe value is overwritten on the next timestep. however,
# just blocking on the sliced value (probe_tensor) doesn't
# work, because slices of variables don't perform a
# copy, so the slice can be "executed" and then the value
# overwritten before the tensorarray write occurs. what we
# really want to do is block until the probe_arrays.write
# happens, but you can't block on probe_arrays (and blocking on
# probe_array.flow doesn't work, although I think it should).
# so by adding the copy here and then blocking on the copy, we make
# sure that the probe value is read before it can be overwritten.
probe_tensors = [
for p in self.model.probes]
print("build_step complete")
print("probe_tensors", [str(x) for x in probe_tensors])
print("side_effects", [str(x) for x in side_effects])
return probe_tensors, side_effects
[docs] def build_loop(self):
"""Build simulation loop.
Loop can be constructed using the ``tf.while_loop`` architecture, or
explicitly unrolled. Unrolling increases graph construction time
and memory usage, but increases simulation speed.
def loop_condition(step, stop, *_):
return step < stop
def loop_body(step, stop, loop_i, probe_arrays, base_vars):
self.signals.bases = OrderedDict(
[(k, v) for k, v in zip(self.base_arrays_init.keys(),
# note: nengo step counter is incremented at the beginning of the
# timestep
step += 1
self.signals.step = step
# build the operators for a single step
# note: we tie things to the `loop_i` variable so that we can be
# sure the other things we're tying to the simulation step (side
# effects and probes) from the previous timestep are executed
# before the next step starts
with self.graph.control_dependencies([loop_i]):
# fill in invariant input data
for n in self.invariant_ph:
probe_tensors, side_effects = self.build_step()
# copy probe data to array
for i, p in enumerate(probe_tensors):
probe_arrays[i] = probe_arrays[i].write(loop_i, p)
# need to make sure that any operators that could have side
# effects run each timestep, so we tie them to the loop increment.
# we also need to make sure that all the probe reads happen before
# those values get overwritten on the next timestep
with self.graph.control_dependencies(side_effects + probe_tensors):
loop_i += 1
# set up tensorboard output
# if self.tensorboard:
# TODO: get this part to work again
# names = []
# for i, probe in enumerate(self.model.probes):
# # add probes to tensorboard summary
# if self.tensorboard:
# # cut out the memory address so tensorboard doesn't
# # display them as separate graphs for each run
# name = utils.sanitize_name(probe)
# name = name[:name.index("_at_0x")]
# count = len(
# [x for x in names if x.startswith(name)])
# name += "_%d" % count
# names += [name]
# for j in range(probe.size_in):
# tf.summary.scalar("%s.dim%d" % (name, j),
# probe_tensors[i][j])
# summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all()
return (step, stop, loop_i, probe_arrays,
self.step_var = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(), name="step")
self.stop_var = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(), name="stop")
loop_i = tf.constant(0)
probe_arrays = [
self.signals.dtype, clear_after_read=False,
size=0 if self.step_blocks is None else self.step_blocks,
dynamic_size=self.step_blocks is None)
for _ in self.model.probes]
# build simulation loop
loop_vars = (
self.step_var, self.stop_var, loop_i, probe_arrays,
tuple(x._ref() if isinstance(x, tf.Variable) else x
for x in self.base_vars))
if self.unroll_simulation:
for n in range(self.step_blocks):
with self.graph.name_scope("iteration_%d" % n):
loop_vars = loop_body(*loop_vars)
loop_vars = tf.while_loop(
loop_condition, loop_body, loop_vars=loop_vars,
parallel_iterations=1, # TODO: more parallel iterations
self.end_step = loop_vars[0]
self.probe_arrays = [p.stack() for p in loop_vars[3]]
self.end_base_arrays = loop_vars[4]
[docs] def build_optimizer(self, optimizer, targets, objective):
"""Adds elements into the graph to execute the given optimizer.
optimizer : ``tf.train.Optimizer``
instance of a Tensorflow optimizer class
targets : list of :class:`~nengo:nengo.Probe`
the Probes corresponding to the output signals being optimized
objective : ``"mse"`` or callable
the objective to be minimized. passing ``"mse"`` will train with
mean squared error. a custom function
``f(output, target) -> loss`` can be passed that consumes the
actual output and target output for a probe in ``targets``
and returns a ``tf.Tensor`` representing the scalar loss value for
that Probe (loss will be averaged across Probes).
with self.graph.as_default(), tf.device(self.device):
self.loss = self.build_loss(objective, targets)
# create optimizer operator
self.opt_op = optimizer.minimize(
self.loss, var_list=tf.trainable_variables())
# get any new variables created by optimizer (so they can be
# initialized)
self.opt_slots_init = tf.variables_initializer(
[optimizer.get_slot(v, name) for v in tf.trainable_variables()
for name in optimizer.get_slot_names()])
[docs] def build_loss(self, objective, targets):
"""Adds elements into the graph to compute the given objective.
objective : ``"mse"`` or callable
the objective used to compute loss. passing ``"mse"`` will use
mean squared error. a custom function
``f(output, target) -> loss`` can be passed that consumes the
actual output and target output for a probe in ``targets``
and returns a ``tf.Tensor`` representing the scalar loss value for
that Probe (loss will be averaged across Probes).
targets : list of :class:`~nengo:nengo.Probe`
the Probes corresponding to target values in objective
with self.graph.as_default(), tf.device(self.device):
loss = []
self.target_phs = {}
for p in targets:
probe_index = self.model.probes.index(p)
# create a placeholder for the target values
self.target_phs[p] = tf.placeholder(
self.dtype, (self.step_blocks, p.size_in,
self.minibatch_size), name="targets")
# compute loss
if objective == "mse":
loss += [tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(
self.target_phs[p] - self.probe_arrays[probe_index]))]
elif callable(objective):
# move minibatch dimension back to the front
x = tf.transpose(self.probe_arrays[probe_index], (2, 0, 1))
t = tf.transpose(self.target_phs[p], (2, 0, 1))
loss += [objective(x, t)]
raise NotImplementedError
# average loss across probes (note: this will also average across
# the output of `objective` if it doesn't return a scalar)
loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss)
return loss