Featured examples
Deep learning
- Coming from TensorFlow to NengoDL
- Coming from Nengo to NengoDL
- Classifying MNIST digits with a spiking neural network
- State of the art psMNIST results using Legendre Memory Units (LMUs)
- Other NengoDL examples
Neuromorphic hardware
- Keyword spotting with NengoLoihi
- Nonlinear adaptive control with NengoLoihi
- CIFAR-10 classification convolutional network with NengoLoihi
- Other NengoLoihi examples
- Lorenz chaotic attractor with NengoFPGA
- MNIST classifier with NengoFPGA
- Adaptive pendulum control with NengoFPGA
- Reinforcement learning agent with NengFPGA
- Other NengoFPGA examples
Online learning
- Supervised learning with the PES learning rule
- Supervised FORCE learning with the RLS learning rule
- Unsupervised association learning with the Voja learning rule
- Unsupervised synaptic plasticity rules
Neural Engineering Framework
- Summary of the NEF principles
- Nengo core examples
- Spiking MNIST with Gabor encoders
- Computing functions across a rolling window of time (LMU)
Cognitive modelling with SPA
Extra examples
GUI tutorials

Guided tutorials showing the basics of how to build models and visualize them are built into NengoGUI.
Access them through the built-in examples at the top-left.
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